Oliver Jowett 62ec7796d0 Require that the JSON refresh interval is at least 1, as it is used
to control the webmap refresh rate even if JSON files are not being written.
2015-01-14 01:15:54 +00:00

221 lines
6.2 KiB

set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
db_set_yn() {
if [ "x$2" = "xyes" ]; then db_set $1 true; else db_set $1 false; fi
# Load config file, if it exists.
if [ -e $CONFIGFILE ]; then
. $CONFIGFILE || true
# Store values from config file into
# debconf db.
db_set_yn $NAME/auto-start "$START_DUMP1090"
db_set $NAME/run-as-user "$DUMP1090_USER"
db_set $NAME/log-file "$LOGFILE"
db_set $NAME/rtlsdr-device "$DEVICE"
db_set $NAME/rtlsdr-gain "$GAIN"
db_set $NAME/rtlsdr-ppm "$PPM"
db_set_yn $NAME/rtlsdr-oversample "$OVERSAMPLE"
db_set_yn $NAME/decode-fixcrc "$FIX_CRC"
db_set_yn $NAME/decode-phase-enhance "$PHASE_ENHANCE"
db_set_yn $NAME/decode-aggressive "$AGGRESSIVE"
db_set $NAME/decode-lat "$LAT"
db_set $NAME/decode-lon "$LON"
db_set $NAME/decode-max-range "$MAX_RANGE"
db_set $NAME/net-http-port "$HTTP_PORT"
db_set $NAME/net-ri-port "$RAW_INPUT_PORT"
db_set $NAME/net-ro-port "$RAW_OUTPUT_PORT"
db_set $NAME/net-bi-port "$BEAST_INPUT_PORT"
db_set $NAME/net-bo-port "$BEAST_OUTPUT_PORT"
db_set $NAME/net-sbs-port "$SBS_OUTPUT_PORT"
db_set $NAME/net-fatsv-port "$FATSV_OUTPUT_PORT"
db_set $NAME/net-heartbeat "$NET_HEARTBEAT"
db_set $NAME/net-out-size "$NET_OUTPUT_SIZE"
db_set $NAME/net-out-interval "$NET_OUTPUT_INTERVAL"
db_set $NAME/net-buffer "$NET_BUFFER"
db_set $NAME/net-bind-address "$NET_BIND_ADDRESS"
db_set $NAME/stats-interval "$STATS_INTERVAL"
db_set $NAME/json-dir "$JSON_DIR"
db_set $NAME/json-interval "$JSON_INTERVAL"
db_set $NAME/json-location-accuracy "$JSON_LOCATION_ACCURACY"
db_set_yn $NAME/log-decoded-messages "$LOG_DECODED_MESSAGES"
db_set $NAME/extra-args "$EXTRA_ARGS"
# Ask questions.
db_input_verify() {
# $1 = priority
# $2 = db key
# $3 = verification function, should return 0 if OK
PRI=$1; KEY=$2; VERIFY=$3
set +e
db_input $PRI $KEY; RESULT=$?
set -e
while :
db_get $KEY
if $VERIFY $RET; then return 0; fi
if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then
# db_input failed, and the existing value does not validate
if [ $RESULT = 30 ] && [ $ASKED = 0 ]
# question was skipped, but existing value is invalid
# bump priority and try again (once)
# give up, use the default value
db_reset $KEY
return 0
# db_input was OK, but the value did not verify.
# show an error message
db_input high dump1090-mutability/invalid-$VERIFY || true
# try again
set +e
db_fset $KEY seen false
db_input high $KEY; RESULT=$?
set -e
is_unsigned_int() {
if echo "$1" | grep -Eq '^(0|+?[1-9][0-9]*)$'; then return 0; else return 1; fi
is_unsigned_int_or_empty() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 0
elif is_unsigned_int "$1"; then return 0
else return 1; fi
is_positive_int() {
if echo "$1" | grep -Eq '^(+?[1-9][0-9]*)$'; then return 0; else return 1; fi
is_signed_int() {
if echo "$1" | grep -Eq '^(0|[+-]?[1-9][0-9]*)$'; then return 0; else return 1; fi
is_signed_int_or_empty() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 0
elif is_signed_int "$1"; then return 0
else return 1; fi
is_ipaddrish() {
if echo "$1" | grep -Eq '^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$'; then return 0; else return 1; fi
is_ipaddrish_or_empty() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 0
elif is_ipaddrish "$1"; then return 0
else return 1; fi
is_number() {
if echo "$1" | grep -Eq '^(0|[+-]?[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?$'; then return 0; else return 1; fi
is_number_or_empty() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 0
elif is_number "$1"; then return 0;
else return 1; fi
is_valid_gain() {
if is_number "$1"; then return 0;
elif [ "$1" = "max" ]; then return 0;
elif [ "$1" = "agc" ]; then return 0;
else return 1; fi
is_not_empty() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 1; else return 0; fi
is_port_number() {
if is_unsigned_int "$1"; then
if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then return 0; fi
if [ "$1" -lt 1024 ]; then return 1; fi
if [ "$1" -gt 65535 ]; then return 1; fi
return 0
return 1
db_input high $NAME/auto-start || true
db_go || true; db_get $NAME/auto-start; if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
# all of these are only relevant if the init script is enabled
db_input_verify low $NAME/run-as-user is_not_empty || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/log-file is_not_empty || true
db_input medium $NAME/rtlsdr-device || true
db_go || true; db_get $NAME/rtlsdr-device; if [ "x$RET" != "xnone" ]; then
# only if a real device was chosen:
db_input_verify medium $NAME/rtlsdr-gain is_valid_gain || true
db_input_verify medium $NAME/rtlsdr-ppm is_signed_int || true
db_input low $NAME/rtlsdr-oversample || true
db_input low $NAME/decode-fix-crc || true
db_input low $NAME/decode-aggressive || true
db_input_verify medium $NAME/decode-max-range is_number || true
db_input_verify medium $NAME/decode-lat is_number_or_empty || true
db_go || true; db_get $NAME/decode-lat; if [ -n "$RET" ]; then
# only if latitude was given:
db_input_verify medium $NAME/decode-lon is_number_or_empty || true
db_input_verify medium $NAME/net-http-port is_port_number || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-ri-port is_port_number || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-ro-port is_port_number || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-bi-port is_port_number || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-bo-port is_port_number || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-sbs-port is_port_number || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-fatsv-port is_port_number || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-heartbeat is_unsigned_int || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-out-size is_unsigned_int || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-out-interval is_unsigned_int || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/net-buffer is_unsigned_int || true
db_input_verify medium $NAME/net-bind-address is_ipaddrish_or_empty || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/stats-interval is_unsigned_int || true
db_input_verify low $NAME/json-interval is_positive_int || true
db_input low $NAME/json-location-accuracy || true
db_input low $NAME/json-dir || true
db_input low $NAME/log-decoded-messages || true
db_input low $NAME/extra-args || true
db_go || True
# Done.