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// dump1090, a Mode S messages decoder for RTLSDR devices.
// Copyright (C) 2012 by Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez@gmail.com>
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "dump1090.h"
// ===================== Mode S detection and decoding ===================
// Given the Downlink Format (DF) of the message, return the message length in bits.
// All known DF's 16 or greater are long. All known DF's 15 or less are short.
// There are lots of unused codes in both category, so we can assume ICAO will stick to
// these rules, meaning that the most significant bit of the DF indicates the length.
int modesMessageLenByType(int type) {
return (type & 0x10) ? MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS : MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS ;
// Hash the ICAO address to index our cache of MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN
// elements, that is assumed to be a power of two
uint32_t ICAOCacheHashAddress(uint32_t a) {
// The following three rounds wil make sure that every bit affects
// every output bit with ~ 50% of probability.
a = ((a >> 16) ^ a) * 0x45d9f3b;
a = ((a >> 16) ^ a) * 0x45d9f3b;
a = ((a >> 16) ^ a);
return a & (MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN-1);
// Add the specified entry to the cache of recently seen ICAO addresses.
// Note that we also add a timestamp so that we can make sure that the
// entry is only valid for MODES_ICAO_CACHE_TTL seconds.
void addRecentlySeenICAOAddr(uint32_t addr) {
uint32_t h = ICAOCacheHashAddress(addr);
Modes.icao_cache[h*2] = addr;
Modes.icao_cache[h*2+1] = (uint32_t) time(NULL);
// Returns 1 if the specified ICAO address was seen in a DF format with
// proper checksum (not xored with address) no more than * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_TTL
// seconds ago. Otherwise returns 0.
int ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(uint32_t addr) {
uint32_t h = ICAOCacheHashAddress(addr);
uint32_t a = Modes.icao_cache[h*2];
uint32_t t = Modes.icao_cache[h*2+1];
uint64_t tn = time(NULL);
return ( (a) && (a == addr) && ( (tn - t) <= MODES_ICAO_CACHE_TTL) );
// In the squawk (identity) field bits are interleaved as follows in
// (message bit 20 to bit 32):
// C1-A1-C2-A2-C4-A4-ZERO-B1-D1-B2-D2-B4-D4
// So every group of three bits A, B, C, D represent an integer from 0 to 7.
// The actual meaning is just 4 octal numbers, but we convert it into a hex
// number tha happens to represent the four octal numbers.
// For more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gillham_code
int decodeID13Field(int ID13Field) {
int hexGillham = 0;
if (ID13Field & 0x1000) {hexGillham |= 0x0010;} // Bit 12 = C1
if (ID13Field & 0x0800) {hexGillham |= 0x1000;} // Bit 11 = A1
if (ID13Field & 0x0400) {hexGillham |= 0x0020;} // Bit 10 = C2
if (ID13Field & 0x0200) {hexGillham |= 0x2000;} // Bit 9 = A2
if (ID13Field & 0x0100) {hexGillham |= 0x0040;} // Bit 8 = C4
if (ID13Field & 0x0080) {hexGillham |= 0x4000;} // Bit 7 = A4
//if (ID13Field & 0x0040) {hexGillham |= 0x0800;} // Bit 6 = X or M
if (ID13Field & 0x0020) {hexGillham |= 0x0100;} // Bit 5 = B1
if (ID13Field & 0x0010) {hexGillham |= 0x0001;} // Bit 4 = D1 or Q
if (ID13Field & 0x0008) {hexGillham |= 0x0200;} // Bit 3 = B2
if (ID13Field & 0x0004) {hexGillham |= 0x0002;} // Bit 2 = D2
if (ID13Field & 0x0002) {hexGillham |= 0x0400;} // Bit 1 = B4
if (ID13Field & 0x0001) {hexGillham |= 0x0004;} // Bit 0 = D4
return (hexGillham);
// Decode the 13 bit AC altitude field (in DF 20 and others).
// Returns the altitude, and set 'unit' to either MODES_UNIT_METERS or MDOES_UNIT_FEETS.
int decodeAC13Field(int AC13Field, int *unit) {
int m_bit = AC13Field & 0x0040; // set = meters, clear = feet
int q_bit = AC13Field & 0x0010; // set = 25 ft encoding, clear = Gillham Mode C encoding
if (!m_bit) {
if (q_bit) {
// N is the 11 bit integer resulting from the removal of bit Q and M
int n = ((AC13Field & 0x1F80) >> 2) |
((AC13Field & 0x0020) >> 1) |
(AC13Field & 0x000F);
// The final altitude is resulting number multiplied by 25, minus 1000.
return ((n * 25) - 1000);
} else {
// N is an 11 bit Gillham coded altitude
int n = ModeAToModeC(decodeID13Field(AC13Field));
if (n < -12) {n = 0;}
return (100 * n);
} else {
// TODO: Implement altitude when meter unit is selected
return 0;
// Decode the 12 bit AC altitude field (in DF 17 and others).
int decodeAC12Field(int AC12Field, int *unit) {
int q_bit = AC12Field & 0x10; // Bit 48 = Q
if (q_bit) {
/// N is the 11 bit integer resulting from the removal of bit Q at bit 4
int n = ((AC12Field & 0x0FE0) >> 1) |
(AC12Field & 0x000F);
// The final altitude is the resulting number multiplied by 25, minus 1000.
return ((n * 25) - 1000);
} else {
// Make N a 13 bit Gillham coded altitude by inserting M=0 at bit 6
int n = ((AC12Field & 0x0FC0) << 1) |
(AC12Field & 0x003F);
n = ModeAToModeC(decodeID13Field(n));
if (n < -12) {n = 0;}
return (100 * n);
// Decode the 7 bit ground movement field PWL exponential style scale
int decodeMovementField(int movement) {
int gspeed;
// Note : movement codes 0,125,126,127 are all invalid, but they are
// trapped for before this function is called.
if (movement > 123) gspeed = 199; // > 175kt
else if (movement > 108) gspeed = ((movement - 108) * 5) + 100;
else if (movement > 93) gspeed = ((movement - 93) * 2) + 70;
else if (movement > 38) gspeed = ((movement - 38) ) + 15;
else if (movement > 12) gspeed = ((movement - 11) >> 1) + 2;
else if (movement > 8) gspeed = ((movement - 6) >> 2) + 1;
else gspeed = 0;
return (gspeed);
// Capability table
char *ca_str[8] = {
/* 0 */ "Level 1 (Surveillance Only)",
/* 1 */ "Level 2 (DF0,4,5,11)",
/* 2 */ "Level 3 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21)",
/* 3 */ "Level 4 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21,24)",
/* 4 */ "Level 2+3+4 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21,24,code7 - is on ground)",
/* 5 */ "Level 2+3+4 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21,24,code7 - is airborne)",
/* 6 */ "Level 2+3+4 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21,24,code7)",
/* 7 */ "Level 7 ???"
// DF 18 Control field table.
char *cf_str[8] = {
/* 0 */ "ADS-B ES/NT device with ICAO 24-bit address",
/* 1 */ "ADS-B ES/NT device with other address",
/* 2 */ "Fine format TIS-B",
/* 3 */ "Coarse format TIS-B",
2013-10-10 00:44:58 +02:00
/* 4 */ "TIS-B management message",
/* 5 */ "TIS-B relay of ADS-B message with other address",
/* 6 */ "ADS-B rebroadcast using DF-17 message format",
/* 7 */ "Reserved"
// Flight status table
char *fs_str[8] = {
/* 0 */ "Normal, Airborne",
/* 1 */ "Normal, On the ground",
/* 2 */ "ALERT, Airborne",
/* 3 */ "ALERT, On the ground",
/* 4 */ "ALERT & Special Position Identification. Airborne or Ground",
/* 5 */ "Special Position Identification. Airborne or Ground",
/* 6 */ "Value 6 is not assigned",
/* 7 */ "Value 7 is not assigned"
// Emergency state table
// from https://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/publications/publication-files/atc-reports/Grappel_2007_ATC-334_WW-15318.pdf
// and 1090-DO-260B_FRAC
char *es_str[8] = {
/* 0 */ "No emergency",
/* 1 */ "General emergency (squawk 7700)",
/* 2 */ "Lifeguard/Medical",
/* 3 */ "Minimum fuel",
/* 4 */ "No communications (squawk 7600)",
/* 5 */ "Unlawful interference (squawk 7500)",
/* 6 */ "Downed Aircraft",
/* 7 */ "Reserved"
char *getMEDescription(int metype, int mesub) {
char *mename = "Unknown";
if (metype >= 1 && metype <= 4)
mename = "Aircraft Identification and Category";
else if (metype >= 5 && metype <= 8)
mename = "Surface Position";
else if (metype >= 9 && metype <= 18)
mename = "Airborne Position (Baro Altitude)";
else if (metype == 19 && mesub >=1 && mesub <= 4)
mename = "Airborne Velocity";
else if (metype >= 20 && metype <= 22)
mename = "Airborne Position (GNSS Height)";
else if (metype == 23 && mesub == 0)
mename = "Test Message";
else if (metype == 23 && mesub == 7)
mename = "Test Message -- Squawk";
else if (metype == 24 && mesub == 1)
mename = "Surface System Status";
else if (metype == 28 && mesub == 1)
mename = "Extended Squitter Aircraft Status (Emergency)";
else if (metype == 28 && mesub == 2)
mename = "Extended Squitter Aircraft Status (1090ES TCAS RA)";
else if (metype == 29 && (mesub == 0 || mesub == 1))
mename = "Target State and Status Message";
else if (metype == 31 && (mesub == 0 || mesub == 1))
mename = "Aircraft Operational Status Message";
return mename;
// Decode a raw Mode S message demodulated as a stream of bytes by detectModeS(),
// and split it into fields populating a modesMessage structure.
void decodeModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm, unsigned char *msg) {
char *ais_charset = "?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ????? ???????????????0123456789??????";
// Work on our local copy
memcpy(mm->msg, msg, MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES);
msg = mm->msg;
// Get the message type ASAP as other operations depend on this
mm->msgtype = msg[0] >> 3; // Downlink Format
mm->msgbits = modesMessageLenByType(mm->msgtype);
mm->crc = modesChecksum(msg, mm->msgbits);
if ((mm->crc) && (Modes.nfix_crc) && ((mm->msgtype == 17) || (mm->msgtype == 18))) {
// if ((mm->crc) && (Modes.nfix_crc) && ((mm->msgtype == 11) || (mm->msgtype == 17))) {
// Fixing single bit errors in DF-11 is a bit dodgy because we have no way to
// know for sure if the crc is supposed to be 0 or not - it could be any value
// less than 80. Therefore, attempting to fix DF-11 errors can result in a
// multitude of possible crc solutions, only one of which is correct.
// We should probably perform some sanity checks on corrected DF-11's before
// using the results. Perhaps check the ICAO against known aircraft, and check
// IID against known good IID's. That's a TODO.
mm->correctedbits = fixBitErrors(msg, mm->msgbits, Modes.nfix_crc, mm->corrected);
// If we correct, validate ICAO addr to help filter birthday paradox solutions.
if (mm->correctedbits) {
uint32_t ulAddr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]);
if (!ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(ulAddr))
mm->correctedbits = 0;
// Note that most of the other computation happens *after* we fix the
// single/two bit errors, otherwise we would need to recompute the fields again.
if (mm->msgtype == 11) { // DF 11
mm->iid = mm->crc;
mm->addr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]);
mm->ca = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Responder capabilities
if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
// DF 11 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
} else if (mm->crc < 80) {
mm->crcok = ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(mm->addr);
if (mm->crcok) {
} else if (mm->msgtype == 17) { // DF 17
mm->addr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]);
mm->ca = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Responder capabilities
if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
// DF 17 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
} else if (mm->msgtype == 18) { // DF 18
mm->addr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]);
mm->ca = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Control Field
if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
// DF 18 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
} else { // All other DF's
// Compare the checksum with the whitelist of recently seen ICAO
// addresses. If it matches one, then declare the message as valid
mm->crcok = ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(mm->addr = mm->crc);
// If we're checking CRC and the CRC is invalid, then we can't trust any
// of the data contents, so save time and give up now.
if ((Modes.check_crc) && (!mm->crcok) && (!mm->correctedbits)) { return;}
// Fields for DF0, DF16
if (mm->msgtype == 0 || mm->msgtype == 16) {
if (msg[0] & 0x04) { // VS Bit
} else {
// Fields for DF11, DF17
if (mm->msgtype == 11 || mm->msgtype == 17) {
if (mm->ca == 4) {
} else if (mm->ca == 5) {
// Fields for DF5, DF21 = Gillham encoded Squawk
if (mm->msgtype == 5 || mm->msgtype == 21) {
int ID13Field = ((msg[2] << 8) | msg[3]) & 0x1FFF;
if (ID13Field) {
mm->modeA = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
// Fields for DF0, DF4, DF16, DF20 13 bit altitude
if (mm->msgtype == 0 || mm->msgtype == 4 ||
mm->msgtype == 16 || mm->msgtype == 20) {
int AC13Field = ((msg[2] << 8) | msg[3]) & 0x1FFF;
if (AC13Field) { // Only attempt to decode if a valid (non zero) altitude is present
mm->altitude = decodeAC13Field(AC13Field, &mm->unit);
// Fields for DF4, DF5, DF20, DF21
if ((mm->msgtype == 4) || (mm->msgtype == 20) ||
(mm->msgtype == 5) || (mm->msgtype == 21)) {
mm->fs = msg[0] & 7; // Flight status for DF4,5,20,21
if (mm->fs <= 3) {
if (mm->fs & 1)
{mm->bFlags |= MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG;}
// Fields for DF17, DF18_CF0, DF18_CF1, DF18_CF6 squitters
if ( (mm->msgtype == 17)
|| ((mm->msgtype == 18) && ((mm->ca == 0) || (mm->ca == 1) || (mm->ca == 6)) )) {
int metype = mm->metype = msg[4] >> 3; // Extended squitter message type
int mesub = mm->mesub = (metype == 29 ? ((msg[4]&6)>>1) : (msg[4] & 7)); // Extended squitter message subtype
// Decode the extended squitter message
if (metype >= 1 && metype <= 4) { // Aircraft Identification and Category
uint32_t chars;
chars = (msg[5] << 16) | (msg[6] << 8) | (msg[7]);
mm->flight[3] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[2] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[1] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[0] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F];
chars = (msg[8] << 16) | (msg[9] << 8) | (msg[10]);
mm->flight[7] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[6] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[5] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[4] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F];
mm->flight[8] = '\0';
} else if (metype == 19) { // Airborne Velocity Message
// Presumably airborne if we get an Airborne Velocity Message
if ( (mesub >= 1) && (mesub <= 4) ) {
int vert_rate = ((msg[8] & 0x07) << 6) | (msg[9] >> 2);
if (vert_rate) {
if (msg[8] & 0x08)
{vert_rate = 0 - vert_rate;}
mm->vert_rate = vert_rate * 64;
if ((mesub == 1) || (mesub == 2)) {
int ew_raw = ((msg[5] & 0x03) << 8) | msg[6];
int ew_vel = ew_raw - 1;
int ns_raw = ((msg[7] & 0x7F) << 3) | (msg[8] >> 5);
int ns_vel = ns_raw - 1;
if (mesub == 2) { // If (supersonic) unit is 4 kts
ns_vel = ns_vel << 2;
ew_vel = ew_vel << 2;
if (ew_raw) { // Do East/West
if (msg[5] & 0x04)
{ew_vel = 0 - ew_vel;}
mm->ew_velocity = ew_vel;
if (ns_raw) { // Do North/South
if (msg[7] & 0x80)
{ns_vel = 0 - ns_vel;}
mm->ns_velocity = ns_vel;
if (ew_raw && ns_raw) {
// Compute velocity and angle from the two speed components
mm->velocity = (int) sqrt((ns_vel * ns_vel) + (ew_vel * ew_vel));
if (mm->velocity) {
mm->heading = (int) (atan2(ew_vel, ns_vel) * 180.0 / M_PI);
// We don't want negative values but a 0-360 scale
if (mm->heading < 0) mm->heading += 360;
} else if (mesub == 3 || mesub == 4) {
int airspeed = ((msg[7] & 0x7f) << 3) | (msg[8] >> 5);
if (airspeed) {
if (mesub == 4) // If (supersonic) unit is 4 kts
{airspeed = airspeed << 2;}
mm->velocity = airspeed;
if (msg[5] & 0x04) {
mm->heading = ((((msg[5] & 0x03) << 8) | msg[6]) * 45) >> 7;
} else if (metype >= 5 && metype <= 22) { // Position Message
mm->raw_latitude = ((msg[6] & 3) << 15) | (msg[7] << 7) | (msg[8] >> 1);
mm->raw_longitude = ((msg[8] & 1) << 16) | (msg[9] << 8) | (msg[10]);
mm->bFlags |= (mm->msg[6] & 0x04) ? MODES_ACFLAGS_LLODD_VALID
if (metype >= 9) { // Airborne
int AC12Field = ((msg[5] << 4) | (msg[6] >> 4)) & 0x0FFF;
if (AC12Field) {// Only attempt to decode if a valid (non zero) altitude is present
mm->altitude = decodeAC12Field(AC12Field, &mm->unit);
} else { // Ground
int movement = ((msg[4] << 4) | (msg[5] >> 4)) & 0x007F;
if ((movement) && (movement < 125)) {
mm->velocity = decodeMovementField(movement);
if (msg[5] & 0x08) {
mm->heading = ((((msg[5] << 4) | (msg[6] >> 4)) & 0x007F) * 45) >> 4;
} else if (metype == 23) { // Test metype squawk field
if (mesub == 7) { // (see 1090-WP-15-20)
int ID13Field = (((msg[5] << 8) | msg[6]) & 0xFFF1)>>3;
if (ID13Field) {
mm->modeA = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
} else if (metype == 24) { // Reserved for Surface System Status
} else if (metype == 28) { // Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
if (mesub == 1) { // Emergency status squawk field
int ID13Field = (((msg[5] << 8) | msg[6]) & 0x1FFF);
if (ID13Field) {
mm->modeA = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
} else if (metype == 29) { // Aircraft Trajectory Intent
} else if (metype == 30) { // Aircraft Operational Coordination
} else if (metype == 31) { // Aircraft Operational Status
} else { // Other metypes
// Fields for DF20, DF21 Comm-B
if ((mm->msgtype == 20) || (mm->msgtype == 21)){
if (msg[4] == 0x20) { // Aircraft Identification
uint32_t chars;
chars = (msg[5] << 16) | (msg[6] << 8) | (msg[7]);
mm->flight[3] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[2] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[1] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[0] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F];
chars = (msg[8] << 16) | (msg[9] << 8) | (msg[10]);
mm->flight[7] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[6] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[5] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[4] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F];
mm->flight[8] = '\0';
} else {
// This function gets a decoded Mode S Message and prints it on the screen
// in a human readable format.
void displayModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm) {
int j;
unsigned char * pTimeStamp;
// Handle only addresses mode first.
if (Modes.onlyaddr) {
printf("%06x\n", mm->addr);
return; // Enough for --onlyaddr mode
// Show the raw message.
if (Modes.mlat && mm->timestampMsg) {
pTimeStamp = (unsigned char *) &mm->timestampMsg;
for (j=5; j>=0;j--) {
} else
for (j = 0; j < mm->msgbits/8; j++) printf("%02x", mm->msg[j]);
if (Modes.raw) {
fflush(stdout); // Provide data to the reader ASAP
return; // Enough for --raw mode
if (mm->msgtype < 32)
printf("CRC: %06x (%s)\n", (int)mm->crc, mm->crcok ? "ok" : "wrong");
if (mm->correctedbits != 0)
printf("No. of bit errors fixed: %d\n", mm->correctedbits);
printf("SNR: %d.%d dB\n", mm->signalLevel/5, 2*(mm->signalLevel%5));
if (mm->timestampMsg)
printf("Time: %.2fus (phase: %d)\n", mm->timestampMsg / 12.0, (unsigned int) (360 * (mm->timestampMsg % 6) / 6));
if (mm->msgtype == 0) { // DF 0
printf("DF 0: Short Air-Air Surveillance.\n");
printf(" VS : %s\n", (mm->msg[0] & 0x04) ? "Ground" : "Airborne");
printf(" CC : %d\n", ((mm->msg[0] & 0x02) >> 1));
printf(" SL : %d\n", ((mm->msg[1] & 0xE0) >> 5));
printf(" Altitude : %d %s\n", mm->altitude,
(mm->unit == MODES_UNIT_METERS) ? "meters" : "feet");
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 4 || mm->msgtype == 20) {
printf("DF %d: %s, Altitude Reply.\n", mm->msgtype,
(mm->msgtype == 4) ? "Surveillance" : "Comm-B");
printf(" Flight Status : %s\n", fs_str[mm->fs]);
printf(" DR : %d\n", ((mm->msg[1] >> 3) & 0x1F));
printf(" UM : %d\n", (((mm->msg[1] & 7) << 3) | (mm->msg[2] >> 5)));
printf(" Altitude : %d %s\n", mm->altitude,
(mm->unit == MODES_UNIT_METERS) ? "meters" : "feet");
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
if (mm->msgtype == 20) {
printf(" Comm-B BDS : %x\n", mm->msg[4]);
// Decode the extended squitter message
if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x20) { // BDS 2,0 Aircraft identification
printf(" BDS 2,0 Aircraft Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
} else if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x10) { // BDS 1,0 Datalink Capability report
printf(" BDS 1,0 Datalink Capability report\n");
} else if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x30) { // BDS 3,0 ACAS Active Resolution Advisory
printf(" BDS 3,0 ACAS Active Resolution Advisory\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 28) { // BDS 6,1 Extended Squitter Emergency/Priority Status
printf(" BDS 6,1 Emergency/Priority Status\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 29) { // BDS 6,2 Target State and Status
printf(" BDS 6,2 Target State and Status\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 31) { // BDS 6,5 Extended Squitter Aircraft Operational Status
printf(" BDS 6,5 Aircraft Operational Status\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 5 || mm->msgtype == 21) {
printf("DF %d: %s, Identity Reply.\n", mm->msgtype,
(mm->msgtype == 5) ? "Surveillance" : "Comm-B");
printf(" Flight Status : %s\n", fs_str[mm->fs]);
printf(" DR : %d\n", ((mm->msg[1] >> 3) & 0x1F));
printf(" UM : %d\n", (((mm->msg[1] & 7) << 3) | (mm->msg[2] >> 5)));
printf(" Squawk : %04x\n", mm->modeA);
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
if (mm->msgtype == 21) {
printf(" Comm-B BDS : %x\n", mm->msg[4]);
// Decode the extended squitter message
if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x20) { // BDS 2,0 Aircraft identification
printf(" BDS 2,0 Aircraft Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
} else if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x10) { // BDS 1,0 Datalink Capability report
printf(" BDS 1,0 Datalink Capability report\n");
} else if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x30) { // BDS 3,0 ACAS Active Resolution Advisory
printf(" BDS 3,0 ACAS Active Resolution Advisory\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 28) { // BDS 6,1 Extended Squitter Emergency/Priority Status
printf(" BDS 6,1 Emergency/Priority Status\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 29) { // BDS 6,2 Target State and Status
printf(" BDS 6,2 Target State and Status\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 31) { // BDS 6,5 Extended Squitter Aircraft Operational Status
printf(" BDS 6,5 Aircraft Operational Status\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 11) { // DF 11
printf("DF 11: All Call Reply.\n");
printf(" Capability : %d (%s)\n", mm->ca, ca_str[mm->ca]);
printf(" ICAO Address: %06x\n", mm->addr);
if (mm->iid > 16)
{printf(" IID : SI-%02d\n", mm->iid-16);}
{printf(" IID : II-%02d\n", mm->iid);}
} else if (mm->msgtype == 16) { // DF 16
printf("DF 16: Long Air to Air ACAS\n");
printf(" VS : %s\n", (mm->msg[0] & 0x04) ? "Ground" : "Airborne");
printf(" CC : %d\n", ((mm->msg[0] & 0x02) >> 1));
printf(" SL : %d\n", ((mm->msg[1] & 0xE0) >> 5));
printf(" Altitude : %d %s\n", mm->altitude,
(mm->unit == MODES_UNIT_METERS) ? "meters" : "feet");
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 17) { // DF 17
printf("DF 17: ADS-B message.\n");
printf(" Capability : %d (%s)\n", mm->ca, ca_str[mm->ca]);
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
printf(" Extended Squitter Type: %d\n", mm->metype);
printf(" Extended Squitter Sub : %d\n", mm->mesub);
printf(" Extended Squitter Name: %s\n", getMEDescription(mm->metype, mm->mesub));
// Decode the extended squitter message
if (mm->metype >= 1 && mm->metype <= 4) { // Aircraft identification
printf(" Aircraft Type : %c%d\n", ('A' + 4 - mm->metype), mm->mesub);
printf(" Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
} else if (mm->metype == 19) { // Airborne Velocity
if (mm->mesub == 1 || mm->mesub == 2) {
printf(" EW status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_EWSPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" EW velocity : %d\n", mm->ew_velocity);
printf(" NS status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_NSSPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" NS velocity : %d\n", mm->ns_velocity);
printf(" Vertical status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Vertical rate src : %d\n", ((mm->msg[8] >> 4) & 1));
printf(" Vertical rate : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
} else if (mm->mesub == 3 || mm->mesub == 4) {
printf(" Heading status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_HEADING_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Heading : %d\n", mm->heading);
printf(" Airspeed status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Airspeed : %d\n", mm->velocity);
printf(" Vertical status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Vertical rate src : %d\n", ((mm->msg[8] >> 4) & 1));
printf(" Vertical rate : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->metype >= 5 && mm->metype <= 22) { // Airborne position Baro
printf(" F flag : %s\n", (mm->msg[6] & 0x04) ? "odd" : "even");
printf(" T flag : %s\n", (mm->msg[6] & 0x08) ? "UTC" : "non-UTC");
printf(" Altitude : %d feet\n", mm->altitude);
printf(" Latitude : %f\n", mm->fLat);
printf(" Longitude: %f\n", mm->fLon);
} else {
printf(" Latitude : %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_latitude);
printf(" Longitude: %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_longitude);
} else if (mm->metype == 28) { // Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
if (mm->mesub == 1) {
printf(" Emergency State: %s\n", es_str[(mm->msg[5] & 0xE0) >> 5]);
printf(" Squawk: %04x\n", mm->modeA);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->metype == 23) { // Test Message
if (mm->mesub == 7) {
printf(" Squawk: %04x\n", mm->modeA);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME type: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 18) { // DF 18
printf("DF 18: Extended Squitter.\n");
printf(" Control Field : %d (%s)\n", mm->ca, cf_str[mm->ca]);
if ((mm->ca == 0) || (mm->ca == 1) || (mm->ca == 6)) {
if (mm->ca == 1) {
printf(" Other Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
} else {
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
printf(" Extended Squitter Type: %d\n", mm->metype);
printf(" Extended Squitter Sub : %d\n", mm->mesub);
printf(" Extended Squitter Name: %s\n", getMEDescription(mm->metype, mm->mesub));
// Decode the extended squitter message
if (mm->metype >= 1 && mm->metype <= 4) { // Aircraft identification
printf(" Aircraft Type : %c%d\n", ('A' + 4 - mm->metype), mm->mesub);
printf(" Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
} else if (mm->metype == 19) { // Airborne Velocity
if (mm->mesub == 1 || mm->mesub == 2) {
printf(" EW status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_EWSPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" EW velocity : %d\n", mm->ew_velocity);
printf(" NS status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_NSSPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" NS velocity : %d\n", mm->ns_velocity);
printf(" Vertical status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Vertical rate src : %d\n", ((mm->msg[8] >> 4) & 1));
printf(" Vertical rate : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
} else if (mm->mesub == 3 || mm->mesub == 4) {
printf(" Heading status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_HEADING_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Heading : %d\n", mm->heading);
printf(" Airspeed status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Airspeed : %d\n", mm->velocity);
printf(" Vertical status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Vertical rate src : %d\n", ((mm->msg[8] >> 4) & 1));
printf(" Vertical rate : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->metype >= 5 && mm->metype <= 22) { // Ground or Airborne position, Baro or GNSS
printf(" F flag : %s\n", (mm->msg[6] & 0x04) ? "odd" : "even");
printf(" T flag : %s\n", (mm->msg[6] & 0x08) ? "UTC" : "non-UTC");
printf(" Altitude : %d feet\n", mm->altitude);
printf(" Latitude : %f\n", mm->fLat);
printf(" Longitude: %f\n", mm->fLon);
} else {
printf(" Latitude : %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_latitude);
printf(" Longitude: %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_longitude);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME type: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 19) { // DF 19
printf("DF 19: Military Extended Squitter.\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 22) { // DF 22
printf("DF 22: Military Use.\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 24) { // DF 24
printf("DF 24: Comm D Extended Length Message.\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 32) { // DF 32 is special code we use for Mode A/C
printf("SSR : Mode A/C Reply.\n");
if (mm->fs & 0x0080) {
printf(" Mode A : %04x IDENT\n", mm->modeA);
} else {
printf(" Mode A : %04x\n", mm->modeA);
{printf(" Mode C : %d feet\n", mm->altitude);}
} else {
printf("DF %d: Unknown DF Format.\n", mm->msgtype);
// Turn I/Q samples pointed by Modes.data into the magnitude vector
// pointed by Modes.magnitude.
void computeMagnitudeVector(uint16_t *p) {
uint16_t *m = &Modes.magnitude[Modes.trailing_samples];
uint32_t j;
memcpy(Modes.magnitude,&Modes.magnitude[MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SAMPLES], Modes.trailing_samples * 2);
// Compute the magnitudo vector. It's just SQRT(I^2 + Q^2), but
// we rescale to the 0-255 range to exploit the full resolution.
for (j = 0; j < MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SAMPLES; j ++) {
*m++ = Modes.maglut[*p++];
// When a new message is available, because it was decoded from the RTL device,
// file, or received in the TCP input port, or any other way we can receive a
// decoded message, we call this function in order to use the message.
// Basically this function passes a raw message to the upper layers for further
// processing and visualization
void useModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm) {
if ((Modes.check_crc == 0) || (mm->crcok) || (mm->correctedbits)) { // not checking, ok or fixed
// If we are decoding, track aircraft
// In non-interactive non-quiet mode, display messages on standard output
if (!Modes.interactive && !Modes.quiet) {
// Feed output clients
if (Modes.net) {modesQueueOutput(mm);}
// Always positive MOD operation, used for CPR decoding.
int cprModInt(int a, int b) {
int res = a % b;
if (res < 0) res += b;
return res;
double cprModDouble(double a, double b) {
double res = fmod(a,b);
if (res < 0) res += b;
return res;
// The NL function uses the precomputed table from 1090-WP-9-14
int cprNLFunction(double lat) {
if (lat < 0) lat = -lat; // Table is simmetric about the equator
if (lat < 10.47047130) return 59;
if (lat < 14.82817437) return 58;
if (lat < 18.18626357) return 57;
if (lat < 21.02939493) return 56;
if (lat < 23.54504487) return 55;
if (lat < 25.82924707) return 54;
if (lat < 27.93898710) return 53;
if (lat < 29.91135686) return 52;
if (lat < 31.77209708) return 51;
if (lat < 33.53993436) return 50;
if (lat < 35.22899598) return 49;
if (lat < 36.85025108) return 48;
if (lat < 38.41241892) return 47;
if (lat < 39.92256684) return 46;
if (lat < 41.38651832) return 45;
if (lat < 42.80914012) return 44;
if (lat < 44.19454951) return 43;
if (lat < 45.54626723) return 42;
if (lat < 46.86733252) return 41;
if (lat < 48.16039128) return 40;
if (lat < 49.42776439) return 39;
if (lat < 50.67150166) return 38;
if (lat < 51.89342469) return 37;
if (lat < 53.09516153) return 36;
if (lat < 54.27817472) return 35;
if (lat < 55.44378444) return 34;
if (lat < 56.59318756) return 33;
if (lat < 57.72747354) return 32;
if (lat < 58.84763776) return 31;
if (lat < 59.95459277) return 30;
if (lat < 61.04917774) return 29;
if (lat < 62.13216659) return 28;
if (lat < 63.20427479) return 27;
if (lat < 64.26616523) return 26;
if (lat < 65.31845310) return 25;
if (lat < 66.36171008) return 24;
if (lat < 67.39646774) return 23;
if (lat < 68.42322022) return 22;
if (lat < 69.44242631) return 21;
if (lat < 70.45451075) return 20;
if (lat < 71.45986473) return 19;
if (lat < 72.45884545) return 18;
if (lat < 73.45177442) return 17;
if (lat < 74.43893416) return 16;
if (lat < 75.42056257) return 15;
if (lat < 76.39684391) return 14;
if (lat < 77.36789461) return 13;
if (lat < 78.33374083) return 12;
if (lat < 79.29428225) return 11;
if (lat < 80.24923213) return 10;
if (lat < 81.19801349) return 9;
if (lat < 82.13956981) return 8;
if (lat < 83.07199445) return 7;
if (lat < 83.99173563) return 6;
if (lat < 84.89166191) return 5;
if (lat < 85.75541621) return 4;
if (lat < 86.53536998) return 3;
if (lat < 87.00000000) return 2;
else return 1;
int cprNFunction(double lat, int fflag) {
int nl = cprNLFunction(lat) - (fflag ? 1 : 0);
if (nl < 1) nl = 1;
return nl;
double cprDlonFunction(double lat, int fflag, int surface) {
return (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / cprNFunction(lat, fflag);
// Distance between points on a spherical earth.
// This has up to 0.5% error because the earth isn't actually spherical
// (but we don't use it in situations where that matters)
static double greatcircle(double lat0, double lon0, double lat1, double lon1)
lat0 = lat0 * M_PI / 180.0;
lon0 = lon0 * M_PI / 180.0;
lat1 = lat1 * M_PI / 180.0;
lon1 = lon1 * M_PI / 180.0;
return 6371e3 * acos(sin(lat0) * sin(lat1) + cos(lat0) * cos(lat1) * cos(fabs(lon0 - lon1)));
// This algorithm comes from:
// http://www.lll.lu/~edward/edward/adsb/DecodingADSBposition.html.
// A few remarks:
// 1) 131072 is 2^17 since CPR latitude and longitude are encoded in 17 bits.
int decodeCPR(struct aircraft *a, int fflag, int surface) {
double AirDlat0 = (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / 60.0;
double AirDlat1 = (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / 59.0;
double lat0 = a->even_cprlat;
double lat1 = a->odd_cprlat;
double lon0 = a->even_cprlon;
double lon1 = a->odd_cprlon;
// Compute the Latitude Index "j"
int j = (int) floor(((59*lat0 - 60*lat1) / 131072) + 0.5);
double rlat0 = AirDlat0 * (cprModInt(j,60) + lat0 / 131072);
double rlat1 = AirDlat1 * (cprModInt(j,59) + lat1 / 131072);
time_t now = time(NULL);
double surface_rlat = MODES_USER_LATITUDE_DFLT;
double surface_rlon = MODES_USER_LONGITUDE_DFLT;
double rlat, rlon;
if (surface) {
// If we're on the ground, make sure we have a (likely) valid Lat/Lon
if ((a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_VALID) && (((int)(now - a->seenLatLon)) < Modes.interactive_display_ttl)) {
surface_rlat = a->lat;
surface_rlon = a->lon;
} else if (Modes.bUserFlags & MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID) {
surface_rlat = Modes.fUserLat;
surface_rlon = Modes.fUserLon;
} else {
// No local reference, give up
return (-1);
// Pick the quadrant that's closest to the reference location -
// this is not necessarily the same quadrant that contains the
// reference location. Note there are only two valid quadrants
// here (northern/southern hemisphere)
if ( (rlat0 - surface_rlat) > 45 ) rlat0 -= 90;
if ( (rlat1 - surface_rlat) > 45 ) rlat1 -= 90;
} else {
if (rlat0 >= 270) rlat0 -= 360;
if (rlat1 >= 270) rlat1 -= 360;
// Check to see that the latitude is in range: -90 .. +90
2014-09-25 18:18:44 +02:00
if (rlat0 < -90 || rlat0 > 90 || rlat1 < -90 || rlat1 > 90)
return (-1);
// Check that both are in the same latitude zone, or abort.
if (cprNLFunction(rlat0) != cprNLFunction(rlat1))
return (-1);
// Compute ni and the Longitude Index "m"
if (fflag) { // Use odd packet.
int ni = cprNFunction(rlat1,1);
int m = (int) floor((((lon0 * (cprNLFunction(rlat1)-1)) -
(lon1 * cprNLFunction(rlat1))) / 131072.0) + 0.5);
rlon = cprDlonFunction(rlat1, 1, surface) * (cprModInt(m, ni)+lon1/131072);
rlat = rlat1;
} else { // Use even packet.
int ni = cprNFunction(rlat0,0);
int m = (int) floor((((lon0 * (cprNLFunction(rlat0)-1)) -
(lon1 * cprNLFunction(rlat0))) / 131072) + 0.5);
rlon = cprDlonFunction(rlat0, 0, surface) * (cprModInt(m, ni)+lon0/131072);
rlat = rlat0;
if (surface) {
// Pick the quadrant that's closest to the reference location -
// this is not necessarily the same quadrant that contains the
// reference location.
rlon += floor( (surface_rlon - rlon + 45) / 90 ) * 90; // if we are >45 degrees away, move towards the reference position
rlon -= floor( (rlon + 180) / 360 ) * 360; // normalize to (-180..+180)
} else if (rlon > 180) {
rlon -= 360;
// check max range
if (Modes.maxRange > 0 && (Modes.bUserFlags & MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID)) {
double range = greatcircle(Modes.fUserLat, Modes.fUserLon, rlat, rlon);
if (range > Modes.maxRange)
return (-2); // we consider an out-of-range value to be bad data
a->lat = rlat;
a->lon = rlon;
a->seenLatLon = a->seen;
a->timestampLatLon = a->timestamp;
return 0;
// This algorithm comes from:
// 1090-WP29-07-Draft_CPR101 (which also defines decodeCPR() )
// Despite what the earlier comment here said, we should *not* be using trunc().
// See Figure 5-5 / 5-6 and note that floor() is applied to (0.5 + fRP - fEP), not
// directly to (fRP - fEP). Eq 38 is correct. and we should use floor().
int decodeCPRrelative(struct aircraft *a, int fflag, int surface) {
double AirDlat;
double AirDlon;
double lat;
double lon;
double lonr, latr;
double rlon, rlat;
double range_limit = 0;
int j,m;
if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_REL_OK) { // Ok to try aircraft relative first
int elapsed = (int)(time(NULL) - a->seenLatLon);
latr = a->lat;
lonr = a->lon;
// impose a range limit based on 2000km/h speed
range_limit = 5e3 + (2000e3 * elapsed / 3600); // 5km + 2000km/h
} else if (Modes.bUserFlags & MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID) { // Try ground station relative next
latr = Modes.fUserLat;
lonr = Modes.fUserLon;
// The cell size is at least 360NM, giving a nominal
// max range of 180NM (half a cell).
// If the receiver range is more than half a cell
// then we must limit this range further to avoid
// ambiguity. (e.g. if we receive a position report
// at 200NM distance, this may resolve to a position
// at (200-360) = 160NM in the wrong direction)
if (Modes.maxRange > 1852*180)
range_limit = (1852*360) - Modes.maxRange;
} else {
return (-1); // Exit with error - can't do relative if we don't have ref.
if (fflag) { // odd
AirDlat = (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / 59.0;
lat = a->odd_cprlat;
lon = a->odd_cprlon;
} else { // even
AirDlat = (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / 60.0;
lat = a->even_cprlat;
lon = a->even_cprlon;
// Compute the Latitude Index "j"
j = (int) (floor(latr/AirDlat) +
floor(0.5 + cprModDouble(latr, AirDlat)/AirDlat - lat/131072));
rlat = AirDlat * (j + lat/131072);
if (rlat >= 270) rlat -= 360;
// Check to see that the latitude is in range: -90 .. +90
if (rlat < -90 || rlat > 90) {
a->bFlags &= ~MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_REL_OK; // This will cause a quick exit next time if no global has been done
return (-1); // Time to give up - Latitude error
// Check to see that answer is reasonable - ie no more than 1/2 cell away
if (fabs(rlat - latr) > (AirDlat/2)) {
a->bFlags &= ~MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_REL_OK; // This will cause a quick exit next time if no global has been done
return (-1); // Time to give up - Latitude error
// Compute the Longitude Index "m"
AirDlon = cprDlonFunction(rlat, fflag, surface);
m = (int) (floor(lonr/AirDlon) +
floor(0.5 + cprModDouble(lonr, AirDlon)/AirDlon - lon/131072));
rlon = AirDlon * (m + lon/131072);
if (rlon > 180) rlon -= 360;
// Check to see that answer is reasonable - ie no more than 1/2 cell away
if (fabs(rlon - lonr) > (AirDlon/2)) {
a->bFlags &= ~MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_REL_OK; // This will cause a quick exit next time if no global has been done
return (-1); // Time to give up - Longitude error
// check range limit
if (range_limit > 0) {
double range = greatcircle(latr, lonr, rlat, rlon);
if (range > range_limit)
return (-1);
// check max range
if (Modes.maxRange > 0 && (Modes.bUserFlags & MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID)) {
double range = greatcircle(Modes.fUserLat, Modes.fUserLon, rlat, rlon);
if (range > Modes.maxRange)
return (-2); // we consider an out-of-range value to be bad data
a->lat = rlat;
a->lon = rlon;
a->seenLatLon = a->seen;
a->timestampLatLon = a->timestamp;
return (0);
// ===================== Mode S detection and decoding ===================