Oliver Jowett c11eca44bb Try all phases if --oversample --phase-enhance is on.
If we demodulate a message in 2.4MHz mode and it has a bad, uncorrectable CRC,
and --phase-enhance is on, then retry with the other possible phases until
we get a good CRC or run out of phases to try.

This is very expensive in AGC mode (lots of candidates that are not real
messages) but relatively cheap otherwise. It yields another 10% messages.

Also factor out some common stats code to avoid lots more copy/paste.
2014-09-30 17:02:22 +01:00

2731 lines
110 KiB

// dump1090, a Mode S messages decoder for RTLSDR devices.
// Copyright (C) 2012 by Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez@gmail.com>
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "dump1090.h"
// ===================== Mode S detection and decoding ===================
// Parity table for MODE S Messages.
// The table contains 112 elements, every element corresponds to a bit set
// in the message, starting from the first bit of actual data after the
// preamble.
// For messages of 112 bit, the whole table is used.
// For messages of 56 bits only the last 56 elements are used.
// The algorithm is as simple as xoring all the elements in this table
// for which the corresponding bit on the message is set to 1.
// The latest 24 elements in this table are set to 0 as the checksum at the
// end of the message should not affect the computation.
// Note: this function can be used with DF11 and DF17, other modes have
// the CRC xored with the sender address as they are reply to interrogations,
// but a casual listener can't split the address from the checksum.
uint32_t modes_checksum_table[112] = {
0x3935ea, 0x1c9af5, 0xf1b77e, 0x78dbbf, 0xc397db, 0x9e31e9, 0xb0e2f0, 0x587178,
0x2c38bc, 0x161c5e, 0x0b0e2f, 0xfa7d13, 0x82c48d, 0xbe9842, 0x5f4c21, 0xd05c14,
0x682e0a, 0x341705, 0xe5f186, 0x72f8c3, 0xc68665, 0x9cb936, 0x4e5c9b, 0xd8d449,
0x939020, 0x49c810, 0x24e408, 0x127204, 0x093902, 0x049c81, 0xfdb444, 0x7eda22,
0x3f6d11, 0xe04c8c, 0x702646, 0x381323, 0xe3f395, 0x8e03ce, 0x4701e7, 0xdc7af7,
0x91c77f, 0xb719bb, 0xa476d9, 0xadc168, 0x56e0b4, 0x2b705a, 0x15b82d, 0xf52612,
0x7a9309, 0xc2b380, 0x6159c0, 0x30ace0, 0x185670, 0x0c2b38, 0x06159c, 0x030ace,
0x018567, 0xff38b7, 0x80665f, 0xbfc92b, 0xa01e91, 0xaff54c, 0x57faa6, 0x2bfd53,
0xea04ad, 0x8af852, 0x457c29, 0xdd4410, 0x6ea208, 0x375104, 0x1ba882, 0x0dd441,
0xf91024, 0x7c8812, 0x3e4409, 0xe0d800, 0x706c00, 0x383600, 0x1c1b00, 0x0e0d80,
0x0706c0, 0x038360, 0x01c1b0, 0x00e0d8, 0x00706c, 0x003836, 0x001c1b, 0xfff409,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000
uint32_t modesChecksum(unsigned char *msg, int bits) {
uint32_t crc = 0;
uint32_t rem = 0;
int offset = (bits == 112) ? 0 : (112-56);
uint8_t theByte = *msg;
uint32_t * pCRCTable = &modes_checksum_table[offset];
int j;
// We don't really need to include the checksum itself
bits -= 24;
for(j = 0; j < bits; j++) {
if ((j & 7) == 0)
theByte = *msg++;
// If bit is set, xor with corresponding table entry.
if (theByte & 0x80) {crc ^= *pCRCTable;}
theByte = theByte << 1;
rem = (msg[0] << 16) | (msg[1] << 8) | msg[2]; // message checksum
return ((crc ^ rem) & 0x00FFFFFF); // 24 bit checksum syndrome.
// Given the Downlink Format (DF) of the message, return the message length in bits.
// All known DF's 16 or greater are long. All known DF's 15 or less are short.
// There are lots of unused codes in both category, so we can assume ICAO will stick to
// these rules, meaning that the most significant bit of the DF indicates the length.
int modesMessageLenByType(int type) {
return (type & 0x10) ? MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS : MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS ;
// Try to fix single bit errors using the checksum. On success modifies
// the original buffer with the fixed version, and returns the position
// of the error bit. Otherwise if fixing failed -1 is returned.
int fixSingleBitErrors(unsigned char *msg, int bits) {
int j;
unsigned char aux[MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES];
memcpy(aux, msg, bits/8);
// Do not attempt to error correct Bits 0-4. These contain the DF, and must
// be correct because we can only error correct DF17
for (j = 5; j < bits; j++) {
int byte = j/8;
int bitmask = 1 << (7 - (j & 7));
aux[byte] ^= bitmask; // Flip j-th bit
if (0 == modesChecksum(aux, bits)) {
// The error is fixed. Overwrite the original buffer with the
// corrected sequence, and returns the error bit position
msg[byte] = aux[byte];
return (j);
aux[byte] ^= bitmask; // Flip j-th bit back again
return (-1);
// Similar to fixSingleBitErrors() but try every possible two bit combination.
// This is very slow and should be tried only against DF17 messages that
// don't pass the checksum, and only in Aggressive Mode.
int fixTwoBitsErrors(unsigned char *msg, int bits) {
int j, i;
unsigned char aux[MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES];
memcpy(aux, msg, bits/8);
// Do not attempt to error correct Bits 0-4. These contain the DF, and must
// be correct because we can only error correct DF17
for (j = 5; j < bits; j++) {
int byte1 = j/8;
int bitmask1 = 1 << (7 - (j & 7));
aux[byte1] ^= bitmask1; // Flip j-th bit
// Don't check the same pairs multiple times, so i starts from j+1
for (i = j+1; i < bits; i++) {
int byte2 = i/8;
int bitmask2 = 1 << (7 - (i & 7));
aux[byte2] ^= bitmask2; // Flip i-th bit
if (0 == modesChecksum(aux, bits)) {
// The error is fixed. Overwrite the original buffer with
// the corrected sequence, and returns the error bit position
msg[byte1] = aux[byte1];
msg[byte2] = aux[byte2];
// We return the two bits as a 16 bit integer by shifting
// 'i' on the left. This is possible since 'i' will always
// be non-zero because i starts from j+1
return (j | (i << 8));
aux[byte2] ^= bitmask2; // Flip i-th bit back
aux[byte1] ^= bitmask1; // Flip j-th bit back
return (-1);
// Code for introducing a less CPU-intensive method of correcting
// single bit errors.
// Makes use of the fact that the crc checksum is linear with respect to
// the bitwise xor operation, i.e.
// crc(m^e) = (crc(m)^crc(e)
// where m and e are the message resp. error bit vectors.
// Call crc(e) the syndrome.
// The code below works by precomputing a table of (crc(e), e) for all
// possible error vectors e (here only single bit and double bit errors),
// search for the syndrome in the table, and correct the then known error.
// The error vector e is represented by one or two bit positions that are
// changed. If a second bit position is not used, it is -1.
// Run-time is binary search in a sorted table, plus some constant overhead,
// instead of running through all possible bit positions (resp. pairs of
// bit positions).
struct errorinfo {
uint32_t syndrome; // CRC syndrome
int bits; // Number of bit positions to fix
int pos[MODES_MAX_BITERRORS]; // Bit positions corrected by this syndrome
#define NERRORINFO \
struct errorinfo bitErrorTable[NERRORINFO];
// Compare function as needed for stdlib's qsort and bsearch functions
int cmpErrorInfo(const void *p0, const void *p1) {
struct errorinfo *e0 = (struct errorinfo*)p0;
struct errorinfo *e1 = (struct errorinfo*)p1;
if (e0->syndrome == e1->syndrome) {
return 0;
} else if (e0->syndrome < e1->syndrome) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
// Compute the table of all syndromes for 1-bit and 2-bit error vectors
void modesInitErrorInfo() {
unsigned char msg[MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES];
int i, j, n;
uint32_t crc;
n = 0;
memset(bitErrorTable, 0, sizeof(bitErrorTable));
memset(msg, 0, MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES);
// Add all possible single and double bit errors
// don't include errors in first 5 bits (DF type)
for (i = 5; i < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; i++) {
int bytepos0 = (i >> 3);
int mask0 = 1 << (7 - (i & 7));
msg[bytepos0] ^= mask0; // create error0
crc = modesChecksum(msg, MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS);
bitErrorTable[n].syndrome = crc; // single bit error case
bitErrorTable[n].bits = 1;
bitErrorTable[n].pos[0] = i;
bitErrorTable[n].pos[1] = -1;
n += 1;
if (Modes.nfix_crc > 1) {
for (j = i+1; j < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; j++) {
int bytepos1 = (j >> 3);
int mask1 = 1 << (7 - (j & 7));
msg[bytepos1] ^= mask1; // create error1
crc = modesChecksum(msg, MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS);
if (n >= NERRORINFO) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Internal error, too many entries, fix NERRORINFO\n");
bitErrorTable[n].syndrome = crc; // two bit error case
bitErrorTable[n].bits = 2;
bitErrorTable[n].pos[0] = i;
bitErrorTable[n].pos[1] = j;
n += 1;
msg[bytepos1] ^= mask1; // revert error1
msg[bytepos0] ^= mask0; // revert error0
qsort(bitErrorTable, NERRORINFO, sizeof(struct errorinfo), cmpErrorInfo);
// Test code: report if any syndrome appears at least twice. In this
// case the correction cannot be done without ambiguity.
// Tried it, does not happen for 1- and 2-bit errors.
for (i = 1; i < NERRORINFO; i++) {
if (bitErrorTable[i-1].syndrome == bitErrorTable[i].syndrome) {
fprintf(stderr, "modesInitErrorInfo: Collision for syndrome %06x\n",
for (i = 0; i < NERRORINFO; i++) {
printf("syndrome %06x bit0 %3d bit1 %3d\n",
bitErrorTable[i].pos0, bitErrorTable[i].pos1);
// Search for syndrome in table and if an entry is found, flip the necessary
// bits. Make sure the indices fit into the array
// Additional parameter: fix only less than maxcorrected bits, and record
// fixed bit positions in corrected[]. This array can be NULL, otherwise
// must be of length at least maxcorrected.
// Return number of fixed bits.
int fixBitErrors(unsigned char *msg, int bits, int maxfix, char *fixedbits) {
struct errorinfo *pei;
struct errorinfo ei;
int bitpos, offset, res, i;
memset(&ei, 0, sizeof(struct errorinfo));
ei.syndrome = modesChecksum(msg, bits);
pei = bsearch(&ei, bitErrorTable, NERRORINFO,
sizeof(struct errorinfo), cmpErrorInfo);
if (pei == NULL) {
return 0; // No syndrome found
// Check if the syndrome fixes more bits than we allow
if (maxfix < pei->bits) {
return 0;
// Check that all bit positions lie inside the message length
offset = MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS-bits;
for (i = 0; i < pei->bits; i++) {
bitpos = pei->pos[i] - offset;
if ((bitpos < 0) || (bitpos >= bits)) {
return 0;
// Fix the bits
for (i = res = 0; i < pei->bits; i++) {
bitpos = pei->pos[i] - offset;
msg[bitpos >> 3] ^= (1 << (7 - (bitpos & 7)));
if (fixedbits) {
fixedbits[res++] = bitpos;
return res;
// ============================== Debugging =================================
// Helper function for dumpMagnitudeVector().
// It prints a single bar used to display raw signals.
// Since every magnitude sample is between 0-255, the function uses
// up to 63 characters for every bar. Every character represents
// a length of 4, 3, 2, 1, specifically:
// "O" is 4
// "o" is 3
// "-" is 2
// "." is 1
void dumpMagnitudeBar(int index, int magnitude) {
char *set = " .-o";
char buf[256];
int div = magnitude / 256 / 4;
int rem = magnitude / 256 % 4;
buf[div] = set[rem];
buf[div+1] = '\0';
if (index >= 0)
printf("[%.3d] |%-66s 0x%04X\n", index, buf, magnitude);
printf("[%.2d] |%-66s 0x%04X\n", index, buf, magnitude);
// Display an ASCII-art alike graphical representation of the undecoded
// message as a magnitude signal.
// The message starts at the specified offset in the "m" buffer.
// The function will display enough data to cover a short 56 bit message.
// If possible a few samples before the start of the messsage are included
// for context.
void dumpMagnitudeVector(uint16_t *m, uint32_t offset) {
uint32_t padding = 5; // Show a few samples before the actual start.
uint32_t start = (offset < padding) ? 0 : offset-padding;
uint32_t j;
for (j = start; j <= end; j++) {
dumpMagnitudeBar(j-offset, m[j]);
// Produce a raw representation of the message as a Javascript file
// loadable by debug.html.
void dumpRawMessageJS(char *descr, unsigned char *msg,
uint16_t *m, uint32_t offset, int fixable, char *bitpos)
int padding = 5; // Show a few samples before the actual start.
int start = offset - padding;
FILE *fp;
int j;
if ((fp = fopen("frames.js","a")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening frames.js: %s\n", strerror(errno));
fprintf(fp,"frames.push({\"descr\": \"%s\", \"mag\": [", descr);
for (j = start; j <= end; j++) {
fprintf(fp,"%d", j < 0 ? 0 : m[j]);
if (j != end) fprintf(fp,",");
fprintf(fp,"], \"fix1\": %d, \"fix2\": %d, \"bits\": %d, \"hex\": \"",
bitpos[0], bitpos[1] , modesMessageLenByType(msg[0]>>3));
for (j = 0; j < MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES; j++)
// This is a wrapper for dumpMagnitudeVector() that also show the message
// in hex format with an additional description.
// descr is the additional message to show to describe the dump.
// msg points to the decoded message
// m is the original magnitude vector
// offset is the offset where the message starts
// The function also produces the Javascript file used by debug.html to
// display packets in a graphical format if the Javascript output was
// enabled.
void dumpRawMessage(char *descr, unsigned char *msg, uint16_t *m, uint32_t offset) {
int j;
int msgtype = msg[0] >> 3;
int fixable = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MODES_MAX_BITERRORS; j++) {
bitpos[j] = -1;
if (msgtype == 17) {
fixable = fixBitErrors(msg, MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS, MODES_MAX_BITERRORS, bitpos);
if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_JS) {
dumpRawMessageJS(descr, msg, m, offset, fixable, bitpos);
printf("\n--- %s\n ", descr);
for (j = 0; j < MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES; j++) {
if (j == MODES_SHORT_MSG_BYTES-1) printf(" ... ");
printf(" (DF %d, Fixable: %d)\n", msgtype, fixable);
// Code for testing the timing: run all possible 1- and 2-bit error
// the test message by all 1-bit errors. Run the old code against
// all of them, and new the code.
// Example measurements:
// Timing old vs. new crc correction code:
// Old code: 1-bit errors on 112 msgs: 3934 usecs
// New code: 1-bit errors on 112 msgs: 104 usecs
// Old code: 2-bit errors on 6216 msgs: 407743 usecs
// New code: 2-bit errors on 6216 msgs: 5176 usecs
// indicating a 37-fold resp. 78-fold improvement in speed for 1-bit resp.
// 2-bit error.
unsigned char tmsg0[MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES] = {
// Test data: first ADS-B message from testfiles/modes1.bin
0x8f, 0x4d, 0x20, 0x23, 0x58, 0x7f, 0x34, 0x5e,
0x35, 0x83, 0x7e, 0x22, 0x18, 0xb2
unsigned char tmsg2[NTWOBITS][MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES];
// Init an array of cloned messages with all possible 1-bit errors present,
// applied to each message at the respective position
void inittmsg1() {
int i, bytepos, mask;
for (i = 0; i < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; i++) {
bytepos = i >> 3;
mask = 1 << (7 - (i & 7));
memcpy(&tmsg1[i][0], tmsg0, MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES);
tmsg1[i][bytepos] ^= mask;
// Run sanity check on all but first 5 messages / bits, as those bits
// are not corrected.
void checktmsg1(FILE *out) {
int i, k;
uint32_t crc;
for (i = 5; i < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; i++) {
crc = modesChecksum(&tmsg1[i][0], MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS);
if (crc != 0) {
fprintf(out, "CRC not fixed for "
"positon %d\n", i);
fprintf(out, " MSG ");
for (k = 0; k < MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES; k++) {
fprintf(out, "%02x", tmsg1[i][k]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
void inittmsg2() {
int i, j, n, bytepos0, bytepos1, mask0, mask1;
n = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; i++) {
bytepos0 = i >> 3;
mask0 = 1 << (7 - (i & 7));
for (j = i+1; j < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; j++) {
bytepos1 = j >> 3;
mask1 = 1 << (7 - (j & 7));
memcpy(&tmsg2[n][0], tmsg0, MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES);
tmsg2[n][bytepos0] ^= mask0;
tmsg2[n][bytepos1] ^= mask1;
n += 1;
long difftvusec(struct timeval *t0, struct timeval *t1) {
long res = 0;
res = t1->tv_usec-t0->tv_usec;
res += (t1->tv_sec-t0->tv_sec)*1000000L;
return res;
// the actual test code
void testAndTimeBitCorrection() {
struct timeval starttv, endtv;
int i;
// Run timing on 1-bit errors
printf("Timing old vs. new crc correction code:\n");
gettimeofday(&starttv, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; i++) {
fixSingleBitErrors(&tmsg1[i][0], MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS);
gettimeofday(&endtv, NULL);
printf(" Old code: 1-bit errors on %d msgs: %ld usecs\n",
MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS, difftvusec(&starttv, &endtv));
// Re-init
gettimeofday(&starttv, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; i++) {
gettimeofday(&endtv, NULL);
printf(" New code: 1-bit errors on %d msgs: %ld usecs\n",
MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS, difftvusec(&starttv, &endtv));
// Run timing on 2-bit errors
gettimeofday(&starttv, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < NTWOBITS; i++) {
fixSingleBitErrors(&tmsg2[i][0], MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS);
gettimeofday(&endtv, NULL);
printf(" Old code: 2-bit errors on %d msgs: %ld usecs\n",
NTWOBITS, difftvusec(&starttv, &endtv));
// Re-init
gettimeofday(&starttv, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < NTWOBITS; i++) {
gettimeofday(&endtv, NULL);
printf(" New code: 2-bit errors on %d msgs: %ld usecs\n",
NTWOBITS, difftvusec(&starttv, &endtv));
// Hash the ICAO address to index our cache of MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN
// elements, that is assumed to be a power of two
uint32_t ICAOCacheHashAddress(uint32_t a) {
// The following three rounds wil make sure that every bit affects
// every output bit with ~ 50% of probability.
a = ((a >> 16) ^ a) * 0x45d9f3b;
a = ((a >> 16) ^ a) * 0x45d9f3b;
a = ((a >> 16) ^ a);
return a & (MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN-1);
// Add the specified entry to the cache of recently seen ICAO addresses.
// Note that we also add a timestamp so that we can make sure that the
// entry is only valid for MODES_ICAO_CACHE_TTL seconds.
void addRecentlySeenICAOAddr(uint32_t addr) {
uint32_t h = ICAOCacheHashAddress(addr);
Modes.icao_cache[h*2] = addr;
Modes.icao_cache[h*2+1] = (uint32_t) time(NULL);
// Returns 1 if the specified ICAO address was seen in a DF format with
// proper checksum (not xored with address) no more than * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_TTL
// seconds ago. Otherwise returns 0.
int ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(uint32_t addr) {
uint32_t h = ICAOCacheHashAddress(addr);
uint32_t a = Modes.icao_cache[h*2];
uint32_t t = Modes.icao_cache[h*2+1];
uint64_t tn = time(NULL);
return ( (a) && (a == addr) && ( (tn - t) <= MODES_ICAO_CACHE_TTL) );
// In the squawk (identity) field bits are interleaved as follows in
// (message bit 20 to bit 32):
// C1-A1-C2-A2-C4-A4-ZERO-B1-D1-B2-D2-B4-D4
// So every group of three bits A, B, C, D represent an integer from 0 to 7.
// The actual meaning is just 4 octal numbers, but we convert it into a hex
// number tha happens to represent the four octal numbers.
// For more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gillham_code
int decodeID13Field(int ID13Field) {
int hexGillham = 0;
if (ID13Field & 0x1000) {hexGillham |= 0x0010;} // Bit 12 = C1
if (ID13Field & 0x0800) {hexGillham |= 0x1000;} // Bit 11 = A1
if (ID13Field & 0x0400) {hexGillham |= 0x0020;} // Bit 10 = C2
if (ID13Field & 0x0200) {hexGillham |= 0x2000;} // Bit 9 = A2
if (ID13Field & 0x0100) {hexGillham |= 0x0040;} // Bit 8 = C4
if (ID13Field & 0x0080) {hexGillham |= 0x4000;} // Bit 7 = A4
//if (ID13Field & 0x0040) {hexGillham |= 0x0800;} // Bit 6 = X or M
if (ID13Field & 0x0020) {hexGillham |= 0x0100;} // Bit 5 = B1
if (ID13Field & 0x0010) {hexGillham |= 0x0001;} // Bit 4 = D1 or Q
if (ID13Field & 0x0008) {hexGillham |= 0x0200;} // Bit 3 = B2
if (ID13Field & 0x0004) {hexGillham |= 0x0002;} // Bit 2 = D2
if (ID13Field & 0x0002) {hexGillham |= 0x0400;} // Bit 1 = B4
if (ID13Field & 0x0001) {hexGillham |= 0x0004;} // Bit 0 = D4
return (hexGillham);
// Decode the 13 bit AC altitude field (in DF 20 and others).
// Returns the altitude, and set 'unit' to either MODES_UNIT_METERS or MDOES_UNIT_FEETS.
int decodeAC13Field(int AC13Field, int *unit) {
int m_bit = AC13Field & 0x0040; // set = meters, clear = feet
int q_bit = AC13Field & 0x0010; // set = 25 ft encoding, clear = Gillham Mode C encoding
if (!m_bit) {
if (q_bit) {
// N is the 11 bit integer resulting from the removal of bit Q and M
int n = ((AC13Field & 0x1F80) >> 2) |
((AC13Field & 0x0020) >> 1) |
(AC13Field & 0x000F);
// The final altitude is resulting number multiplied by 25, minus 1000.
return ((n * 25) - 1000);
} else {
// N is an 11 bit Gillham coded altitude
int n = ModeAToModeC(decodeID13Field(AC13Field));
if (n < -12) {n = 0;}
return (100 * n);
} else {
// TODO: Implement altitude when meter unit is selected
return 0;
// Decode the 12 bit AC altitude field (in DF 17 and others).
int decodeAC12Field(int AC12Field, int *unit) {
int q_bit = AC12Field & 0x10; // Bit 48 = Q
if (q_bit) {
/// N is the 11 bit integer resulting from the removal of bit Q at bit 4
int n = ((AC12Field & 0x0FE0) >> 1) |
(AC12Field & 0x000F);
// The final altitude is the resulting number multiplied by 25, minus 1000.
return ((n * 25) - 1000);
} else {
// Make N a 13 bit Gillham coded altitude by inserting M=0 at bit 6
int n = ((AC12Field & 0x0FC0) << 1) |
(AC12Field & 0x003F);
n = ModeAToModeC(decodeID13Field(n));
if (n < -12) {n = 0;}
return (100 * n);
// Decode the 7 bit ground movement field PWL exponential style scale
int decodeMovementField(int movement) {
int gspeed;
// Note : movement codes 0,125,126,127 are all invalid, but they are
// trapped for before this function is called.
if (movement > 123) gspeed = 199; // > 175kt
else if (movement > 108) gspeed = ((movement - 108) * 5) + 100;
else if (movement > 93) gspeed = ((movement - 93) * 2) + 70;
else if (movement > 38) gspeed = ((movement - 38) ) + 15;
else if (movement > 12) gspeed = ((movement - 11) >> 1) + 2;
else if (movement > 8) gspeed = ((movement - 6) >> 2) + 1;
else gspeed = 0;
return (gspeed);
// Capability table
char *ca_str[8] = {
/* 0 */ "Level 1 (Surveillance Only)",
/* 1 */ "Level 2 (DF0,4,5,11)",
/* 2 */ "Level 3 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21)",
/* 3 */ "Level 4 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21,24)",
/* 4 */ "Level 2+3+4 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21,24,code7 - is on ground)",
/* 5 */ "Level 2+3+4 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21,24,code7 - is airborne)",
/* 6 */ "Level 2+3+4 (DF0,4,5,11,20,21,24,code7)",
/* 7 */ "Level 7 ???"
// DF 18 Control field table.
char *cf_str[8] = {
/* 0 */ "ADS-B ES/NT device with ICAO 24-bit address",
/* 1 */ "ADS-B ES/NT device with other address",
/* 2 */ "Fine format TIS-B",
/* 3 */ "Coarse format TIS-B",
/* 4 */ "TIS-B management message",
/* 5 */ "TIS-B relay of ADS-B message with other address",
/* 6 */ "ADS-B rebroadcast using DF-17 message format",
/* 7 */ "Reserved"
// Flight status table
char *fs_str[8] = {
/* 0 */ "Normal, Airborne",
/* 1 */ "Normal, On the ground",
/* 2 */ "ALERT, Airborne",
/* 3 */ "ALERT, On the ground",
/* 4 */ "ALERT & Special Position Identification. Airborne or Ground",
/* 5 */ "Special Position Identification. Airborne or Ground",
/* 6 */ "Value 6 is not assigned",
/* 7 */ "Value 7 is not assigned"
// Emergency state table
// from https://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/publications/publication-files/atc-reports/Grappel_2007_ATC-334_WW-15318.pdf
// and 1090-DO-260B_FRAC
char *es_str[8] = {
/* 0 */ "No emergency",
/* 1 */ "General emergency (squawk 7700)",
/* 2 */ "Lifeguard/Medical",
/* 3 */ "Minimum fuel",
/* 4 */ "No communications (squawk 7600)",
/* 5 */ "Unlawful interference (squawk 7500)",
/* 6 */ "Downed Aircraft",
/* 7 */ "Reserved"
char *getMEDescription(int metype, int mesub) {
char *mename = "Unknown";
if (metype >= 1 && metype <= 4)
mename = "Aircraft Identification and Category";
else if (metype >= 5 && metype <= 8)
mename = "Surface Position";
else if (metype >= 9 && metype <= 18)
mename = "Airborne Position (Baro Altitude)";
else if (metype == 19 && mesub >=1 && mesub <= 4)
mename = "Airborne Velocity";
else if (metype >= 20 && metype <= 22)
mename = "Airborne Position (GNSS Height)";
else if (metype == 23 && mesub == 0)
mename = "Test Message";
else if (metype == 23 && mesub == 7)
mename = "Test Message -- Squawk";
else if (metype == 24 && mesub == 1)
mename = "Surface System Status";
else if (metype == 28 && mesub == 1)
mename = "Extended Squitter Aircraft Status (Emergency)";
else if (metype == 28 && mesub == 2)
mename = "Extended Squitter Aircraft Status (1090ES TCAS RA)";
else if (metype == 29 && (mesub == 0 || mesub == 1))
mename = "Target State and Status Message";
else if (metype == 31 && (mesub == 0 || mesub == 1))
mename = "Aircraft Operational Status Message";
return mename;
// Decode a raw Mode S message demodulated as a stream of bytes by detectModeS(),
// and split it into fields populating a modesMessage structure.
void decodeModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm, unsigned char *msg) {
char *ais_charset = "?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ????? ???????????????0123456789??????";
// Work on our local copy
memcpy(mm->msg, msg, MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES);
msg = mm->msg;
// Get the message type ASAP as other operations depend on this
mm->msgtype = msg[0] >> 3; // Downlink Format
mm->msgbits = modesMessageLenByType(mm->msgtype);
mm->crc = modesChecksum(msg, mm->msgbits);
if ((mm->crc) && (Modes.nfix_crc) && ((mm->msgtype == 17) || (mm->msgtype == 18))) {
// if ((mm->crc) && (Modes.nfix_crc) && ((mm->msgtype == 11) || (mm->msgtype == 17))) {
// Fixing single bit errors in DF-11 is a bit dodgy because we have no way to
// know for sure if the crc is supposed to be 0 or not - it could be any value
// less than 80. Therefore, attempting to fix DF-11 errors can result in a
// multitude of possible crc solutions, only one of which is correct.
// We should probably perform some sanity checks on corrected DF-11's before
// using the results. Perhaps check the ICAO against known aircraft, and check
// IID against known good IID's. That's a TODO.
mm->correctedbits = fixBitErrors(msg, mm->msgbits, Modes.nfix_crc, mm->corrected);
// If we correct, validate ICAO addr to help filter birthday paradox solutions.
if (mm->correctedbits) {
uint32_t ulAddr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]);
if (!ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(ulAddr))
mm->correctedbits = 0;
// Note that most of the other computation happens *after* we fix the
// single/two bit errors, otherwise we would need to recompute the fields again.
if (mm->msgtype == 11) { // DF 11
mm->iid = mm->crc;
mm->addr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]);
mm->ca = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Responder capabilities
if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
// DF 11 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
} else if (mm->crc < 80) {
mm->crcok = ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(mm->addr);
if (mm->crcok) {
} else if (mm->msgtype == 17) { // DF 17
mm->addr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]);
mm->ca = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Responder capabilities
if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
// DF 17 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
} else if (mm->msgtype == 18) { // DF 18
mm->addr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]);
mm->ca = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Control Field
if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
// DF 18 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
} else { // All other DF's
// Compare the checksum with the whitelist of recently seen ICAO
// addresses. If it matches one, then declare the message as valid
mm->crcok = ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(mm->addr = mm->crc);
// If we're checking CRC and the CRC is invalid, then we can't trust any
// of the data contents, so save time and give up now.
if ((Modes.check_crc) && (!mm->crcok) && (!mm->correctedbits)) { return;}
// If decoding is disabled, this is as far as we go.
if (Modes.no_decode) return;
// Fields for DF0, DF16
if (mm->msgtype == 0 || mm->msgtype == 16) {
if (msg[0] & 0x04) { // VS Bit
} else {
// Fields for DF11, DF17
if (mm->msgtype == 11 || mm->msgtype == 17) {
if (mm->ca == 4) {
} else if (mm->ca == 5) {
// Fields for DF5, DF21 = Gillham encoded Squawk
if (mm->msgtype == 5 || mm->msgtype == 21) {
int ID13Field = ((msg[2] << 8) | msg[3]) & 0x1FFF;
if (ID13Field) {
mm->modeA = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
// Fields for DF0, DF4, DF16, DF20 13 bit altitude
if (mm->msgtype == 0 || mm->msgtype == 4 ||
mm->msgtype == 16 || mm->msgtype == 20) {
int AC13Field = ((msg[2] << 8) | msg[3]) & 0x1FFF;
if (AC13Field) { // Only attempt to decode if a valid (non zero) altitude is present
mm->altitude = decodeAC13Field(AC13Field, &mm->unit);
// Fields for DF4, DF5, DF20, DF21
if ((mm->msgtype == 4) || (mm->msgtype == 20) ||
(mm->msgtype == 5) || (mm->msgtype == 21)) {
mm->fs = msg[0] & 7; // Flight status for DF4,5,20,21
if (mm->fs <= 3) {
if (mm->fs & 1)
{mm->bFlags |= MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG;}
// Fields for DF17, DF18_CF0, DF18_CF1, DF18_CF6 squitters
if ( (mm->msgtype == 17)
|| ((mm->msgtype == 18) && ((mm->ca == 0) || (mm->ca == 1) || (mm->ca == 6)) )) {
int metype = mm->metype = msg[4] >> 3; // Extended squitter message type
int mesub = mm->mesub = (metype == 29 ? ((msg[4]&6)>>1) : (msg[4] & 7)); // Extended squitter message subtype
// Decode the extended squitter message
if (metype >= 1 && metype <= 4) { // Aircraft Identification and Category
uint32_t chars;
chars = (msg[5] << 16) | (msg[6] << 8) | (msg[7]);
mm->flight[3] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[2] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[1] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[0] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F];
chars = (msg[8] << 16) | (msg[9] << 8) | (msg[10]);
mm->flight[7] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[6] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[5] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[4] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F];
mm->flight[8] = '\0';
} else if (metype == 19) { // Airborne Velocity Message
// Presumably airborne if we get an Airborne Velocity Message
if ( (mesub >= 1) && (mesub <= 4) ) {
int vert_rate = ((msg[8] & 0x07) << 6) | (msg[9] >> 2);
if (vert_rate) {
if (msg[8] & 0x08)
{vert_rate = 0 - vert_rate;}
mm->vert_rate = vert_rate * 64;
if ((mesub == 1) || (mesub == 2)) {
int ew_raw = ((msg[5] & 0x03) << 8) | msg[6];
int ew_vel = ew_raw - 1;
int ns_raw = ((msg[7] & 0x7F) << 3) | (msg[8] >> 5);
int ns_vel = ns_raw - 1;
if (mesub == 2) { // If (supersonic) unit is 4 kts
ns_vel = ns_vel << 2;
ew_vel = ew_vel << 2;
if (ew_raw) { // Do East/West
if (msg[5] & 0x04)
{ew_vel = 0 - ew_vel;}
mm->ew_velocity = ew_vel;
if (ns_raw) { // Do North/South
if (msg[7] & 0x80)
{ns_vel = 0 - ns_vel;}
mm->ns_velocity = ns_vel;
if (ew_raw && ns_raw) {
// Compute velocity and angle from the two speed components
mm->velocity = (int) sqrt((ns_vel * ns_vel) + (ew_vel * ew_vel));
if (mm->velocity) {
mm->heading = (int) (atan2(ew_vel, ns_vel) * 180.0 / M_PI);
// We don't want negative values but a 0-360 scale
if (mm->heading < 0) mm->heading += 360;
} else if (mesub == 3 || mesub == 4) {
int airspeed = ((msg[7] & 0x7f) << 3) | (msg[8] >> 5);
if (airspeed) {
if (mesub == 4) // If (supersonic) unit is 4 kts
{airspeed = airspeed << 2;}
mm->velocity = airspeed;
if (msg[5] & 0x04) {
mm->heading = ((((msg[5] & 0x03) << 8) | msg[6]) * 45) >> 7;
} else if (metype >= 5 && metype <= 22) { // Position Message
mm->raw_latitude = ((msg[6] & 3) << 15) | (msg[7] << 7) | (msg[8] >> 1);
mm->raw_longitude = ((msg[8] & 1) << 16) | (msg[9] << 8) | (msg[10]);
mm->bFlags |= (mm->msg[6] & 0x04) ? MODES_ACFLAGS_LLODD_VALID
if (metype >= 9) { // Airborne
int AC12Field = ((msg[5] << 4) | (msg[6] >> 4)) & 0x0FFF;
if (AC12Field) {// Only attempt to decode if a valid (non zero) altitude is present
mm->altitude = decodeAC12Field(AC12Field, &mm->unit);
} else { // Ground
int movement = ((msg[4] << 4) | (msg[5] >> 4)) & 0x007F;
if ((movement) && (movement < 125)) {
mm->velocity = decodeMovementField(movement);
if (msg[5] & 0x08) {
mm->heading = ((((msg[5] << 4) | (msg[6] >> 4)) & 0x007F) * 45) >> 4;
} else if (metype == 23) { // Test metype squawk field
if (mesub == 7) { // (see 1090-WP-15-20)
int ID13Field = (((msg[5] << 8) | msg[6]) & 0xFFF1)>>3;
if (ID13Field) {
mm->modeA = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
} else if (metype == 24) { // Reserved for Surface System Status
} else if (metype == 28) { // Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
if (mesub == 1) { // Emergency status squawk field
int ID13Field = (((msg[5] << 8) | msg[6]) & 0x1FFF);
if (ID13Field) {
mm->modeA = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
} else if (metype == 29) { // Aircraft Trajectory Intent
} else if (metype == 30) { // Aircraft Operational Coordination
} else if (metype == 31) { // Aircraft Operational Status
} else { // Other metypes
// Fields for DF20, DF21 Comm-B
if ((mm->msgtype == 20) || (mm->msgtype == 21)){
if (msg[4] == 0x20) { // Aircraft Identification
uint32_t chars;
chars = (msg[5] << 16) | (msg[6] << 8) | (msg[7]);
mm->flight[3] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[2] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[1] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[0] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F];
chars = (msg[8] << 16) | (msg[9] << 8) | (msg[10]);
mm->flight[7] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[6] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[5] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F]; chars = chars >> 6;
mm->flight[4] = ais_charset[chars & 0x3F];
mm->flight[8] = '\0';
} else {
// This function gets a decoded Mode S Message and prints it on the screen
// in a human readable format.
void displayModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm) {
int j;
unsigned char * pTimeStamp;
// Handle only addresses mode first.
if (Modes.onlyaddr) {
printf("%06x\n", mm->addr);
return; // Enough for --onlyaddr mode
// Show the raw message.
if (Modes.mlat && mm->timestampMsg) {
pTimeStamp = (unsigned char *) &mm->timestampMsg;
for (j=5; j>=0;j--) {
} else
for (j = 0; j < mm->msgbits/8; j++) printf("%02x", mm->msg[j]);
if (Modes.raw) {
fflush(stdout); // Provide data to the reader ASAP
return; // Enough for --raw mode
if (mm->msgtype < 32)
printf("CRC: %06x (%s)\n", (int)mm->crc, mm->crcok ? "ok" : "wrong");
if (mm->correctedbits != 0)
printf("No. of bit errors fixed: %d\n", mm->correctedbits);
printf("SNR: %d.%d dB\n", mm->signalLevel/5, 2*(mm->signalLevel%5));
if (mm->timestampMsg)
printf("Time: %.2fus (phase: %d)\n", mm->timestampMsg / 12.0, (unsigned int) (360 * (mm->timestampMsg % 6) / 6));
if (Modes.no_decode) {
// Show DF type and address only; the rest is not decoded.
printf("DF %d; address: %06x\n", mm->msgtype, mm->addr);
if (mm->msgtype == 0) { // DF 0
printf("DF 0: Short Air-Air Surveillance.\n");
printf(" VS : %s\n", (mm->msg[0] & 0x04) ? "Ground" : "Airborne");
printf(" CC : %d\n", ((mm->msg[0] & 0x02) >> 1));
printf(" SL : %d\n", ((mm->msg[1] & 0xE0) >> 5));
printf(" Altitude : %d %s\n", mm->altitude,
(mm->unit == MODES_UNIT_METERS) ? "meters" : "feet");
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 4 || mm->msgtype == 20) {
printf("DF %d: %s, Altitude Reply.\n", mm->msgtype,
(mm->msgtype == 4) ? "Surveillance" : "Comm-B");
printf(" Flight Status : %s\n", fs_str[mm->fs]);
printf(" DR : %d\n", ((mm->msg[1] >> 3) & 0x1F));
printf(" UM : %d\n", (((mm->msg[1] & 7) << 3) | (mm->msg[2] >> 5)));
printf(" Altitude : %d %s\n", mm->altitude,
(mm->unit == MODES_UNIT_METERS) ? "meters" : "feet");
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
if (mm->msgtype == 20) {
printf(" Comm-B BDS : %x\n", mm->msg[4]);
// Decode the extended squitter message
if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x20) { // BDS 2,0 Aircraft identification
printf(" BDS 2,0 Aircraft Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
} else if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x10) { // BDS 1,0 Datalink Capability report
printf(" BDS 1,0 Datalink Capability report\n");
} else if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x30) { // BDS 3,0 ACAS Active Resolution Advisory
printf(" BDS 3,0 ACAS Active Resolution Advisory\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 28) { // BDS 6,1 Extended Squitter Emergency/Priority Status
printf(" BDS 6,1 Emergency/Priority Status\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 29) { // BDS 6,2 Target State and Status
printf(" BDS 6,2 Target State and Status\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 31) { // BDS 6,5 Extended Squitter Aircraft Operational Status
printf(" BDS 6,5 Aircraft Operational Status\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 5 || mm->msgtype == 21) {
printf("DF %d: %s, Identity Reply.\n", mm->msgtype,
(mm->msgtype == 5) ? "Surveillance" : "Comm-B");
printf(" Flight Status : %s\n", fs_str[mm->fs]);
printf(" DR : %d\n", ((mm->msg[1] >> 3) & 0x1F));
printf(" UM : %d\n", (((mm->msg[1] & 7) << 3) | (mm->msg[2] >> 5)));
printf(" Squawk : %04x\n", mm->modeA);
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
if (mm->msgtype == 21) {
printf(" Comm-B BDS : %x\n", mm->msg[4]);
// Decode the extended squitter message
if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x20) { // BDS 2,0 Aircraft identification
printf(" BDS 2,0 Aircraft Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
} else if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x10) { // BDS 1,0 Datalink Capability report
printf(" BDS 1,0 Datalink Capability report\n");
} else if ( mm->msg[4] == 0x30) { // BDS 3,0 ACAS Active Resolution Advisory
printf(" BDS 3,0 ACAS Active Resolution Advisory\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 28) { // BDS 6,1 Extended Squitter Emergency/Priority Status
printf(" BDS 6,1 Emergency/Priority Status\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 29) { // BDS 6,2 Target State and Status
printf(" BDS 6,2 Target State and Status\n");
} else if ((mm->msg[4] >> 3) == 31) { // BDS 6,5 Extended Squitter Aircraft Operational Status
printf(" BDS 6,5 Aircraft Operational Status\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 11) { // DF 11
printf("DF 11: All Call Reply.\n");
printf(" Capability : %d (%s)\n", mm->ca, ca_str[mm->ca]);
printf(" ICAO Address: %06x\n", mm->addr);
if (mm->iid > 16)
{printf(" IID : SI-%02d\n", mm->iid-16);}
{printf(" IID : II-%02d\n", mm->iid);}
} else if (mm->msgtype == 16) { // DF 16
printf("DF 16: Long Air to Air ACAS\n");
printf(" VS : %s\n", (mm->msg[0] & 0x04) ? "Ground" : "Airborne");
printf(" CC : %d\n", ((mm->msg[0] & 0x02) >> 1));
printf(" SL : %d\n", ((mm->msg[1] & 0xE0) >> 5));
printf(" Altitude : %d %s\n", mm->altitude,
(mm->unit == MODES_UNIT_METERS) ? "meters" : "feet");
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 17) { // DF 17
printf("DF 17: ADS-B message.\n");
printf(" Capability : %d (%s)\n", mm->ca, ca_str[mm->ca]);
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
printf(" Extended Squitter Type: %d\n", mm->metype);
printf(" Extended Squitter Sub : %d\n", mm->mesub);
printf(" Extended Squitter Name: %s\n", getMEDescription(mm->metype, mm->mesub));
// Decode the extended squitter message
if (mm->metype >= 1 && mm->metype <= 4) { // Aircraft identification
printf(" Aircraft Type : %c%d\n", ('A' + 4 - mm->metype), mm->mesub);
printf(" Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
} else if (mm->metype == 19) { // Airborne Velocity
if (mm->mesub == 1 || mm->mesub == 2) {
printf(" EW status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_EWSPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" EW velocity : %d\n", mm->ew_velocity);
printf(" NS status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_NSSPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" NS velocity : %d\n", mm->ns_velocity);
printf(" Vertical status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Vertical rate src : %d\n", ((mm->msg[8] >> 4) & 1));
printf(" Vertical rate : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
} else if (mm->mesub == 3 || mm->mesub == 4) {
printf(" Heading status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_HEADING_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Heading : %d\n", mm->heading);
printf(" Airspeed status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Airspeed : %d\n", mm->velocity);
printf(" Vertical status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Vertical rate src : %d\n", ((mm->msg[8] >> 4) & 1));
printf(" Vertical rate : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->metype >= 5 && mm->metype <= 22) { // Airborne position Baro
printf(" F flag : %s\n", (mm->msg[6] & 0x04) ? "odd" : "even");
printf(" T flag : %s\n", (mm->msg[6] & 0x08) ? "UTC" : "non-UTC");
printf(" Altitude : %d feet\n", mm->altitude);
printf(" Latitude : %f\n", mm->fLat);
printf(" Longitude: %f\n", mm->fLon);
} else {
printf(" Latitude : %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_latitude);
printf(" Longitude: %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_longitude);
} else if (mm->metype == 28) { // Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
if (mm->mesub == 1) {
printf(" Emergency State: %s\n", es_str[(mm->msg[5] & 0xE0) >> 5]);
printf(" Squawk: %04x\n", mm->modeA);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->metype == 23) { // Test Message
if (mm->mesub == 7) {
printf(" Squawk: %04x\n", mm->modeA);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME type: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 18) { // DF 18
printf("DF 18: Extended Squitter.\n");
printf(" Control Field : %d (%s)\n", mm->ca, cf_str[mm->ca]);
if ((mm->ca == 0) || (mm->ca == 1) || (mm->ca == 6)) {
if (mm->ca == 1) {
printf(" Other Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
} else {
printf(" ICAO Address : %06x\n", mm->addr);
printf(" Extended Squitter Type: %d\n", mm->metype);
printf(" Extended Squitter Sub : %d\n", mm->mesub);
printf(" Extended Squitter Name: %s\n", getMEDescription(mm->metype, mm->mesub));
// Decode the extended squitter message
if (mm->metype >= 1 && mm->metype <= 4) { // Aircraft identification
printf(" Aircraft Type : %c%d\n", ('A' + 4 - mm->metype), mm->mesub);
printf(" Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
} else if (mm->metype == 19) { // Airborne Velocity
if (mm->mesub == 1 || mm->mesub == 2) {
printf(" EW status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_EWSPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" EW velocity : %d\n", mm->ew_velocity);
printf(" NS status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_NSSPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" NS velocity : %d\n", mm->ns_velocity);
printf(" Vertical status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Vertical rate src : %d\n", ((mm->msg[8] >> 4) & 1));
printf(" Vertical rate : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
} else if (mm->mesub == 3 || mm->mesub == 4) {
printf(" Heading status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_HEADING_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Heading : %d\n", mm->heading);
printf(" Airspeed status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SPEED_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Airspeed : %d\n", mm->velocity);
printf(" Vertical status : %s\n", (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) ? "Valid" : "Unavailable");
printf(" Vertical rate src : %d\n", ((mm->msg[8] >> 4) & 1));
printf(" Vertical rate : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->metype >= 5 && mm->metype <= 22) { // Ground or Airborne position, Baro or GNSS
printf(" F flag : %s\n", (mm->msg[6] & 0x04) ? "odd" : "even");
printf(" T flag : %s\n", (mm->msg[6] & 0x08) ? "UTC" : "non-UTC");
printf(" Altitude : %d feet\n", mm->altitude);
printf(" Latitude : %f\n", mm->fLat);
printf(" Longitude: %f\n", mm->fLon);
} else {
printf(" Latitude : %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_latitude);
printf(" Longitude: %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_longitude);
} else {
printf(" Unrecognized ME type: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 19) { // DF 19
printf("DF 19: Military Extended Squitter.\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 22) { // DF 22
printf("DF 22: Military Use.\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 24) { // DF 24
printf("DF 24: Comm D Extended Length Message.\n");
} else if (mm->msgtype == 32) { // DF 32 is special code we use for Mode A/C
printf("SSR : Mode A/C Reply.\n");
if (mm->fs & 0x0080) {
printf(" Mode A : %04x IDENT\n", mm->modeA);
} else {
printf(" Mode A : %04x\n", mm->modeA);
{printf(" Mode C : %d feet\n", mm->altitude);}
} else {
printf("DF %d: Unknown DF Format.\n", mm->msgtype);
// Turn I/Q samples pointed by Modes.data into the magnitude vector
// pointed by Modes.magnitude.
void computeMagnitudeVector(uint16_t *p) {
uint16_t *m = &Modes.magnitude[Modes.trailing_space];
uint32_t j;
memcpy(Modes.magnitude,&Modes.magnitude[MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SAMPLES], Modes.trailing_space);
// Compute the magnitudo vector. It's just SQRT(I^2 + Q^2), but
// we rescale to the 0-255 range to exploit the full resolution.
for (j = 0; j < MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SAMPLES; j ++) {
*m++ = Modes.maglut[*p++];
// Return -1 if the message is out of fase left-side
// Return 1 if the message is out of fase right-size
// Return 0 if the message is not particularly out of phase.
// Note: this function will access pPreamble[-1], so the caller should make sure to
// call it only if we are not at the start of the current buffer
int detectOutOfPhase(uint16_t *pPreamble) {
if (pPreamble[ 3] > pPreamble[2]/3) return 1;
if (pPreamble[10] > pPreamble[9]/3) return 1;
if (pPreamble[ 6] > pPreamble[7]/3) return -1;
if (pPreamble[-1] > pPreamble[1]/3) return -1;
return 0;
uint16_t clamped_scale(uint16_t v, uint16_t scale) {
uint32_t scaled = (uint32_t)v * scale / 16384;
if (scaled > 65535) return 65535;
return (uint16_t) scaled;
// This function decides whether we are sampling early or late,
// and by approximately how much, by looking at the energy in
// preamble bits before and after the expected pulse locations.
// It then deals with one sample pair at a time, comparing samples
// to make a decision about the bit value. Based on this decision it
// modifies the sample value of the *adjacent* sample which will
// contain some of the energy from the bit we just inspected.
// pPayload[0] should be the start of the preamble,
// pPayload[-1 .. MODES_PREAMBLE_SAMPLES + MODES_LONG_MSG_SAMPLES - 1] should be accessible.
void applyPhaseCorrection(uint16_t *pPayload) {
int j;
// we expect 1 bits at 0, 2, 7, 9
// and 0 bits at -1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
// use bits -1,6 for early detection (bit 0/7 arrived a little early, our sample period starts after the bit phase so we include some of the next bit)
// use bits 3,10 for late detection (bit 2/9 arrived a little late, our sample period starts before the bit phase so we include some of the last bit)
uint32_t onTime = (pPayload[0] + pPayload[2] + pPayload[7] + pPayload[9]);
uint32_t early = (pPayload[-1] + pPayload[6]) << 1;
uint32_t late = (pPayload[3] + pPayload[10]) << 1;
if (early > late) {
// Our sample period starts late and so includes some of the next bit.
uint16_t scaleUp = 16384 + 16384 * early / (early + onTime); // 1 + early / (early+onTime)
uint16_t scaleDown = 16384 - 16384 * early / (early + onTime); // 1 - early / (early+onTime)
// trailing bits are 0; final data sample will be a bit low.
clamped_scale(pPayload[MODES_PREAMBLE_SAMPLES + MODES_LONG_MSG_SAMPLES - 1], scaleUp);
if (pPayload[j] > pPayload[j+1]) {
// x [1 0] y
// x overlapped with the "1" bit and is slightly high
pPayload[j-1] = clamped_scale(pPayload[j-1], scaleDown);
} else {
// x [0 1] y
// x overlapped with the "0" bit and is slightly low
pPayload[j-1] = clamped_scale(pPayload[j-1], scaleUp);
} else {
// Our sample period starts early and so includes some of the previous bit.
uint16_t scaleUp = 16384 + 16384 * late / (late + onTime); // 1 + late / (late+onTime)
uint16_t scaleDown = 16384 - 16384 * late / (late + onTime); // 1 - late / (late+onTime)
// leading bits are 0; first data sample will be a bit low.
pPayload[MODES_PREAMBLE_SAMPLES] = clamped_scale(pPayload[MODES_PREAMBLE_SAMPLES], scaleUp);
if (pPayload[j] > pPayload[j+1]) {
// x [1 0] y
// y overlapped with the "0" bit and is slightly low
pPayload[j+2] = clamped_scale(pPayload[j+2], scaleUp);
} else {
// x [0 1] y
// y overlapped with the "1" bit and is slightly high
pPayload[j+2] = clamped_scale(pPayload[j+2], scaleDown);
// Detect a Mode S messages inside the magnitude buffer pointed by 'm' and of
// size 'mlen' bytes. Every detected Mode S message is convert it into a
// stream of bits and passed to the function to display it.
void detectModeS(uint16_t *m, uint32_t mlen) {
struct modesMessage mm;
unsigned char msg[MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES], *pMsg;
uint32_t j;
int use_correction = 0;
memset(&mm, 0, sizeof(mm));
// The Mode S preamble is made of impulses of 0.5 microseconds at
// the following time offsets:
// 0 - 0.5 usec: first impulse.
// 1.0 - 1.5 usec: second impulse.
// 3.5 - 4 usec: third impulse.
// 4.5 - 5 usec: last impulse.
// Since we are sampling at 2 Mhz every sample in our magnitude vector
// is 0.5 usec, so the preamble will look like this, assuming there is
// an impulse at offset 0 in the array:
// 0 -----------------
// 1 -
// 2 ------------------
// 3 --
// 4 -
// 5 --
// 6 -
// 7 ------------------
// 8 --
// 9 -------------------
for (j = 0; j < mlen; j++) {
int high, i, errors, errors56, errorsTy;
uint16_t *pPreamble, *pPayload, *pPtr;
uint8_t theByte, theErrs;
int msglen, scanlen;
uint32_t sigLevel, noiseLevel;
uint16_t snr;
pPreamble = &m[j];
// Rather than clear the whole mm structure, just clear the parts which are required. The clear
// is required for every bit of the input stream, and we don't want to be memset-ing the whole
// modesMessage structure two million times per second if we don't have to..
mm.bFlags =
mm.crcok =
mm.correctedbits = 0;
if (!use_correction) // This is not a re-try with phase correction
{ // so try to find a new preamble
if (Modes.mode_ac)
int ModeA = detectModeA(pPreamble, &mm);
if (ModeA) // We have found a valid ModeA/C in the data
mm.timestampMsg = Modes.timestampBlk + ((j+1) * 6);
// Decode the received message
decodeModeAMessage(&mm, ModeA);
// Pass data to the next layer
// First check of relations between the first 10 samples
// representing a valid preamble. We don't even investigate further
// if this simple test is not passed
if (!(pPreamble[0] > pPreamble[1] &&
pPreamble[1] < pPreamble[2] &&
pPreamble[2] > pPreamble[3] &&
pPreamble[3] < pPreamble[0] &&
pPreamble[4] < pPreamble[0] &&
pPreamble[5] < pPreamble[0] &&
pPreamble[6] < pPreamble[0] &&
pPreamble[7] > pPreamble[8] &&
pPreamble[8] < pPreamble[9] &&
pPreamble[9] > pPreamble[6]))
if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_NOPREAMBLE &&
dumpRawMessage("Unexpected ratio among first 10 samples", msg, m, j);
// The samples between the two spikes must be < than the average
// of the high spikes level. We don't test bits too near to
// the high levels as signals can be out of phase so part of the
// energy can be in the near samples
high = (pPreamble[0] + pPreamble[2] + pPreamble[7] + pPreamble[9]) / 6;
if (pPreamble[4] >= high ||
pPreamble[5] >= high)
if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_NOPREAMBLE &&
dumpRawMessage("Too high level in samples between 3 and 6", msg, m, j);
// Similarly samples in the range 11-14 must be low, as it is the
// space between the preamble and real data. Again we don't test
// bits too near to high levels, see above
if (pPreamble[11] >= high ||
pPreamble[12] >= high ||
pPreamble[13] >= high ||
pPreamble[14] >= high)
if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_NOPREAMBLE &&
dumpRawMessage("Too high level in samples between 10 and 15", msg, m, j);
else {
// If the previous attempt with this message failed, retry using
// magnitude correction
// Make a copy of the Payload, and phase correct the copy
memcpy(aux, &pPreamble[-1], sizeof(aux));
pPayload = &aux[1 + MODES_PREAMBLE_SAMPLES];
// TODO ... apply other kind of corrections
// Decode all the next 112 bits, regardless of the actual message
// size. We'll check the actual message type later
pMsg = &msg[0];
pPtr = pPayload;
theByte = 0;
theErrs = 0; errorsTy = 0;
errors = 0; errors56 = 0;
// We should have 4 'bits' of 0/1 and 1/0 samples in the preamble,
// so include these in the signal strength
sigLevel = pPreamble[0] + pPreamble[2] + pPreamble[7] + pPreamble[9];
noiseLevel = pPreamble[1] + pPreamble[3] + pPreamble[4] + pPreamble[6] + pPreamble[8];
msglen = scanlen = MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS;
for (i = 0; i < scanlen; i++) {
uint32_t a = *pPtr++;
uint32_t b = *pPtr++;
if (a > b)
{theByte |= 1; if (i < 56) { sigLevel += a; noiseLevel += b; }}
else if (a < b)
{/*theByte |= 0;*/ if (i < 56) { sigLevel += b; noiseLevel += a; }}
else {
if (i < 56) { sigLevel += a; noiseLevel += a; }
if (i >= MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS) //(a == b), and we're in the long part of a frame
{errors++; /*theByte |= 0;*/}
else if (i >= 5) //(a == b), and we're in the short part of a frame
{scanlen = MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS; errors56 = ++errors;/*theByte |= 0;*/}
else if (i) //(a == b), and we're in the message type part of a frame
{errorsTy = errors56 = ++errors; theErrs |= 1; /*theByte |= 0;*/}
else //(a == b), and we're in the first bit of the message type part of a frame
{errorsTy = errors56 = ++errors; theErrs |= 1; theByte |= 1;}
if ((i & 7) == 7)
{*pMsg++ = theByte;}
else if (i == 4) {
msglen = modesMessageLenByType(theByte);
if (errors == 0)
{scanlen = msglen;}
theByte = theByte << 1;
if (i < 7)
{theErrs = theErrs << 1;}
// If we've exceeded the permissible number of encoding errors, abandon ship now
if (errors > MODES_MSG_ENCODER_ERRS) {
msglen = 0;
} else if ((errorsTy == 1) && (theErrs == 0x80)) {
// If we only saw one error in the first bit of the byte of the frame, then it's possible
// we guessed wrongly about the value of the bit. We may be able to correct it by guessing
// the other way.
// We guessed a '1' at bit 7, which is the DF length bit == 112 Bits.
// Inverting bit 7 will change the message type from a long to a short.
// Invert the bit, cross your fingers and carry on.
msg[0] ^= theErrs; errorsTy = 0;
errors = errors56; // revert to the number of errors prior to bit 56
} else if (i < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS) {
errors = errors56;
} else {
// Ensure msglen is consistent with the DF type
i = modesMessageLenByType(msg[0] >> 3);
if (msglen > i) {msglen = i;}
else if (msglen < i) {msglen = 0;}
// If we guessed at any of the bits in the DF type field, then look to see if our guess was sensible.
// Do this by looking to see if the original guess results in the DF type being one of the ICAO defined
// message types. If it isn't then toggle the guessed bit and see if this new value is ICAO defined.
// if the new value is ICAO defined, then update it in our message.
if ((msglen) && (errorsTy == 1) && (theErrs & 0x78)) {
// We guessed at one (and only one) of the message type bits. See if our guess is "likely"
// to be correct by comparing the DF against a list of known good DF's
int thisDF = ((theByte = msg[0]) >> 3) & 0x1f;
uint32_t validDFbits = 0x017F0831; // One bit per 32 possible DF's. Set bits 0,4,5,11,,20,21,22,24
uint32_t thisDFbit = (1 << thisDF);
if (0 == (validDFbits & thisDFbit)) {
// The current DF is not ICAO defined, so is probably an errors.
// Toggle the bit we guessed at and see if the resultant DF is more likely
theByte ^= theErrs;
thisDF = (theByte >> 3) & 0x1f;
thisDFbit = (1 << thisDF);
// if this DF any more likely?
if (validDFbits & thisDFbit) {
// Yep, more likely, so update the main message
msg[0] = theByte;
errors--; // decrease the error count so we attempt to use the modified DF.
// snr = 5 * 20log10(sigLevel / noiseLevel) (in units of 0.2dB)
// = 100log10(sigLevel) - 100log10(noiseLevel)
while (sigLevel > 65535 || noiseLevel > 65535) {
sigLevel >>= 1;
noiseLevel >>= 1;
snr = Modes.log10lut[sigLevel] - Modes.log10lut[noiseLevel];
// When we reach this point, if error is small, and the signal strength is large enough
// we may have a Mode S message on our hands. It may still be broken and the CRC may not
// be correct, but this can be handled by the next layer.
if ( (msglen)
&& ((2 * snr) > (int) (MODES_MSG_SQUELCH_DB * 10))
&& (errors <= MODES_MSG_ENCODER_ERRS) ) {
// Set initial mm structure details
mm.timestampMsg = Modes.timestampBlk + (j*6);
mm.signalLevel = (snr > 255 ? 255 : (uint8_t)snr);
mm.phase_corrected = use_correction;
// Decode the received message
decodeModesMessage(&mm, msg);
// Update statistics
if (Modes.stats) {
struct demod_stats *dstats = (use_correction ? &Modes.stat_demod_phasecorrected : &Modes.stat_demod);
switch (errors) {
case 0: dstats->demodulated0++; break;
case 1: dstats->demodulated1++; break;
case 2: dstats->demodulated2++; break;
default: dstats->demodulated3++; break;
if (mm.crcok) {
} else if (mm.correctedbits > 0) {
if (mm.correctedbits <= MODES_MAX_BITERRORS)
dstats->bit_fix[mm.correctedbits-1] += 1;
} else {
// Output debug mode info if needed
if (use_correction) {
if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_DEMOD)
dumpRawMessage("Demodulated with 0 errors", msg, m, j);
else if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_BADCRC &&
mm.msgtype == 17 &&
(!mm.crcok || mm.correctedbits != 0))
dumpRawMessage("Decoded with bad CRC", msg, m, j);
else if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_GOODCRC && mm.crcok &&
mm.correctedbits == 0)
dumpRawMessage("Decoded with good CRC", msg, m, j);
// Skip this message if we are sure it's fine
if (mm.crcok || mm.correctedbits) {
j += (MODES_PREAMBLE_US+msglen)*2 - 1;
// Pass data to the next layer
} else {
if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_DEMODERR && use_correction) {
printf("The following message has %d demod errors\n", errors);
dumpRawMessage("Demodulated with errors", msg, m, j);
// Retry with phase correction if enabled, necessary and possible.
if (Modes.phase_enhance && !mm.crcok && !mm.correctedbits && !use_correction && j && detectOutOfPhase(pPreamble)) {
use_correction = 1; j--;
} else {
use_correction = 0;
//Send any remaining partial raw buffers now
if (Modes.rawOutUsed || Modes.beastOutUsed)
if (Modes.net_output_raw_rate_count > Modes.net_output_raw_rate)
if (Modes.rawOutUsed) {
modesSendAllClients(Modes.ros, Modes.rawOut, Modes.rawOutUsed);
Modes.rawOutUsed = 0;
if (Modes.beastOutUsed) {
modesSendAllClients(Modes.bos, Modes.beastOut, Modes.beastOutUsed);
Modes.beastOutUsed = 0;
Modes.net_output_raw_rate_count = 0;
else if ( (Modes.net)
&& (Modes.net_heartbeat_rate)
&& ((++Modes.net_heartbeat_count) > Modes.net_heartbeat_rate) ) {
// We haven't received any Mode A/C/S messages for some time. To try and keep any TCP
// links alive, send a null frame. This will help stop any routers discarding our TCP
// link which will cause an un-recoverable link error if/when a real frame arrives.
// Fudge up a null message
memset(&mm, 0, sizeof(mm));
mm.msgbits = MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS;
mm.timestampMsg = Modes.timestampBlk;
// Feed output clients
// Reset the heartbeat counter
Modes.net_heartbeat_count = 0;
// 2.4MHz sampling rate version
// When sampling at 2.4MHz we have exactly 6 samples per 5 symbols.
// Each symbol is 500ns wide, each sample is 416.7ns wide
// We maintain a phase offset that is expressed in units of 1/5 of a sample i.e. 1/6 of a symbol, 83.333ns
// Each symbol we process advances the phase offset by 6 i.e. 6/5 of a sample, 500ns
// The correlation functions below correlate a 1-0 pair of symbols (i.e. manchester encoded 1 bit)
// starting at the given sample, and assuming that the symbol starts at a fixed 0-5 phase offset within
// m[0]. They return a correlation value, generally interpreted as >0 = 1 bit, <0 = 0 bit
// TODO check if there are better (or more balanced) correlation functions to use here
// nb: the correlation functions sum to zero, so we do not need to adjust for the DC offset in the input signal
// (adding any constant value to all of m[0..3] does not change the result)
static inline int slice_phase0(uint16_t *m) {
return 5 * m[0] - 3 * m[1] - 2 * m[2];
static inline int slice_phase1(uint16_t *m) {
return 4 * m[0] - m[1] - 3 * m[2];
static inline int slice_phase2(uint16_t *m) {
return 3 * m[0] + m[1] - 4 * m[2];
static inline int slice_phase3(uint16_t *m) {
return 2 * m[0] + 3 * m[1] - 5 * m[2];
static inline int slice_phase4(uint16_t *m) {
return m[0] + 5 * m[1] - 5 * m[2] - m[3];
static inline int correlate_phase0(uint16_t *m) {
return slice_phase0(m) * 26;
static inline int correlate_phase1(uint16_t *m) {
return slice_phase1(m) * 38;
static inline int correlate_phase2(uint16_t *m) {
return slice_phase2(m) * 38;
static inline int correlate_phase3(uint16_t *m) {
return slice_phase3(m) * 26;
static inline int correlate_phase4(uint16_t *m) {
return slice_phase4(m) * 19;
// These functions work out the correlation quality for the 10 symbols (5 bits) starting at m[0] + given phase offset.
// This is used to find the right phase offset to use for decoding.
static inline int correlate_check_0(uint16_t *m) {
abs(correlate_phase0(&m[0])) +
abs(correlate_phase2(&m[2])) +
abs(correlate_phase4(&m[4])) +
abs(correlate_phase1(&m[7])) +
static inline int correlate_check_1(uint16_t *m) {
abs(correlate_phase1(&m[0])) +
abs(correlate_phase3(&m[2])) +
abs(correlate_phase0(&m[5])) +
abs(correlate_phase2(&m[7])) +
static inline int correlate_check_2(uint16_t *m) {
abs(correlate_phase2(&m[0])) +
abs(correlate_phase4(&m[2])) +
abs(correlate_phase1(&m[5])) +
abs(correlate_phase3(&m[7])) +
static inline int correlate_check_3(uint16_t *m) {
abs(correlate_phase3(&m[0])) +
abs(correlate_phase0(&m[3])) +
abs(correlate_phase2(&m[5])) +
abs(correlate_phase4(&m[7])) +
static inline int correlate_check_4(uint16_t *m) {
abs(correlate_phase4(&m[0])) +
abs(correlate_phase1(&m[3])) +
abs(correlate_phase3(&m[5])) +
abs(correlate_phase0(&m[8])) +
// Work out the best phase offset to use for the given message.
static int best_phase(uint16_t *m) {
int test;
int best = -1;
int bestval = (m[0] + m[1] + m[2] + m[3] + m[4] + m[5]); // minimum correlation quality we will accept
// empirical testing suggests that 4..8 is the best range to test for here
// (testing a wider range runs the danger of picking the wrong phase for
// a message that would otherwise be successfully decoded - the correlation
// functions can match well with a one symbol / half bit offset)
// this is consistent with the peak detection which should produce
// the first data symbol with phase offset 4..8
//test = correlate_check_2(&m[0]);
//if (test > bestval) { bestval = test; best = 2; }
//test = correlate_check_3(&m[0]);
//if (test > bestval) { bestval = test; best = 3; }
test = correlate_check_4(&m[0]);
if (test > bestval) { bestval = test; best = 4; }
test = correlate_check_0(&m[1]);
if (test > bestval) { bestval = test; best = 5; }
test = correlate_check_1(&m[1]);
if (test > bestval) { bestval = test; best = 6; }
test = correlate_check_2(&m[1]);
if (test > bestval) { bestval = test; best = 7; }
test = correlate_check_3(&m[1]);
if (test > bestval) { bestval = test; best = 8; }
//test = correlate_check_4(&m[1]);
//if (test > bestval) { bestval = test; best = 9; }
return best;
// Detect a Mode S messages inside the magnitude buffer pointed by 'm' and of
// size 'mlen' bytes. Every detected Mode S message is convert it into a
// stream of bits and passed to the function to display it.
void detectModeS_oversample(uint16_t *m, uint32_t mlen) {
struct modesMessage mm;
unsigned char msg[MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES], *pMsg;
uint32_t j;
memset(&mm, 0, sizeof(mm));
for (j = 0; j < mlen; j++) {
uint16_t *preamble = &m[j];
int high, i, initial_phase, phase, errors, errors56, errorsTy;
int msglen, scanlen;
uint16_t *pPtr;
uint8_t theByte, theErrs;
uint32_t sigLevel, noiseLevel;
uint16_t snr;
int try_phase;
// Look for a message starting at around sample 0 with phase offset 3..7
// Ideal sample values for preambles with different phase
// Xn is the first data symbol with phase offset N
// sample#: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
// phase 3: 2/4\0/5\1 0 0 0 0/5\1/3 3\0 0 0 0 0 0 X4
// phase 4: 1/5\0/4\2 0 0 0 0/4\2 2/4\0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X0
// phase 5: 0/5\1/3 3\0 0 0 0/3 3\1/5\0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X1
// phase 6: 0/4\2 2/4\0 0 0 0 2/4\0/5\1 0 0 0 0 0 0 X2
// phase 7: 0/3 3\1/5\0 0 0 0 1/5\0/4\2 0 0 0 0 0 0 X3
// quick check: we must have a rising edge 0->1 and a falling edge 12->13
if (! (preamble[0] < preamble[1] && preamble[12] > preamble[13]) )
if (preamble[1] > preamble[2] && // 1
preamble[2] < preamble[3] && preamble[3] > preamble[4] && // 3
preamble[8] < preamble[9] && preamble[9] > preamble[10] && // 9
preamble[10] < preamble[11]) { // 11-12
// peaks at 1,3,9,11-12: phase 3
high = (preamble[1] + preamble[3] + preamble[9] + preamble[11] + preamble[12]) / 4;
sigLevel = preamble[1] + preamble[3] + preamble[9];
noiseLevel = preamble[5] + preamble[6] + preamble[7];
} else if (preamble[1] > preamble[2] && // 1
preamble[2] < preamble[3] && preamble[3] > preamble[4] && // 3
preamble[8] < preamble[9] && preamble[9] > preamble[10] && // 9
preamble[11] < preamble[12]) { // 12
// peaks at 1,3,9,12: phase 4
high = (preamble[1] + preamble[3] + preamble[9] + preamble[12]) / 4;
sigLevel = preamble[1] + preamble[3] + preamble[9] + preamble[12];
noiseLevel = preamble[5] + preamble[6] + preamble[7] + preamble[8];
} else if (preamble[1] > preamble[2] && // 1
preamble[2] < preamble[3] && preamble[4] > preamble[5] && // 3-4
preamble[8] < preamble[9] && preamble[10] > preamble[11] && // 9-10
preamble[11] < preamble[12]) { // 12
// peaks at 1,3-4,9-10,12: phase 5
high = (preamble[1] + preamble[3] + preamble[4] + preamble[9] + preamble[10] + preamble[12]) / 4;
sigLevel = preamble[1] + preamble[12];
noiseLevel = preamble[6] + preamble[7];
} else if (preamble[1] > preamble[2] && // 1
preamble[3] < preamble[4] && preamble[4] > preamble[5] && // 4
preamble[9] < preamble[10] && preamble[10] > preamble[11] && // 10
preamble[11] < preamble[12]) { // 12
// peaks at 1,4,10,12: phase 6
high = (preamble[1] + preamble[4] + preamble[10] + preamble[12]) / 4;
sigLevel = preamble[1] + preamble[4] + preamble[10] + preamble[12];
noiseLevel = preamble[5] + preamble[6] + preamble[7] + preamble[8];
} else if (preamble[2] > preamble[3] && // 1-2
preamble[3] < preamble[4] && preamble[4] > preamble[5] && // 4
preamble[9] < preamble[10] && preamble[10] > preamble[11] && // 10
preamble[11] < preamble[12]) { // 12
// peaks at 1-2,4,10,12: phase 7
high = (preamble[1] + preamble[2] + preamble[4] + preamble[10] + preamble[12]) / 4;
sigLevel = preamble[4] + preamble[10] + preamble[12];
noiseLevel = preamble[6] + preamble[7] + preamble[8];
} else {
// no suitable peaks
// Check for enough signal
if (sigLevel * 2 < 3 * noiseLevel) // about 3.5dB SNR
// Check that the "quiet" bits 6,7,15,16,17 are actually quiet
if (preamble[5] >= high ||
preamble[6] >= high ||
preamble[7] >= high ||
preamble[8] >= high ||
preamble[14] >= high ||
preamble[15] >= high ||
preamble[16] >= high ||
preamble[17] >= high ||
preamble[18] >= high) {
// Crosscorrelate against the first few bits to find a likely phase offset
initial_phase = best_phase(&preamble[19]);
if (initial_phase < 0) {
continue; // nothing satisfactory
try_phase = initial_phase;
// Rather than clear the whole mm structure, just clear the parts which are required. The clear
// is required for every possible preamble, and we don't want to be memset-ing the whole
// modesMessage structure if we don't have to..
mm.bFlags =
mm.crcok =
mm.correctedbits = 0;
// Decode all the next 112 bits, regardless of the actual message
// size. We'll check the actual message type later
pMsg = &msg[0];
pPtr = &m[j+19] + (try_phase/5);
phase = try_phase % 5;
theByte = 0;
theErrs = 0; errorsTy = 0;
errors = 0; errors56 = 0;
msglen = scanlen = MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS;
for (i = 0; i < scanlen; i++) {
int test;
switch (phase) {
case 0:
test = slice_phase0(pPtr);
phase = 2;
pPtr += 2;
case 1:
test = slice_phase1(pPtr);
phase = 3;
pPtr += 2;
case 2:
test = slice_phase2(pPtr);
phase = 4;
pPtr += 2;
case 3:
test = slice_phase3(pPtr);
phase = 0;
pPtr += 3;
case 4:
test = slice_phase4(pPtr);
// A phase-4 bit exactly straddles a sample boundary.
// Here's what a 1-0 bit with phase 4 looks like:
// |SYM 1|
// xxx| | |xxx
// |SYM 2|
// 012340123401234012340 <-- sample phase
// | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | <-- sample boundaries
// Samples 1 and 2 only have power from symbols 1 and 2.
// So we can use this to extract signal/noise values
// as one of the two symbols is high (signal) and the
// other is low (noise)
// This also gives us an equal number of signal and noise
// samples, which is convenient. Using the first half of
// a phase 0 bit, or the second half of a phase 3 bit, would
// also work, but we have no guarantees about how many signal
// or noise bits we'd see in those phases.
if (test < 0) { // 0 1
noiseLevel += pPtr[1];
sigLevel += pPtr[2];
} else { // 1 0
sigLevel += pPtr[1];
noiseLevel += pPtr[2];
phase = 1;
pPtr += 3;
test = 0;
if (test > 0)
theByte |= 1;
/* else if (test < 0) theByte |= 0; */
else if (test == 0) {
if (i >= MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS) { // poor correlation, and we're in the long part of a frame
} else if (i >= 5) { // poor correlation, and we're in the short part of a frame
errors56 = ++errors;
} else if (i) { // poor correlation, and we're in the message type part of a frame
errorsTy = errors56 = ++errors;
theErrs |= 1;
} else { // poor correlation, and we're in the first bit of the message type part of a frame
errorsTy = errors56 = ++errors;
theErrs |= 1;
if ((i & 7) == 7)
*pMsg++ = theByte;
theByte = theByte << 1;
if (i < 7)
{theErrs = theErrs << 1;}
// If we've exceeded the permissible number of encoding errors, abandon ship now
if (errors > MODES_MSG_ENCODER_ERRS) {
msglen = 0;
} else if ((errorsTy == 1) && (theErrs == 0x80)) {
// If we only saw one error in the first bit of the byte of the frame, then it's possible
// we guessed wrongly about the value of the bit. We may be able to correct it by guessing
// the other way.
// We guessed a '1' at bit 7, which is the DF length bit == 112 Bits.
// Inverting bit 7 will change the message type from a long to a short.
// Invert the bit, cross your fingers and carry on.
msg[0] ^= theErrs; errorsTy = 0;
errors = errors56; // revert to the number of errors prior to bit 56
} else if (i < MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS) {
errors = errors56;
} else {
// Ensure msglen is consistent with the DF type
i = modesMessageLenByType(msg[0] >> 3);
if (msglen > i) {msglen = i;}
else if (msglen < i) {msglen = 0;}
// If we guessed at any of the bits in the DF type field, then look to see if our guess was sensible.
// Do this by looking to see if the original guess results in the DF type being one of the ICAO defined
// message types. If it isn't then toggle the guessed bit and see if this new value is ICAO defined.
// if the new value is ICAO defined, then update it in our message.
if ((msglen) && (errorsTy == 1) && (theErrs & 0x78)) {
// We guessed at one (and only one) of the message type bits. See if our guess is "likely"
// to be correct by comparing the DF against a list of known good DF's
int thisDF = ((theByte = msg[0]) >> 3) & 0x1f;
uint32_t validDFbits = 0x017F0831; // One bit per 32 possible DF's. Set bits 0,4,5,11,,20,21,22,24
uint32_t thisDFbit = (1 << thisDF);
if (0 == (validDFbits & thisDFbit)) {
// The current DF is not ICAO defined, so is probably an errors.
// Toggle the bit we guessed at and see if the resultant DF is more likely
theByte ^= theErrs;
thisDF = (theByte >> 3) & 0x1f;
thisDFbit = (1 << thisDF);
// if this DF any more likely?
if (validDFbits & thisDFbit) {
// Yep, more likely, so update the main message
msg[0] = theByte;
errors--; // decrease the error count so we attempt to use the modified DF.
// snr = 5 * 20log10(sigLevel / noiseLevel) (in units of 0.2dB)
// = 100log10(sigLevel) - 100log10(noiseLevel)
while (sigLevel > 65535 || noiseLevel > 65535) {
sigLevel >>= 1;
noiseLevel >>= 1;
snr = Modes.log10lut[sigLevel] - Modes.log10lut[noiseLevel];
// When we reach this point, if error is small, and the signal strength is large enough
// we may have a Mode S message on our hands. It may still be broken and the CRC may not
// be correct, but this can be handled by the next layer.
if ( (msglen)
// && ((2 * snr) > (int) (MODES_MSG_SQUELCH_DB * 10))
&& (errors <= MODES_MSG_ENCODER_ERRS) ) {
// Set initial mm structure details
mm.timestampMsg = Modes.timestampBlk + (j*5) + try_phase;
mm.signalLevel = (snr > 255 ? 255 : (uint8_t)snr);
mm.phase_corrected = (initial_phase != try_phase);
// Decode the received message
decodeModesMessage(&mm, msg);
// Update statistics
if (Modes.stats) {
struct demod_stats *dstats = (mm.phase_corrected ? &Modes.stat_demod_phasecorrected : &Modes.stat_demod);
switch (errors) {
case 0: dstats->demodulated0++; break;
case 1: dstats->demodulated1++; break;
case 2: dstats->demodulated2++; break;
default: dstats->demodulated3++; break;
if (mm.crcok) {
} else if (mm.correctedbits > 0) {
if (mm.correctedbits <= MODES_MAX_BITERRORS)
dstats->bit_fix[mm.correctedbits-1] += 1;
} else {
// Skip this message if we are sure it's fine
if (mm.crcok || mm.correctedbits) {
j += (16+msglen)*6/5 - 1;
// Pass data to the next layer
// Only try with different phases if we mostly demodulated OK,
// but the CRC failed. This seems to catch most of the cases
// where trying different phases actually helps, and is much
// cheaper than trying it on every single candidate that passes
// peak detection
if (Modes.phase_enhance && !mm.crcok && !mm.correctedbits) {
if (try_phase == initial_phase)
if (try_phase == 9)
try_phase = 4;
if (try_phase != initial_phase)
goto retry;
//Send any remaining partial raw buffers now
if (Modes.rawOutUsed || Modes.beastOutUsed)
if (Modes.net_output_raw_rate_count > Modes.net_output_raw_rate)
if (Modes.rawOutUsed) {
modesSendAllClients(Modes.ros, Modes.rawOut, Modes.rawOutUsed);
Modes.rawOutUsed = 0;
if (Modes.beastOutUsed) {
modesSendAllClients(Modes.bos, Modes.beastOut, Modes.beastOutUsed);
Modes.beastOutUsed = 0;
Modes.net_output_raw_rate_count = 0;
else if ( (Modes.net)
&& (Modes.net_heartbeat_rate)
&& ((++Modes.net_heartbeat_count) > Modes.net_heartbeat_rate) ) {
// We haven't received any Mode A/C/S messages for some time. To try and keep any TCP
// links alive, send a null frame. This will help stop any routers discarding our TCP
// link which will cause an un-recoverable link error if/when a real frame arrives.
// Fudge up a null message
memset(&mm, 0, sizeof(mm));
mm.msgbits = MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS;
mm.timestampMsg = Modes.timestampBlk;
// Feed output clients
// Reset the heartbeat counter
Modes.net_heartbeat_count = 0;
// When a new message is available, because it was decoded from the RTL device,
// file, or received in the TCP input port, or any other way we can receive a
// decoded message, we call this function in order to use the message.
// Basically this function passes a raw message to the upper layers for further
// processing and visualization
void useModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm) {
if ((Modes.check_crc == 0) || (mm->crcok) || (mm->correctedbits)) { // not checking, ok or fixed
// If we are decoding, track aircraft
if (!Modes.no_decode) {
// In non-interactive non-quiet mode, display messages on standard output
if (!Modes.interactive && !Modes.quiet) {
// Feed output clients
if (Modes.net) {modesQueueOutput(mm);}
// Heartbeat not required whilst we're seeing real messages
Modes.net_heartbeat_count = 0;
// Always positive MOD operation, used for CPR decoding.
int cprModFunction(int a, int b) {
int res = a % b;
if (res < 0) res += b;
return res;
// The NL function uses the precomputed table from 1090-WP-9-14
int cprNLFunction(double lat) {
if (lat < 0) lat = -lat; // Table is simmetric about the equator
if (lat < 10.47047130) return 59;
if (lat < 14.82817437) return 58;
if (lat < 18.18626357) return 57;
if (lat < 21.02939493) return 56;
if (lat < 23.54504487) return 55;
if (lat < 25.82924707) return 54;
if (lat < 27.93898710) return 53;
if (lat < 29.91135686) return 52;
if (lat < 31.77209708) return 51;
if (lat < 33.53993436) return 50;
if (lat < 35.22899598) return 49;
if (lat < 36.85025108) return 48;
if (lat < 38.41241892) return 47;
if (lat < 39.92256684) return 46;
if (lat < 41.38651832) return 45;
if (lat < 42.80914012) return 44;
if (lat < 44.19454951) return 43;
if (lat < 45.54626723) return 42;
if (lat < 46.86733252) return 41;
if (lat < 48.16039128) return 40;
if (lat < 49.42776439) return 39;
if (lat < 50.67150166) return 38;
if (lat < 51.89342469) return 37;
if (lat < 53.09516153) return 36;
if (lat < 54.27817472) return 35;
if (lat < 55.44378444) return 34;
if (lat < 56.59318756) return 33;
if (lat < 57.72747354) return 32;
if (lat < 58.84763776) return 31;
if (lat < 59.95459277) return 30;
if (lat < 61.04917774) return 29;
if (lat < 62.13216659) return 28;
if (lat < 63.20427479) return 27;
if (lat < 64.26616523) return 26;
if (lat < 65.31845310) return 25;
if (lat < 66.36171008) return 24;
if (lat < 67.39646774) return 23;
if (lat < 68.42322022) return 22;
if (lat < 69.44242631) return 21;
if (lat < 70.45451075) return 20;
if (lat < 71.45986473) return 19;
if (lat < 72.45884545) return 18;
if (lat < 73.45177442) return 17;
if (lat < 74.43893416) return 16;
if (lat < 75.42056257) return 15;
if (lat < 76.39684391) return 14;
if (lat < 77.36789461) return 13;
if (lat < 78.33374083) return 12;
if (lat < 79.29428225) return 11;
if (lat < 80.24923213) return 10;
if (lat < 81.19801349) return 9;
if (lat < 82.13956981) return 8;
if (lat < 83.07199445) return 7;
if (lat < 83.99173563) return 6;
if (lat < 84.89166191) return 5;
if (lat < 85.75541621) return 4;
if (lat < 86.53536998) return 3;
if (lat < 87.00000000) return 2;
else return 1;
int cprNFunction(double lat, int fflag) {
int nl = cprNLFunction(lat) - (fflag ? 1 : 0);
if (nl < 1) nl = 1;
return nl;
double cprDlonFunction(double lat, int fflag, int surface) {
return (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / cprNFunction(lat, fflag);
// This algorithm comes from:
// http://www.lll.lu/~edward/edward/adsb/DecodingADSBposition.html.
// A few remarks:
// 1) 131072 is 2^17 since CPR latitude and longitude are encoded in 17 bits.
int decodeCPR(struct aircraft *a, int fflag, int surface) {
double AirDlat0 = (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / 60.0;
double AirDlat1 = (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / 59.0;
double lat0 = a->even_cprlat;
double lat1 = a->odd_cprlat;
double lon0 = a->even_cprlon;
double lon1 = a->odd_cprlon;
// Compute the Latitude Index "j"
int j = (int) floor(((59*lat0 - 60*lat1) / 131072) + 0.5);
double rlat0 = AirDlat0 * (cprModFunction(j,60) + lat0 / 131072);
double rlat1 = AirDlat1 * (cprModFunction(j,59) + lat1 / 131072);
time_t now = time(NULL);
double surface_rlat = MODES_USER_LATITUDE_DFLT;
double surface_rlon = MODES_USER_LONGITUDE_DFLT;
if (surface) {
// If we're on the ground, make sure we have a (likely) valid Lat/Lon
if ((a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_VALID) && (((int)(now - a->seenLatLon)) < Modes.interactive_display_ttl)) {
surface_rlat = a->lat;
surface_rlon = a->lon;
} else if (Modes.bUserFlags & MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID) {
surface_rlat = Modes.fUserLat;
surface_rlon = Modes.fUserLon;
} else {
// No local reference, give up
return (-1);
rlat0 += floor(surface_rlat / 90.0) * 90.0; // Move from 1st quadrant to our quadrant
rlat1 += floor(surface_rlat / 90.0) * 90.0;
} else {
if (rlat0 >= 270) rlat0 -= 360;
if (rlat1 >= 270) rlat1 -= 360;
// Check to see that the latitude is in range: -90 .. +90
if (rlat0 < -90 || rlat0 > 90 || rlat1 < -90 || rlat1 > 90)
return (-1);
// Check that both are in the same latitude zone, or abort.
if (cprNLFunction(rlat0) != cprNLFunction(rlat1))
return (-1);
// Compute ni and the Longitude Index "m"
if (fflag) { // Use odd packet.
int ni = cprNFunction(rlat1,1);
int m = (int) floor((((lon0 * (cprNLFunction(rlat1)-1)) -
(lon1 * cprNLFunction(rlat1))) / 131072.0) + 0.5);
a->lon = cprDlonFunction(rlat1, 1, surface) * (cprModFunction(m, ni)+lon1/131072);
a->lat = rlat1;
} else { // Use even packet.
int ni = cprNFunction(rlat0,0);
int m = (int) floor((((lon0 * (cprNLFunction(rlat0)-1)) -
(lon1 * cprNLFunction(rlat0))) / 131072) + 0.5);
a->lon = cprDlonFunction(rlat0, 0, surface) * (cprModFunction(m, ni)+lon0/131072);
a->lat = rlat0;
if (surface) {
a->lon += floor(surface_rlon / 90.0) * 90.0; // Move from 1st quadrant to our quadrant
} else if (a->lon > 180) {
a->lon -= 360;
a->seenLatLon = a->seen;
a->timestampLatLon = a->timestamp;
return 0;
// This algorithm comes from:
// 1090-WP29-07-Draft_CPR101 (which also defines decodeCPR() )
// There is an error in this document related to CPR relative decode.
// Should use trunc() rather than the floor() function in Eq 38 and related for deltaZI.
// floor() returns integer less than argument
// trunc() returns integer closer to zero than argument.
// Note: text of document describes trunc() functionality for deltaZI calculation
// but the formulae use floor().
int decodeCPRrelative(struct aircraft *a, int fflag, int surface) {
double AirDlat;
double AirDlon;
double lat;
double lon;
double lonr, latr;
double rlon, rlat;
int j,m;
if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_REL_OK) { // Ok to try aircraft relative first
latr = a->lat;
lonr = a->lon;
} else if (Modes.bUserFlags & MODES_USER_LATLON_VALID) { // Try ground station relative next
latr = Modes.fUserLat;
lonr = Modes.fUserLon;
} else {
return (-1); // Exit with error - can't do relative if we don't have ref.
if (fflag) { // odd
AirDlat = (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / 59.0;
lat = a->odd_cprlat;
lon = a->odd_cprlon;
} else { // even
AirDlat = (surface ? 90.0 : 360.0) / 60.0;
lat = a->even_cprlat;
lon = a->even_cprlon;
// Compute the Latitude Index "j"
j = (int) (floor(latr/AirDlat) +
trunc(0.5 + cprModFunction((int)latr, (int)AirDlat)/AirDlat - lat/131072));
rlat = AirDlat * (j + lat/131072);
if (rlat >= 270) rlat -= 360;
// Check to see that the latitude is in range: -90 .. +90
if (rlat < -90 || rlat > 90) {
a->bFlags &= ~MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_REL_OK; // This will cause a quick exit next time if no global has been done
return (-1); // Time to give up - Latitude error
// Check to see that answer is reasonable - ie no more than 1/2 cell away
if (fabs(rlat - a->lat) > (AirDlat/2)) {
a->bFlags &= ~MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_REL_OK; // This will cause a quick exit next time if no global has been done
return (-1); // Time to give up - Latitude error
// Compute the Longitude Index "m"
AirDlon = cprDlonFunction(rlat, fflag, surface);
m = (int) (floor(lonr/AirDlon) +
trunc(0.5 + cprModFunction((int)lonr, (int)AirDlon)/AirDlon - lon/131072));
rlon = AirDlon * (m + lon/131072);
if (rlon > 180) rlon -= 360;
// Check to see that answer is reasonable - ie no more than 1/2 cell away
if (fabs(rlon - a->lon) > (AirDlon/2)) {
a->bFlags &= ~MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_REL_OK; // This will cause a quick exit next time if no global has been done
return (-1); // Time to give up - Longitude error
a->lat = rlat;
a->lon = rlon;
a->seenLatLon = a->seen;
a->timestampLatLon = a->timestamp;
return (0);
// ===================== Mode S detection and decoding ===================