// Part of dump1090, a Mode S message decoder for RTLSDR devices. // // stats.c: statistics helpers. // // Copyright (c) 2015 Oliver Jowett <oliver@mutability.co.uk> // // This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your // option) any later version. // // This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and // permission notice: // // Copyright (C) 2012 by Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez@gmail.com> // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "dump1090.h" void add_timespecs(const struct timespec *x, const struct timespec *y, struct timespec *z) { z->tv_sec = x->tv_sec + y->tv_sec; z->tv_nsec = x->tv_nsec + y->tv_nsec; z->tv_sec += z->tv_nsec / 1000000000L; z->tv_nsec = z->tv_nsec % 1000000000L; } static void display_range_histogram(struct stats *st); void display_stats(struct stats *st) { int j; time_t tt_start, tt_end; struct tm tm_start, tm_end; char tb_start[30], tb_end[30]; printf("\n\n"); tt_start = st->start/1000; localtime_r(&tt_start, &tm_start); strftime(tb_start, sizeof(tb_start), "%c %Z", &tm_start); tt_end = st->end/1000; localtime_r(&tt_end, &tm_end); strftime(tb_end, sizeof(tb_end), "%c %Z", &tm_end); printf("Statistics: %s - %s\n", tb_start, tb_end); if (!Modes.net_only) { printf("Local receiver:\n"); printf(" %llu samples processed\n", (unsigned long long)st->samples_processed); printf(" %llu samples dropped\n", (unsigned long long)st->samples_dropped); printf(" %u Mode A/C messages received\n", st->demod_modeac); printf(" %u Mode-S message preambles received\n", st->demod_preambles); printf(" %u with bad message format or invalid CRC\n", st->demod_rejected_bad); printf(" %u with unrecognized ICAO address\n", st->demod_rejected_unknown_icao); printf(" %u accepted with correct CRC\n", st->demod_accepted[0]); for (j = 1; j <= Modes.nfix_crc; ++j) printf(" %u accepted with %d-bit error repaired\n", st->demod_accepted[j], j); if (st->noise_power_sum > 0 && st->noise_power_count > 0) { printf(" %.1f dBFS noise power\n", 10 * log10(st->noise_power_sum / st->noise_power_count)); } if (st->signal_power_sum > 0 && st->signal_power_count > 0) { printf(" %.1f dBFS mean signal power\n", 10 * log10(st->signal_power_sum / st->signal_power_count)); } if (st->peak_signal_power > 0) { printf(" %.1f dBFS peak signal power\n", 10 * log10(st->peak_signal_power)); } printf(" %u messages with signal power above -3dBFS\n", st->strong_signal_count); } if (Modes.net) { printf("Messages from network clients:\n"); printf(" %u Mode A/C messages received\n", st->remote_received_modeac); printf(" %u Mode S messages received\n", st->remote_received_modes); printf(" %u with bad message format or invalid CRC\n", st->remote_rejected_bad); printf(" %u with unrecognized ICAO address\n", st->remote_rejected_unknown_icao); printf(" %u accepted with correct CRC\n", st->remote_accepted[0]); for (j = 1; j <= Modes.nfix_crc; ++j) printf(" %u accepted with %d-bit error repaired\n", st->remote_accepted[j], j); } printf("%u total usable messages\n", st->messages_total); printf("%u surface position messages received\n" "%u airborne position messages received\n" "%u global CPR attempts with valid positions\n" "%u global CPR attempts with bad data\n" " %u global CPR attempts that failed the range check\n" " %u global CPR attempts that failed the speed check\n" "%u global CPR attempts with insufficient data\n" "%u local CPR attempts with valid positions\n" " %u aircraft-relative positions\n" " %u receiver-relative positions\n" "%u local CPR attempts that did not produce useful positions\n" " %u local CPR attempts that failed the range check\n" " %u local CPR attempts that failed the speed check\n" "%u CPR messages that look like transponder failures filtered\n", st->cpr_surface, st->cpr_airborne, st->cpr_global_ok, st->cpr_global_bad, st->cpr_global_range_checks, st->cpr_global_speed_checks, st->cpr_global_skipped, st->cpr_local_ok, st->cpr_local_aircraft_relative, st->cpr_local_receiver_relative, st->cpr_local_skipped, st->cpr_local_range_checks, st->cpr_local_speed_checks, st->cpr_filtered); printf("%u non-ES altitude messages from ES-equipped aircraft ignored\n", st->suppressed_altitude_messages); printf("%u unique aircraft tracks\n", st->unique_aircraft); printf("%u aircraft tracks where only one message was seen\n", st->single_message_aircraft); #ifdef ENABLE_WEBSERVER if (Modes.net) printf("%d HTTP requests\n", st->http_requests); #endif { uint64_t demod_cpu_millis = (uint64_t)st->demod_cpu.tv_sec*1000UL + st->demod_cpu.tv_nsec/1000000UL; uint64_t reader_cpu_millis = (uint64_t)st->reader_cpu.tv_sec*1000UL + st->reader_cpu.tv_nsec/1000000UL; uint64_t background_cpu_millis = (uint64_t)st->background_cpu.tv_sec*1000UL + st->background_cpu.tv_nsec/1000000UL; printf("CPU load: %.1f%%\n" " %llu ms for demodulation\n" " %llu ms for reading from USB\n" " %llu ms for network input and background tasks\n", 100.0 * (demod_cpu_millis + reader_cpu_millis + background_cpu_millis) / (st->end - st->start + 1), (unsigned long long) demod_cpu_millis, (unsigned long long) reader_cpu_millis, (unsigned long long) background_cpu_millis); } if (Modes.stats_range_histo) display_range_histogram(st); fflush(stdout); } static void display_range_histogram(struct stats *st) { uint32_t peak; int i, j; int heights[RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT]; #if 0 #define NPIXELS 4 char *pixels[NPIXELS] = { ".", "o", "O", "|" }; #else // UTF-8 bar symbols #define NPIXELS 8 char *pixels[NPIXELS] = { "\xE2\x96\x81", "\xE2\x96\x82", "\xE2\x96\x83", "\xE2\x96\x84", "\xE2\x96\x85", "\xE2\x96\x86", "\xE2\x96\x87", "\xE2\x96\x88" }; #endif printf ("Range histogram:\n\n"); for (i = 0, peak = 0; i < RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i) { if (st->range_histogram[i] > peak) peak = st->range_histogram[i]; } for (i = 0; i < RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i) { heights[i] = st->range_histogram[i] * 20.0 * NPIXELS / peak; if (st->range_histogram[i] > 0 && heights[i] == 0) heights[i] = 1; } for (j = 0; j < 20; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i) { int pheight = heights[i] - ((19 - j) * NPIXELS); if (pheight <= 0) printf(" "); else if (pheight >= NPIXELS) printf("%s", pixels[NPIXELS-1]); else printf("%s", pixels[pheight]); } printf("\n"); } for (i = 0; i < RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT/4; ++i) { printf("----"); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT/4; ++i) { printf(" ' "); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT/4; ++i) { int midpoint = round((i*4+1.5) * Modes.maxRange / RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT / 1000); printf("%03d ", midpoint); } printf("km\n"); } void reset_stats(struct stats *st) { static struct stats st_zero; *st = st_zero; } void add_stats(const struct stats *st1, const struct stats *st2, struct stats *target) { int i; if (st1->start == 0) target->start = st2->start; else if (st2->start == 0) target->start = st1->start; else if (st1->start < st2->start) target->start = st1->start; else target->start = st2->start; target->end = st1->end > st2->end ? st1->end : st2->end; target->demod_preambles = st1->demod_preambles + st2->demod_preambles; target->demod_rejected_bad = st1->demod_rejected_bad + st2->demod_rejected_bad; target->demod_rejected_unknown_icao = st1->demod_rejected_unknown_icao + st2->demod_rejected_unknown_icao; for (i = 0; i < MODES_MAX_BITERRORS+1; ++i) target->demod_accepted[i] = st1->demod_accepted[i] + st2->demod_accepted[i]; target->demod_modeac = st1->demod_modeac + st2->demod_modeac; target->samples_processed = st1->samples_processed + st2->samples_processed; target->samples_dropped = st1->samples_dropped + st2->samples_dropped; add_timespecs(&st1->demod_cpu, &st2->demod_cpu, &target->demod_cpu); add_timespecs(&st1->reader_cpu, &st2->reader_cpu, &target->reader_cpu); add_timespecs(&st1->background_cpu, &st2->background_cpu, &target->background_cpu); // noise power: target->noise_power_sum = st1->noise_power_sum + st2->noise_power_sum; target->noise_power_count = st1->noise_power_count + st2->noise_power_count; // mean signal power: target->signal_power_sum = st1->signal_power_sum + st2->signal_power_sum; target->signal_power_count = st1->signal_power_count + st2->signal_power_count; // peak signal power seen if (st1->peak_signal_power > st2->peak_signal_power) target->peak_signal_power = st1->peak_signal_power; else target->peak_signal_power = st2->peak_signal_power; // strong signals target->strong_signal_count = st1->strong_signal_count + st2->strong_signal_count; // remote messages: target->remote_received_modeac = st1->remote_received_modeac + st2->remote_received_modeac; target->remote_received_modes = st1->remote_received_modes + st2->remote_received_modes; target->remote_rejected_bad = st1->remote_rejected_bad + st2->remote_rejected_bad; target->remote_rejected_unknown_icao = st1->remote_rejected_unknown_icao + st2->remote_rejected_unknown_icao; for (i = 0; i < MODES_MAX_BITERRORS+1; ++i) target->remote_accepted[i] = st1->remote_accepted[i] + st2->remote_accepted[i]; // total messages: target->messages_total = st1->messages_total + st2->messages_total; #ifdef ENABLE_WEBSERVER // network: target->http_requests = st1->http_requests + st2->http_requests; #endif // CPR decoding: target->cpr_surface = st1->cpr_surface + st2->cpr_surface; target->cpr_airborne = st1->cpr_airborne + st2->cpr_airborne; target->cpr_global_ok = st1->cpr_global_ok + st2->cpr_global_ok; target->cpr_global_bad = st1->cpr_global_bad + st2->cpr_global_bad; target->cpr_global_skipped = st1->cpr_global_skipped + st2->cpr_global_skipped; target->cpr_global_range_checks = st1->cpr_global_range_checks + st2->cpr_global_range_checks; target->cpr_global_speed_checks = st1->cpr_global_speed_checks + st2->cpr_global_speed_checks; target->cpr_local_ok = st1->cpr_local_ok + st2->cpr_local_ok; target->cpr_local_aircraft_relative = st1->cpr_local_aircraft_relative + st2->cpr_local_aircraft_relative; target->cpr_local_receiver_relative = st1->cpr_local_receiver_relative + st2->cpr_local_receiver_relative; target->cpr_local_skipped = st1->cpr_local_skipped + st2->cpr_local_skipped; target->cpr_local_range_checks = st1->cpr_local_range_checks + st2->cpr_local_range_checks; target->cpr_local_speed_checks = st1->cpr_local_speed_checks + st2->cpr_local_speed_checks; target->cpr_filtered = st1->cpr_filtered + st2->cpr_filtered; target->suppressed_altitude_messages = st1->suppressed_altitude_messages + st2->suppressed_altitude_messages; // aircraft target->unique_aircraft = st1->unique_aircraft + st2->unique_aircraft; target->single_message_aircraft = st1->single_message_aircraft + st2->single_message_aircraft; // range histogram for (i = 0; i < RANGE_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i) target->range_histogram[i] = st1->range_histogram[i] + st2->range_histogram[i]; }