Source: dump1090-mutability Section: embedded Priority: extra Maintainer: Oliver Jowett Build-Depends: debhelper(>=8), librtlsdr-dev, libusb-1.0-0-dev, pkg-config Standards-Version: 3.9.3 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Package: dump1090-mutability Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser Recommends: python(>=2.5), cron | cron-daemon, curl Suggests: lighttpd Provides: fatsv-data-source Description: ADS-B Ground Station System for RTL-SDR Networked Aviation Mode S / ADS-B decoder/translator with RTL-SDR software defined radio USB device support. . This is a packaging of the "mutability" fork of dump1090 that includes sampling at 2.4MHz and other improvements.