Oliver Jowett 26feb1d078 Add some testing code that looks for ambiguous syndromes that
could confuse the partial correction used in DF11.

That code shows that yes, there are ambiguous syndromes in the
2-bit correction case only, so disable corrections of more than
1 bit in DF11.
2015-01-23 21:59:31 +00:00

556 lines
17 KiB

// Part of dump1090, a Mode S message decoder for RTLSDR devices.
// crc.h: Mode S CRC calculation and error correction.
// Copyright (c) 2014,2015 Oliver Jowett <oliver@mutability.co.uk>
// This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "dump1090.h"
#include <assert.h>
// Errorinfo for "no errors"
static struct errorinfo NO_ERRORS;
// Generator polynomial for the Mode S CRC:
#define MODES_GENERATOR_POLY 0xfff409U
// CRC values for all single-byte messages;
// used to speed up CRC calculation.
static uint32_t crc_table[256];
// Syndrome values for all single-bit errors;
// used to speed up construction of error-
// correction tables.
static uint32_t single_bit_syndrome[112];
static void initLookupTables()
int i;
uint8_t msg[112/8];
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
uint32_t c = i << 16;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
if (c & 0x800000)
c = (c<<1);
crc_table[i] = c & 0x00ffffff;
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
for (i = 0; i < 112; ++i) {
msg[i/8] ^= 1 << (7 - (i & 7));
single_bit_syndrome[i] = modesChecksum(msg, 112);
msg[i/8] ^= 1 << (7 - (i & 7));
uint32_t modesChecksum(uint8_t *message, int bits)
uint32_t rem = 0;
int i;
int n = bits/8;
assert(bits % 8 == 0);
assert(n >= 3);
for (i = 0; i < n-3; ++i) {
rem = (rem << 8) ^ crc_table[message[i] ^ ((rem & 0xff0000) >> 16)];
rem = rem & 0xffffff;
rem = rem ^ (message[n-3] << 16) ^ (message[n-2] << 8) ^ (message[n-1]);
return rem;
static struct errorinfo *bitErrorTable_short;
static int bitErrorTableSize_short;
static struct errorinfo *bitErrorTable_long;
static int bitErrorTableSize_long;
// compare two errorinfo structures
static int syndrome_compare(const void *x, const void *y) {
struct errorinfo *ex = (struct errorinfo*)x;
struct errorinfo *ey = (struct errorinfo*)y;
return (int)ex->syndrome - (int)ey->syndrome;
// (n k), the number of ways of selecting k distinct items from a set of n items
static int combinations(int n, int k)
int result = 1, i;
if (k == 0 || k == n)
return 1;
if (k > n)
return 0;
for (i = 1; i <= k; ++i) {
result = result * n / i;
n = n - 1;
return result;
// Recursively populates an errorinfo table with error syndromes
// in:
// table: the table to fill
// n: first entry to fill
// maxSize: max size of table
// offset: start bit offset for checksum calculation
// startbit: first bit to introduce errors into
// endbit: (one past) last bit to introduce errors info
// base_entry: template entry to start from
// error_bit: how many error bits have already been set
// max_errors: maximum total error bits to set
// out:
// returns: the next free entry in the table
// table: has been populated between [n, return value)
static int prepareSubtable(struct errorinfo *table, int n, int maxsize, int offset, int startbit, int endbit, struct errorinfo *base_entry, int error_bit, int max_errors)
int i = 0;
if (error_bit >= max_errors)
return n;
for (i = startbit; i < endbit; ++i) {
assert(n < maxsize);
table[n] = *base_entry;
table[n].syndrome ^= single_bit_syndrome[i + offset];
table[n].errors = error_bit+1;
table[n].bit[error_bit] = i;
n = prepareSubtable(table, n, maxsize, offset, i + 1, endbit, &table[n-1], error_bit + 1, max_errors);
return n;
static int flagCollisions(struct errorinfo *table, int tablesize, int offset, int startbit, int endbit, uint32_t base_syndrome, int error_bit, int first_error, int last_error)
int i = 0;
int count = 0;
if (error_bit > last_error)
return 0;
for (i = startbit; i < endbit; ++i) {
struct errorinfo ei;
ei.syndrome = base_syndrome ^ single_bit_syndrome[i + offset];
if (error_bit >= first_error) {
struct errorinfo *collision = bsearch(&ei, table, tablesize, sizeof(struct errorinfo), syndrome_compare);
if (collision != NULL && collision->errors != -1) {
collision->errors = -1;
count += flagCollisions(table, tablesize, offset, i+1, endbit, ei.syndrome, error_bit + 1, first_error, last_error);
return count;
// Allocate and build an error table for messages of length "bits" (max 112)
// returns a pointer to the new table and sets *size_out to the table length
static struct errorinfo *prepareErrorTable(int bits, int max_correct, int max_detect, int *size_out)
int maxsize, usedsize;
struct errorinfo *table;
struct errorinfo base_entry;
int i, j;
assert (bits >= 0 && bits <= 112);
assert (max_correct >=0 && max_correct <= MODES_MAX_BITERRORS);
assert (max_detect >= max_correct);
if (!max_correct) {
*size_out = 0;
return NULL;
maxsize = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= max_correct; ++i) {
maxsize += combinations(bits - 5, i); // space needed for all i-bit errors
fprintf(stderr, "Preparing syndrome table to correct up to %d-bit errors (detecting %d-bit errors) in a %d-bit message (max %d entries)\n", max_correct, max_detect, bits, maxsize);
table = malloc(maxsize * sizeof(struct errorinfo));
base_entry.syndrome = 0;
base_entry.errors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MODES_MAX_BITERRORS; ++i)
base_entry.bit[i] = -1;
// ignore the first 5 bits (DF type)
usedsize = prepareSubtable(table, 0, maxsize, 112 - bits, 5, bits, &base_entry, 0, max_correct);
fprintf(stderr, "%d syndromes (expected %d).\n", usedsize, maxsize);
fprintf(stderr, "Sorting syndromes..\n");
qsort(table, usedsize, sizeof(struct errorinfo), syndrome_compare);
// Show the table stats
fprintf(stderr, "Undetectable errors:\n");
for (i = 1; i <= max_correct; ++i) {
int j, count;
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < usedsize; ++j)
if (table[j].errors == i && table[j].syndrome == 0)
fprintf(stderr, " %d undetectable %d-bit errors\n", count, i);
// Handle ambiguous cases, where there is more than one possible error pattern
// that produces a given syndrome (this happens with >2 bit errors).
fprintf(stderr, "Finding collisions..\n");
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < usedsize; ++i) {
if (i < usedsize-1 && table[i+1].syndrome == table[i].syndrome) {
// skip over this entry and all collisions
while (i < usedsize && table[i+1].syndrome == table[i].syndrome)
// now table[i] is the last duplicate
if (i != j)
table[j] = table[i];
if (j < usedsize) {
fprintf(stderr, "Discarded %d collisions.\n", usedsize - j);
usedsize = j;
// Flag collisions we want to detect but not correct
if (max_detect > max_correct) {
int flagged;
fprintf(stderr, "Flagging collisions between %d - %d bits..\n", max_correct+1, max_detect);
flagged = flagCollisions(table, usedsize, 112 - bits, 5, bits, 0, 1, max_correct+1, max_detect);
fprintf(stderr, "Flagged %d collisions for removal.\n", flagged);
if (flagged > 0) {
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < usedsize; ++i) {
if (table[i].errors != -1) {
if (i != j)
table[j] = table[i];
fprintf(stderr, "Discarded %d flagged collisions.\n", usedsize - j);
usedsize = j;
if (usedsize < maxsize) {
fprintf(stderr, "Shrinking table from %d to %d..\n", maxsize, usedsize);
table = realloc(table, usedsize * sizeof(struct errorinfo));
*size_out = usedsize;
// Check the table.
unsigned char *msg = malloc(bits/8);
for (i = 0; i < usedsize; ++i) {
int j;
struct errorinfo *ei;
uint32_t result;
memset(msg, 0, bits/8);
ei = &table[i];
for (j = 0; j < ei->errors; ++j) {
msg[ei->bit[j] >> 3] ^= 1 << (7 - (ei->bit[j]&7));
result = modesChecksum(msg, bits);
if (result != ei->syndrome) {
fprintf(stderr, "PROBLEM: entry %6d/%6d syndrome %06x errors %d bits ", i, usedsize, ei->syndrome, ei->errors);
for (j = 0; j < ei->errors; ++j)
fprintf(stderr, "%3d ", ei->bit[j]);
fprintf(stderr, " checksum %06x\n", result);
// Show the table stats
fprintf(stderr, "Syndrome table summary:\n");
for (i = 1; i <= max_correct; ++i) {
int j, count, possible;
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < usedsize; ++j)
if (table[j].errors == i)
possible = combinations(bits-5, i);
fprintf(stderr, " %d entries for %d-bit errors (%d possible, %d%% coverage)\n", count, i, possible, 100 * count / possible);
fprintf(stderr, " %d entries total\n", usedsize);
return table;
// Precompute syndrome tables for 56- and 112-bit messages.
void modesChecksumInit(int fixBits)
switch (fixBits) {
case 0:
bitErrorTable_short = bitErrorTable_long = NULL;
bitErrorTableSize_short = bitErrorTableSize_long = 0;
case 1:
// For 1 bit correction, we have 100% coverage up to 4 bit detection, so don't bother
// with flagging collisions there.
bitErrorTable_short = prepareErrorTable(MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS, 1, 1, &bitErrorTableSize_short);
bitErrorTable_long = prepareErrorTable(MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS, 1, 1, &bitErrorTableSize_long);
// Detect out to 4 bit errors; this reduces our 2-bit coverage to about 65%.
// This can take a little while - tell the user.
fprintf(stderr, "Preparing error correction tables.. ");
bitErrorTable_short = prepareErrorTable(MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS, 2, 4, &bitErrorTableSize_short);
bitErrorTable_long = prepareErrorTable(MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS, 2, 4, &bitErrorTableSize_long);
fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
// Given an error syndrome and message length, return
// an error-correction descriptor, or NULL if the
// syndrome is uncorrectable
struct errorinfo *modesChecksumDiagnose(uint32_t syndrome, int bitlen)
struct errorinfo *table;
int tablesize;
struct errorinfo ei;
if (syndrome == 0)
return &NO_ERRORS;
assert (bitlen == 56 || bitlen == 112);
if (bitlen == 56) { table = bitErrorTable_short; tablesize = bitErrorTableSize_short; }
else { table = bitErrorTable_long; tablesize = bitErrorTableSize_long; }
if (!table)
return NULL;
ei.syndrome = syndrome;
return bsearch(&ei, table, tablesize, sizeof(struct errorinfo), syndrome_compare);
// Given a message and an error-correction descriptor,
// apply the error correction to the given message.
void modesChecksumFix(uint8_t *msg, struct errorinfo *info)
int i;
if (!info)
for (i = 0; i < info->errors; ++i)
msg[info->bit[i] >> 3] ^= 1 << (7 - (info->bit[i] & 7));
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int shortlen, longlen;
int i;
struct errorinfo *shorttable, *longtable;
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "syntax: crctests <ncorrect> <ndetect>\n");
return 1;
shorttable = prepareErrorTable(MODES_SHORT_MSG_BITS, atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), &shortlen);
longtable = prepareErrorTable(MODES_LONG_MSG_BITS, atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), &longlen);
// check for DF11 correction syndromes where there is a syndrome with lower 7 bits all zero
// (which would be used for DF11 error correction), but there's also a syndrome which has
// the same upper 17 bits but nonzero lower 7 bits.
// empirically, with ncorrect=1 ndetect=2 we get no ambiguous syndromes;
// for ncorrect=2 ndetect=4 we get 11 ambiguous syndromes:
syndrome 1 = 000C00 bits=[ 44 45 ]
syndrome 2 = 000C1B bits=[ 30 43 ]
syndrome 1 = 001400 bits=[ 43 45 ]
syndrome 2 = 00141B bits=[ 30 44 ]
syndrome 1 = 001800 bits=[ 43 44 ]
syndrome 2 = 00181B bits=[ 30 45 ]
syndrome 1 = 001800 bits=[ 43 44 ]
syndrome 2 = 001836 bits=[ 29 42 ]
syndrome 1 = 002400 bits=[ 42 45 ]
syndrome 2 = 00242D bits=[ 29 30 ]
syndrome 1 = 002800 bits=[ 42 44 ]
syndrome 2 = 002836 bits=[ 29 43 ]
syndrome 1 = 003000 bits=[ 42 43 ]
syndrome 2 = 003036 bits=[ 29 44 ]
syndrome 1 = 003000 bits=[ 42 43 ]
syndrome 2 = 00306C bits=[ 28 41 ]
syndrome 1 = 004800 bits=[ 41 44 ]
syndrome 2 = 00485A bits=[ 28 29 ]
syndrome 1 = 005000 bits=[ 41 43 ]
syndrome 2 = 00506C bits=[ 28 42 ]
syndrome 1 = 006000 bits=[ 41 42 ]
syndrome 2 = 00606C bits=[ 28 43 ]
// So in the DF11 correction logic, we just discard messages that require more than a 1 bit fix.
fprintf(stderr, "checking %d syndromes for DF11 collisions..\n", shortlen);
for (i = 0; i < shortlen; ++i) {
if ((shorttable[i].syndrome & 0xFF) == 0) {
int j;
// all syndromes with the same first 17 bits should sort immediately after entry i,
// so this is fairly easy
for (j = i+1; j < shortlen; ++j) {
if ((shorttable[i].syndrome & 0xFFFF80) == (shorttable[j].syndrome & 0xFFFF80)) {
int k;
int mismatch = 0;
// we don't care if the only differences are in bits that lie in the checksum
for (k = 0; k < shorttable[i].errors; ++k) {
int l, matched = 0;
if (shorttable[i].bit[k] >= 49)
continue; // bit is in the final 7 bits, we don't care
for (l = 0; l < shorttable[j].errors; ++l) {
if (shorttable[i].bit[k] == shorttable[j].bit[l]) {
matched = 1;
if (!matched)
mismatch = 1;
for (k = 0; k < shorttable[j].errors; ++k) {
int l, matched = 0;
if (shorttable[j].bit[k] >= 49)
continue; // bit is in the final 7 bits, we don't care
for (l = 0; l < shorttable[i].errors; ++l) {
if (shorttable[j].bit[k] == shorttable[i].bit[l]) {
matched = 1;
if (!matched)
mismatch = 1;
if (mismatch) {
"DF11 correction collision: \n"
" syndrome 1 = %06X bits=[",
for (k = 0; k < shorttable[i].errors; ++k)
fprintf(stderr, " %d", shorttable[i].bit[k]);
fprintf(stderr, " ]\n");
" syndrome 2 = %06X bits=[",
for (k = 0; k < shorttable[j].errors; ++k)
fprintf(stderr, " %d", shorttable[j].bit[k]);
fprintf(stderr, " ]\n");
} else {
return 0;