Added some code to enable the user to configure unit selection in a more detailed fashion. you can now select either metric or imperial, or both, and even set which one of those should be displayed first.
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170 lines
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var TrackDirections = ["North","Northeast","East","Southeast","South","Southwest","West","Northwest"];
// formatting helpers
// track in degrees (0..359)
function format_track_brief(track) {
if (track === null){
return "";
return Math.round(track);
// track in degrees (0..359)
function format_track_long(track) {
if (track === null){
return "n/a";
var trackDir = Math.floor((360 + track % 360 + 22.5) / 45) % 8;
return Math.round(track) + DEGREES + NBSP + "(" + TrackDirections[trackDir] + ")";
// altitude (input: alt in feet)
// brief will always show either Metric or Imperial
function format_altitude_brief(alt, vr) {
var alt_text;
// 4 cases possible:
// 1: EnableMetric = true | EnableImperial = false | PreferMetric = (Dont Care) -> display metric
// 2: EnableMetric = false | EnableImperial = true | PreferMetric = (Dont Care) -> display imperial
// 3: EnableMetric = true | EnableImperial = true | PreferMetric = true -> display metric
// 4: EnableMetric = true | EnableImperial = true | PreferMetric = false -> display imperial
if (alt === null){
return "";
} else if (alt === "ground"){
return "ground";
if ((EnableMetric && !EnableImperial) || (PreferMetric && EnableMetric && EnableImperial)){
alt_text = Math.round(alt / 3.2828) + NBSP; // Altitude to meters
} else {
alt_text = Math.round(alt) + NBSP;
// Vertical Rate Triangle
if (vr > 128){
return alt_text + UP_TRIANGLE;
} else if (vr < -128){
return alt_text + DOWN_TRIANGLE;
} else {
return alt_text + NBSP;
// alt in ft
function format_altitude_long(alt, vr) {
var alt_text = "";
if (alt === null) {
return "n/a";
} else if (alt === "ground") {
return "on ground";
// If we only want to see one of the two types
if((EnableMetric && !EnableImperial) || (!EnableMetric && EnableImperial)){
alt_text = Math.round(alt / 3.2828) + " m";
alt_text = Math.round(alt) + " ft";
else{ // we want to see both, check PreferMetric for what order
if (PreferMetric) {
alt_text = Math.round(alt / 3.2828) + " m | " + Math.round(alt) + " ft";
} else {
alt_text = Math.round(alt) + " ft | " + Math.round(alt / 3.2828) + " m";
if (vr > 128) {
return UP_TRIANGLE + NBSP + alt_text;
} else if (vr < -128) {
return DOWN_TRIANGLE + NBSP + alt_text;
} else {
return alt_text;
//input: speed in kts
function format_speed_brief(speed) {
if (speed === null) {
return "";
if ((EnableMetric && !EnableImperial) || (PreferMetric && EnableMetric && EnableImperial)){
return Math.round(speed * 1.852); // knots to kilometers per hour
} else {
return Math.round(speed); // knots
// speed in kts
function format_speed_long(speed) {
if (speed === null) {
return "n/a";
// If we only want to see one of the two types
if((EnableMetric && !EnableImperial) || (!EnableMetric && EnableImperial)){
return Math.round(speed * 1.852) + " km/h";
return Math.round(speed) + " kt";
else{ // we want to see both, check PreferMetric for what order
if (PreferMetric) {
return Math.round(speed * 1.852) + " km/h | " + Math.round(speed) + " kt";
} else {
return Math.round(speed) + " kt | " + Math.round(speed * 1.852) + " km/h";
// dist in meters
function format_distance_brief(dist) {
if (dist === null) {
return "";
if ((EnableMetric && !EnableImperial) || (PreferMetric && EnableMetric && EnableImperial)){
return (dist/1000).toFixed(1); // meters to kilometers
} else {
return (dist/1852).toFixed(1); // meters to nautocal miles
// dist in metres
function format_distance_long(dist) {
if (dist === null) {
return "n/a";
// If we only want to see one of the two types
if((EnableMetric && !EnableImperial) || (!EnableMetric && EnableImperial)){
return (dist/1000).toFixed(1) + " km";
return (dist/1852).toFixed(1) + " NM";
else{ // we want to see both, check PreferMetric for what order
if (PreferMetric) {
return (dist/1000).toFixed(1) + " km | " + (dist/1852).toFixed(1) + " NM";
} else {
return (dist/1852).toFixed(1) + " NM | " + (dist/1000).toFixed(1) + " km";
// p as a LatLng
function format_latlng(p) {
return p.lat().toFixed(3) + DEGREES + "," + NBSP + p.lng().toFixed(3) + DEGREES;
} |