"use strict"; function PlaneObject(icao) { // Info about the plane this.icao = icao; this.icaorange = findICAORange(icao); this.flight = null; this.squawk = null; this.selected = false; this.category = null; // Basic location information this.altitude = null; this.speed = null; this.track = null; this.prev_position = null; this.position = null; this.position_from_mlat = false this.sitedist = null; // Data packet numbers this.messages = null; this.rssi = null; // Track history as a series of line segments this.track_linesegs = []; this.history_size = 0; // When was this last updated (receiver timestamp) this.last_message_time = null; this.last_position_time = null; // When was this last updated (seconds before last update) this.seen = null; this.seen_pos = null; // Display info this.visible = true; this.marker = null; this.icon = { type: 'generic' }; // request metadata this.registration = null; this.icaotype = null; getAircraftData(this.icao).done(function(data) { if ("r" in data) { this.registration = data.r; } if ("t" in data) { this.icaotype = data.t; } if (this.selected) { refreshSelected(); } }.bind(this)); } // Appends data to the running track so we can get a visual tail on the plane // Only useful for a long running browser session. PlaneObject.prototype.updateTrack = function(estimate_time) { if (!this.position) return false; if (this.position == this.prev_position) return false; var projHere = ol.proj.fromLonLat(this.position); var projPrev; if (this.prev_position === null) { projPrev = projHere; } else { projPrev = ol.proj.fromLonLat(this.prev_position); } this.prev_position = this.position; if (this.track_linesegs.length == 0) { // Brand new track //console.log(this.icao + " new track"); var newseg = { fixed: new ol.geom.LineString([projHere]), feature: null, head_update: this.last_position_time, tail_update: this.last_position_time, estimated: false, ground: (this.altitude === "ground") }; this.track_linesegs.push(newseg); this.history_size ++; return; } var lastseg = this.track_linesegs[this.track_linesegs.length - 1]; var elapsed = (this.last_position_time - lastseg.head_update); var est_track = (elapsed > estimate_time); var ground_track = (this.altitude === "ground"); if (est_track) { if (!lastseg.estimated) { // >5s gap in data, create a new estimated segment //console.log(this.icao + " switching to estimated"); lastseg.fixed.appendCoordinate(projPrev); this.track_linesegs.push({ fixed: new ol.geom.LineString([projPrev, projHere]), feature: null, head_update: this.last_position_time, estimated: true }); this.history_size += 2; } else { // Keep appending to the existing dashed line; keep every point lastseg.fixed.appendCoordinate(projPrev); lastseg.head_update = this.last_position_time; this.history_size++; } return true; } if (lastseg.estimated) { // We are back to good data (we got two points close in time), switch back to // solid lines. lastseg = { fixed: new ol.geom.LineString([projPrev]), feature: null, head_update: this.last_position_time, tail_update: this.last_position_time, estimated: false, ground: (this.altitude === "ground") }; this.track_linesegs.push(lastseg); this.history_size ++; // continue } if ( (lastseg.ground && this.altitude !== "ground") || (!lastseg.ground && this.altitude === "ground") ) { //console.log(this.icao + " ground state changed"); // Create a new segment as the ground state changed. // assume the state changed halfway between the two points // FIXME needs reimplementing post-google lastseg.fixed.appendCoordinate(projPrev); this.track_linesegs.push({ fixed: new ol.geom.LineString([projPrev, projHere]), latest: here, feature: null, head_update: this.last_position_time, tail_update: this.last_position_time, estimated: false, ground: (this.altitude === "ground") }); this.history_size += 3; return true; } // Add more data to the existing track. // We only retain some historical points, at 5+ second intervals, // plus the most recent point if (this.last_position_time - lastseg.tail_update >= 5) { // enough time has elapsed; retain the last point and add a new one //console.log(this.icao + " retain last point"); lastseg.fixed.appendCoordinate(projHere); lastseg.tail_update = lastseg.head_update; this.history_size ++; } lastseg.head_update = this.last_position_time; return true; }; // This is to remove the line from the screen if we deselect the plane PlaneObject.prototype.clearLines = function() { for (var i = this.track_linesegs.length - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) { var seg = this.track_linesegs[i]; if (seg.feature !== null) { PlaneTrailFeatures.remove(seg.feature); seg.feature = null; } } }; PlaneObject.prototype.getMarkerIconType = function() { var lookup = { 'A1' : 'light', 'A2' : 'medium', 'A3' : 'medium', 'A5' : 'heavy', 'A7' : 'rotorcraft' }; if (this.category === null || !(this.category in lookup)) return 'generic' else return lookup[this.category]; } PlaneObject.prototype.getMarkerColor = function() { // Emergency squawks override everything else if (this.squawk in SpecialSquawks) return SpecialSquawks[this.squawk].markerColor; var h, s, l; if (this.altitude === null) { h = ColorByAlt.unknown.h; s = ColorByAlt.unknown.s; l = ColorByAlt.unknown.l; } else if (this.altitude === "ground") { h = ColorByAlt.ground.h; s = ColorByAlt.ground.s; l = ColorByAlt.ground.l; } else { s = ColorByAlt.air.s; l = ColorByAlt.air.l; // find the pair of points the current altitude lies between, // and interpolate the hue between those points var hpoints = ColorByAlt.air.h; h = hpoints[0].val; for (var i = hpoints.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (this.altitude > hpoints[i].alt) { if (i == hpoints.length-1) { h = hpoints[i].val; } else { h = hpoints[i].val + (hpoints[i+1].val - hpoints[i].val) * (this.altitude - hpoints[i].alt) / (hpoints[i+1].alt - hpoints[i].alt) } break; } } } // If we have not seen a recent position update, change color if (this.seen_pos > 15) { h += ColorByAlt.stale.h; s += ColorByAlt.stale.s; l += ColorByAlt.stale.l; } // If this marker is selected, change color if (this.selected){ h += ColorByAlt.selected.h; s += ColorByAlt.selected.s; l += ColorByAlt.selected.l; } // If this marker is a mlat position, change color if (this.position_from_mlat) { h += ColorByAlt.mlat.h; s += ColorByAlt.mlat.s; l += ColorByAlt.mlat.l; } if (h < 0) { h = (h % 360) + 360; } else if (h >= 360) { h = h % 360; } if (s < 5) s = 5; else if (s > 95) s = 95; if (l < 5) l = 5; else if (l > 95) l = 95; return 'hsl(' + h.toFixed(0) + ',' + s.toFixed(0) + '%,' + l.toFixed(0) + '%)' } PlaneObject.prototype.updateIcon = function() { var col = this.getMarkerColor(); var opacity = (this.position_from_mlat ? 0.75 : 1.0); var outline = (this.position_from_mlat ? OutlineMlatColor : OutlineADSBColor); var type = this.getMarkerIconType(); var weight = this.selected ? 2 : 1; var rotation = (this.track === null ? 0 : this.track); /* TODO use the aircraft icon svgs */ this.markerStyle = new ol.style.Style({ image: new ol.style.Circle({ fill: new ol.style.Fill({ color: col }), stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: outline, width: weight }), radius: 5, }) }); if (this.marker !== null) { this.marker.setStyle(this.markerStyle); } return true; }; // Update our data PlaneObject.prototype.updateData = function(receiver_timestamp, data) { // Update all of our data this.messages = data.messages; this.rssi = data.rssi; this.last_message_time = receiver_timestamp - data.seen; if (typeof data.altitude !== "undefined") this.altitude = data.altitude; if (typeof data.vert_rate !== "undefined") this.vert_rate = data.vert_rate; if (typeof data.speed !== "undefined") this.speed = data.speed; if (typeof data.track !== "undefined") this.track = data.track; if (typeof data.lat !== "undefined") { this.position = [data.lon, data.lat]; this.last_position_time = receiver_timestamp - data.seen_pos; if (SitePosition !== null) { var WGS84 = new ol.Sphere(6378137); this.sitedist = WGS84.haversineDistance(SitePosition, this.position); } this.position_from_mlat = false; if (typeof data.mlat !== "undefined") { for (var i = 0; i < data.mlat.length; ++i) { if (data.mlat[i] === "lat" || data.mlat[i] == "lon") { this.position_from_mlat = true; break; } } } } if (typeof data.flight !== "undefined") this.flight = data.flight; if (typeof data.squawk !== "undefined") this.squawk = data.squawk; if (typeof data.category !== "undefined") this.category = data.category; }; PlaneObject.prototype.updateTick = function(receiver_timestamp, last_timestamp) { // recompute seen and seen_pos this.seen = receiver_timestamp - this.last_message_time; this.seen_pos = (this.last_position_time === null ? null : receiver_timestamp - this.last_position_time); // If no packet in over 58 seconds, clear the plane. if (this.seen > 58) { if (this.visible) { //console.log("hiding " + this.icao); this.clearMarker(); this.visible = false; if (SelectedPlane == this.icao) selectPlaneByHex(null,false); } } else { this.visible = true; if (this.position !== null && (this.selected || this.seen_pos < 60)) { if (this.updateTrack(receiver_timestamp - last_timestamp + (this.position_from_mlat ? 30 : 5))) { this.updateLines(); this.updateMarker(true); } else { this.updateMarker(false); // didn't move } } else { this.clearMarker(); } } }; PlaneObject.prototype.clearMarker = function() { if (this.marker) { PlaneIconFeatures.remove(this.marker); /* FIXME google.maps.event.clearListeners(this.marker, 'click'); */ this.marker = null; } }; // Update our marker on the map PlaneObject.prototype.updateMarker = function(moved) { if (!this.visible) { this.clearMarker(); return; } if (this.marker) { if (moved) { this.marker.setGeometry(new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.fromLonLat(this.position))); } } else { this.marker = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.fromLonLat(this.position))); this.updateIcon(); PlaneIconFeatures.push(this.marker); /* FIXME // Trap clicks for this marker. google.maps.event.addListener(this.marker, 'click', selectPlaneByHex.bind(undefined,this.icao,false)); google.maps.event.addListener(this.marker, 'dblclick', selectPlaneByHex.bind(undefined,this.icao,true)); */ } this.updateIcon(); /* // Setting the marker title var title = (this.flight === null || this.flight.length == 0) ? this.icao : (this.flight+' ('+this.icao+')'); if (title !== this.marker.title) this.marker.setTitle(title); */ }; // Update our planes tail line, PlaneObject.prototype.updateLines = function() { if (!this.selected) return; var estimateStyle = new ol.style.Style({ stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: '#a08080', width: 1.5, lineDash: [3, 3] }) }); var airStyle = new ol.style.Style({ stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: '#000000', width: 2 }) }); var groundStyle = new ol.style.Style({ stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({ color: '#408040', width: 2 }) }); // create the new latest-position line var lastseg = this.track_linesegs[this.track_linesegs.length - 1]; var lastfixed = lastseg.fixed.getCoordinateAt(1.0); var geom = new ol.geom.LineString([lastfixed, ol.proj.fromLonLat(this.position)]); var feature = new ol.Feature(geom); feature.setStyle(this.altitude === 'ground' ? groundStyle : airStyle); if (PlaneTrailFeatures.length == 0) { PlaneTrailFeatures.push(feature); } else { PlaneTrailFeatures.setAt(0, feature); } // create any missing fixed line features for (var i = 0; i < this.track_linesegs.length; ++i) { var seg = this.track_linesegs[i]; if (seg.feature === null) { seg.feature = new ol.Feature(seg.fixed); if (seg.estimated) { seg.feature.setStyle(estimateStyle); } else if (seg.ground) { seg.feature.setStyle(groundStyle); } else { seg.feature.setStyle(airStyle); } PlaneTrailFeatures.push(seg.feature); } } }; PlaneObject.prototype.destroy = function() { this.clearLines(); this.clearMarker(); };