Brian Davenport 8b5c74ded8 Split into multiple JS files,
Selecting planes now works,
Started work on settings window,
Created extension.js, an area for new ideas to be tested or loaded out of.
2013-05-24 02:15:37 +00:00

400 lines
12 KiB

// Define our global variables
var GoogleMap = null;
var Planes = {};
var PlanesOnMap = 0;
var PlanesOnTable = 0;
var PlanesToReap = 0;
var SelectedPlane = null;
var iSortCol=-1;
var bSortASC=true;
var bDefaultSortASC=true;
var iDefaultSortCol=3;
function fetchData() {
$.getJSON('/dump1090/data.json', function(data) {
PlanesOnMap = 0
// Loop through all the planes in the data packet
for (var j=0; j < data.length; j++) {
// Do we already have this plane object in Planes?
// If not make it.
if (Planes[data[j].hex]) {
var plane = Planes[data[j].hex];
} else {
var plane = jQuery.extend(true, {}, planeObject);
// Call the function update
// Copy the plane into Planes
Planes[plane.icao] = plane;
PlanesOnTable = data.length;
// Initalizes the map and starts up our timers to call various functions
function initialize() {
// Make a list of all the available map IDs
var mapTypeIds = [];
for(var type in google.maps.MapTypeId) {
// Push OSM on to the end
// Styled Map to outline airports and highways
var styles = [
"featureType": "administrative",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "off" }
"featureType": "landscape",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "off" }
"featureType": "poi",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "off" }
"featureType": "road",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "off" }
"featureType": "transit",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "off" }
"featureType": "landscape",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "on" },
{ "weight": 8 },
{ "color": "#000000" }
"featureType": "water",
"stylers": [
{ "lightness": -74 }
"featureType": "transit.station.airport",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "on" },
{ "weight": 8 },
{ "invert_lightness": true },
{ "lightness": 27 }
"featureType": "road.highway",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "simplified" },
{ "invert_lightness": true },
{ "gamma": 0.3 }
"featureType": "road",
"elementType": "labels",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "off" }
// Add our styled map
var styledMap = new google.maps.StyledMapType(styles, {name: "Dark Map"});
// Define the Google Map
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(CenterLat, CenterLon),
zoom: ZoomLvl,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: mapTypeIds,
GoogleMap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions);
//Define OSM map type pointing at the OpenStreetMap tile server
GoogleMap.mapTypes.set("OSM", new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
return "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/" + zoom + "/" + coord.x + "/" + coord.y + ".png";
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
name: "OpenStreetMap",
maxZoom: 18
GoogleMap.mapTypes.set("dark_map", styledMap);
// Did our crafty user need some setup?
// Setup our timer to poll from the server.
window.setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
// Faster timer, smoother things
//window.setInterval(function() {
// printTime();
//}, 250);
// This looks for planes to reap out of the master Planes variable
function reaper() {
PlanesToReap = 0;
// When did the reaper start?
reaptime = new Date().getTime();
// Loop the planes
for (var reap in Planes) {
// Is this plane possibly reapable?
if (Planes[reap].reapable == true) {
// Has it not been seen for 5 minutes?
// This way we still have it if it returns before then
// Due to loss of signal or other reasons
if ((reaptime - Planes[reap].updated) > 300000) {
// Reap it.
delete Planes[reap];
// Refresh the detail window about the plane
// TODO: Find out why when deselecting it sticks
function refreshSelected() {
if (( SelectedPlane != "ICAO") && (SelectedPlane != null)) {
var selected = Planes[SelectedPlane];
if (selected.flight == "") {
selected.flight="N/A (" + selected.icao + ")";
var html = '<table id="selectedinfo" width="100%">';
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" id="selectedinfotitle"><b>' + selected.flight + '</b><td></tr>';
// Lets hope we never see this... Aircraft Hijacking
if (selected.squawk == 7500) {
html += '<tr><td colspan="2"id="selectedinfotitle">Squawking: Aircraft Hijacking</td>'
// Radio Failure
if (selected.squawk == 7600) {
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" id="selectedinfotitle">Squawking: Communication Loss (Radio Failure)</td>'
// Emergancy
if (selected.squawk == 7700) {
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" id="selectedinfotitle">Squawking: Emergancy</td>'
html += '<tr><td>Altitude: ' + selected.altitude + '</td><td>Squawk: ' + selected.squawk + '</td></tr>';
html += '<tr><td>Track: ' + selected.track + ' (' + normalizeTrack(selected.track, selected.vTrack)[1] +')</td><td>ICAO (hex): ' + selected.icao + '</td></tr>';
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">Lat/Long: ' + selected.latitude + ', ' + selected.longitude + '</td></tr>';
html += '</table>';
} else {
var html = '';
document.getElementById('plane_detail').innerHTML = html;
// Right now we have no means to validate the speed is good
// Want to return (n/a) when we dont have it
// TODO: Edit C code to add a valid speed flag
// TODO: Edit js code to use said flag
function normalizeSpeed(speed, valid) {
return speed
// Returns back a long string, short string, and the track if we have a vaild track path
function normalizeTrack(track, valid){
x = []
if ((track > -1) && (track < 22.5)) {
x = ["North", "N", track]
if ((track > 22.5) && (track < 67.5)) {
x = ["North East", "NE", track]
if ((track > 67.5) && (track < 112.5)) {
x = ["East", "E", track]
if ((track > 112.5) && (track < 157.5)) {
x = ["South East", "SE", track]
if ((track > 157.5) && (track < 202.5)) {
x = ["South", "S", track]
if ((track > 202.5) && (track < 247.5)) {
x = ["South West", "SW", track]
if ((track > 247.5) && (track < 292.5)) {
x = ["West", "W", track]
if ((track > 292.5) && (track < 337.5)) {
x = ["North West", "NW", track]
if ((track > 337.5) && (track < 361)) {
x = ["North", "N", track]
if (!valid) {
x = [" ", "n/a", ""]
return x
// Refeshes the larger table of all the planes
function refreshTableInfo() {
var html = '<table id="tableinfo" width="100%">';
html += '<thead style="background-color: #BBBBBB; cursor: pointer;">';
html += '<td onclick="setASC_DESC(\'0\');sortTable(\'tableinfo\',\'0\');">ICAO</td>';
html += '<td onclick="setASC_DESC(\'1\');sortTable(\'tableinfo\',\'1\');">Flight</td>';
html += '<td onclick="setASC_DESC(\'2\');sortTable(\'tableinfo\',\'2\');" align="right">Squawk</td>';
html += '<td onclick="setASC_DESC(\'3\');sortTable(\'tableinfo\',\'3\');" align="right">Altitude</td>';
html += '<td onclick="setASC_DESC(\'4\');sortTable(\'tableinfo\',\'4\');" align="right">Speed</td>';
html += '<td onclick="setASC_DESC(\'5\');sortTable(\'tableinfo\',\'5\');" align="right">Track</td>';
html += '<td onclick="setASC_DESC(\'6\');sortTable(\'tableinfo\',\'6\');" align="right">Msgs</td>';
html += '<td onclick="setASC_DESC(\'7\');sortTable(\'tableinfo\',\'7\');" align="right">Seen</td></thead><tbody>';
for (var tablep in Planes) {
var tableplane = Planes[tablep]
if (!tableplane.reapable) {
var specialStyle = "";
// Is this the plane we selected?
if (tableplane.icao == SelectedPlane) {
specialStyle += " selected";
// Lets hope we never see this... Aircraft Hijacking
if (tableplane.squawk == 7500) {
specialStyle += " squawk7500";
// Radio Failure
if (tableplane.squawk == 7600) {
specialStyle += " squawk7600";
// Emergancy
if (tableplane.squawk == 7700) {
specialStyle += " squawk7700";
if (tableplane.vPosition == true)
html += '<tr class="plane_table_row vPosition' + specialStyle + '">';
html += '<tr class="plane_table_row ' + specialStyle + '">';
html += '<td>' + tableplane.icao + '</td>';
html += '<td>' + tableplane.flight + '</td>';
html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.squawk + '</td>';
html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.altitude + '</td>';
html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.speed + '</td>';
html += '<td align="right">' + normalizeTrack(tableplane.track, tableplane.vTrack)[2] + ' (' + normalizeTrack(tableplane.track, tableplane.vTrack)[1] + ')</td>';
html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.messages + '</td>';
html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.seen + '</td>';
html += '</tr>';
html += '</tbody></table>';
document.getElementById('planes_table').innerHTML = html;
// Click event for table
$('#planes_table').find('tr').click( function(){
var hex = $(this).find('td:first').text();
if (hex != "ICAO") {
// Credit goes to a co-worker that needed a similar functions for something else
// we get a copy of it free ;)
function setASC_DESC(iCol) {
if(iSortCol==iCol) {
} else {
function sortTable(szTableID,iCol) {
//if iCol was not provided, and iSortCol is not set, assign default value
if (typeof iCol==='undefined'){
var iCol=iSortCol;
} else {
var iCol=iDefaultSortCol;
//retrieve passed table element
var oTbl=document.getElementById(szTableID).tBodies[0];
var aStore=[];
//If supplied col # is greater than the actual number of cols, set sel col = to last col
if (oTbl.rows[0].cells.length<=iCol)
//store the col #
//determine if we are delaing with numerical, or alphanumeric content
//loop through the rows, storing each one inro aStore
for (var i=0,iLen=oTbl.rows.length;i<iLen;i++){
var oRow=oTbl.rows[i];
//sort aStore ASC/DESC based on value of bSortASC
if(bNumeric){//numerical sort
aStore.sort(function(x,y){return bSortASC?x[0]-y[0]:y[0]-x[0];});
}else{//alpha sort
//rewrite the table rows to the passed table element
for(var i=0,iLen=aStore.length;i<iLen;i++){
function selectPlaneByHex(hex) {
// If SelectedPlane has something in it, clear out the selected
if (SelectedPlane != null) {
Planes[SelectedPlane].is_selected = false;
Planes[SelectedPlane].markerColor = MarkerColor;
// If the selected has a marker, make it not stand out
if (Planes[SelectedPlane].marker) {
// If we are clicking the same plane, we are deselected it.
if (String(SelectedPlane) != String(hex)) {
// Assign the new selected
SelectedPlane = hex;
Planes[SelectedPlane].is_selected = true;
// If the selected has a marker, make it stand out
if (Planes[SelectedPlane].marker) {