126 lines
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126 lines
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// --------------------------------------------------------
// This file is to configure the configurable settings.
// Load this file before script.js file at gmap.html.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// -- Title Settings --------------------------------------
// Show number of aircraft and/or messages per second in the page title
PlaneCountInTitle = true;
MessageRateInTitle = false;
// -- Output Settings -------------------------------------
// The DisplayUnits setting controls whether nautical (ft, NM, knots),
// metric (m, km, km/h) or imperial (ft, mi, mph) units are used in the
// plane table and in the detailed plane info. Valid values are
// "nautical", "metric", or "imperial".
DisplayUnits = "nautical";
// -- Map settings ----------------------------------------
// These settings are overridden by any position information
// provided by dump1090 itself. All positions are in decimal
// degrees.
// Default center of the map.
DefaultCenterLat = 45.0;
DefaultCenterLon = 9.0;
// The google maps zoom level, 0 - 16, lower is further out
DefaultZoomLvl = 7;
// Center marker. If dump1090 provides a receiver location,
// that location is used and these settings are ignored.
SiteShow = false; // true to show a center marker
SiteLat = 45.0; // position of the marker
SiteLon = 9.0;
SiteName = "My Radar Site"; // tooltip of the marker
// -- Marker settings -------------------------------------
// These settings control the coloring of aircraft by altitude.
// All color values are given as Hue (0-359) / Saturation (0-100) / Lightness (0-100)
ColorByAlt = {
// HSL for planes with unknown altitude:
unknown : { h: 0, s: 0, l: 40 },
// HSL for planes that are on the ground:
ground : { h: 15, s: 80, l: 20 },
air : {
// These define altitude-to-hue mappings
// at particular altitudes; the hue
// for intermediate altitudes that lie
// between the provided altitudes is linearly
// interpolated.
// Mappings must be provided in increasing
// order of altitude.
// Altitudes below the first entry use the
// hue of the first entry; altitudes above
// the last entry use the hue of the last
// entry.
h: [ { alt: 2000, val: 20 }, // orange
{ alt: 10000, val: 140 }, // light green
{ alt: 40000, val: 300 } ], // magenta
s: 85,
l: 50,
// Changes added to the color of the currently selected plane
selected : { h: 0, s: -10, l: +20 },
// Changes added to the color of planes that have stale position info
stale : { h: 0, s: -10, l: +30 },
// Changes added to the color of planes that have positions from mlat
mlat : { h: 0, s: -10, l: -10 }
// For a monochrome display try this:
// ColorByAlt = {
// unknown : { h: 0, s: 0, l: 40 },
// ground : { h: 0, s: 0, l: 30 },
// air : { h: [ { alt: 0, val: 0 } ], s: 0, l: 50 },
// selected : { h: 0, s: 0, l: +30 },
// stale : { h: 0, s: 0, l: +30 },
// mlat : { h: 0, s: 0, l: -10 }
// };
// Outline color for aircraft icons with an ADS-B position
OutlineADSBColor = '#000000';
// Outline color for aircraft icons with a mlat position
OutlineMlatColor = '#4040FF';
SiteCircles = true; // true to show circles (only shown if the center marker is shown)
// In miles, nautical miles, or km (depending settings value 'DisplayUnits')
SiteCirclesDistances = new Array(100,150,200);
// Controls page title, righthand pane when nothing is selected
PageName = "PiAware Skyview";
// Show country flags by ICAO addresses?
ShowFlags = true;
// Path to country flags (can be a relative or absolute URL; include a trailing /)
FlagPath = "flags-tiny/";
// Set to true to enable the ChartBundle base layers (US coverage only)
ChartBundleLayers = false;
// Provide a Bing Maps API key here to enable the Bing imagery layer.
// You can obtain a free key (with usage limits) at
// https://www.bingmapsportal.com/ (you need a "basic key")
// Be sure to quote your key:
// BingMapsAPIKey = "your key here";
BingMapsAPIKey = null;
// Turn on display of extra Mode S EHS / ADS-B v1/v2 data
// This is not polished yet (and so is disabled by default),
// currently it's just a data dump of the new fields with no UX work.
ExtendedData = false;