// dump1090, a Mode S messages decoder for RTLSDR devices. // // Copyright (C) 2012 by Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez@gmail.com> // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // #include "dump1090.h" // // ============================= Utility functions ========================== // static uint64_t mstime(void) { struct timeval tv; uint64_t mst; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); mst = ((uint64_t)tv.tv_sec)*1000; mst += tv.tv_usec/1000; return mst; } // //========================= Interactive mode =============================== // // Return a new aircraft structure for the interactive mode linked list // of aircraft // struct aircraft *interactiveCreateAircraft(struct modesMessage *mm) { struct aircraft *a = (struct aircraft *) malloc(sizeof(*a)); // Default everything to zero/NULL memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a)); // Now initialise things that should not be 0/NULL to their defaults a->addr = mm->addr; a->lat = a->lon = 0.0; memset(a->signalLevel, mm->signalLevel, 8); // First time, initialise everything // to the first signal strength // mm->msgtype 32 is used to represent Mode A/C. These values can never change, so // set them once here during initialisation, and don't bother to set them every // time this ModeA/C is received again in the future if (mm->msgtype == 32) { int modeC = ModeAToModeC(mm->modeA | mm->fs); a->modeACflags = MODEAC_MSG_FLAG; if (modeC < -12) { a->modeACflags |= MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_ONLY; } else { mm->altitude = modeC * 100; mm->bFlags |= MODES_ACFLAGS_ALTITUDE_VALID; } } return (a); } // //========================================================================= // // Return the aircraft with the specified address, or NULL if no aircraft // exists with this address. // struct aircraft *interactiveFindAircraft(uint32_t addr) { struct aircraft *a = Modes.aircrafts; while(a) { if (a->addr == addr) return (a); a = a->next; } return (NULL); } // //========================================================================= // // We have received a Mode A or C response. // // Search through the list of known Mode-S aircraft and tag them if this Mode A/C // matches their known Mode S Squawks or Altitudes(+/- 50feet). // // A Mode S equipped aircraft may also respond to Mode A and Mode C SSR interrogations. // We can't tell if this is a Mode A or C, so scan through the entire aircraft list // looking for matches on Mode A (squawk) and Mode C (altitude). Flag in the Mode S // records that we have had a potential Mode A or Mode C response from this aircraft. // // If an aircraft responds to Mode A then it's highly likely to be responding to mode C // too, and vice verca. Therefore, once the mode S record is tagged with both a Mode A // and a Mode C flag, we can be fairly confident that this Mode A/C frame relates to that // Mode S aircraft. // // Mode C's are more likely to clash than Mode A's; There could be several aircraft // cruising at FL370, but it's less likely (though not impossible) that there are two // aircraft on the same squawk. Therefore, give precidence to Mode A record matches // // Note : It's theoretically possible for an aircraft to have the same value for Mode A // and Mode C. Therefore we have to check BOTH A AND C for EVERY S. // void interactiveUpdateAircraftModeA(struct aircraft *a) { struct aircraft *b = Modes.aircrafts; while(b) { if ((b->modeACflags & MODEAC_MSG_FLAG) == 0) {// skip any fudged ICAO records // If both (a) and (b) have valid squawks... if ((a->bFlags & b->bFlags) & MODES_ACFLAGS_SQUAWK_VALID) { // ...check for Mode-A == Mode-S Squawk matches if (a->modeA == b->modeA) { // If a 'real' Mode-S ICAO exists using this Mode-A Squawk b->modeAcount = a->messages; b->modeACflags |= MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_HIT; a->modeACflags |= MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_HIT; if ( (b->modeAcount > 0) && ( (b->modeCcount > 1) || (a->modeACflags & MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_ONLY)) ) // Allow Mode-A only matches if this Mode-A is invalid Mode-C {a->modeACflags |= MODEAC_MSG_MODES_HIT;} // flag this ModeA/C probably belongs to a known Mode S } } // If both (a) and (b) have valid altitudes... if ((a->bFlags & b->bFlags) & MODES_ACFLAGS_ALTITUDE_VALID) { // ... check for Mode-C == Mode-S Altitude matches if ( (a->modeC == b->modeC ) // If a 'real' Mode-S ICAO exists at this Mode-C Altitude || (a->modeC == b->modeC + 1) // or this Mode-C - 100 ft || (a->modeC + 1 == b->modeC ) ) { // or this Mode-C + 100 ft b->modeCcount = a->messages; b->modeACflags |= MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_HIT; a->modeACflags |= MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_HIT; if ( (b->modeAcount > 0) && (b->modeCcount > 1) ) {a->modeACflags |= (MODEAC_MSG_MODES_HIT | MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_OLD);} // flag this ModeA/C probably belongs to a known Mode S } } } b = b->next; } } // //========================================================================= // void interactiveUpdateAircraftModeS() { struct aircraft *a = Modes.aircrafts; while(a) { int flags = a->modeACflags; if (flags & MODEAC_MSG_FLAG) { // find any fudged ICAO records // clear the current A,C and S hit bits ready for this attempt a->modeACflags = flags & ~(MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_HIT | MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_HIT | MODEAC_MSG_MODES_HIT); interactiveUpdateAircraftModeA(a); // and attempt to match them with Mode-S } a = a->next; } } // //========================================================================= // // Receive new messages and populate the interactive mode with more info // struct aircraft *interactiveReceiveData(struct modesMessage *mm) { struct aircraft *a, *aux; // Return if (checking crc) AND (not crcok) AND (not fixed) if (Modes.check_crc && (mm->crcok == 0) && (mm->correctedbits == 0)) return NULL; // Lookup our aircraft or create a new one a = interactiveFindAircraft(mm->addr); if (!a) { // If it's a currently unknown aircraft.... a = interactiveCreateAircraft(mm); // ., create a new record for it, a->next = Modes.aircrafts; // .. and put it at the head of the list Modes.aircrafts = a; } else { /* If it is an already known aircraft, move it on head * so we keep aircrafts ordered by received message time. * * However move it on head only if at least one second elapsed * since the aircraft that is currently on head sent a message, * othewise with multiple aircrafts at the same time we have an * useless shuffle of positions on the screen. */ if (0 && Modes.aircrafts != a && (time(NULL) - a->seen) >= 1) { aux = Modes.aircrafts; while(aux->next != a) aux = aux->next; /* Now we are a node before the aircraft to remove. */ aux->next = aux->next->next; /* removed. */ /* Add on head */ a->next = Modes.aircrafts; Modes.aircrafts = a; } } a->signalLevel[a->messages & 7] = mm->signalLevel;// replace the 8th oldest signal strength a->seen = time(NULL); a->timestamp = mm->timestampMsg; a->messages++; // If a (new) CALLSIGN has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_CALLSIGN_VALID) { memcpy(a->flight, mm->flight, sizeof(a->flight)); } // If a (new) ALTITUDE has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_ALTITUDE_VALID) { if ( (a->modeCcount) // if we've a modeCcount already && (a->altitude != mm->altitude ) ) // and Altitude has changed // && (a->modeC != mm->modeC + 1) // and Altitude not changed by +100 feet // && (a->modeC + 1 != mm->modeC ) ) // and Altitude not changes by -100 feet { a->modeCcount = 0; //....zero the hit count a->modeACflags &= ~MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_HIT; } a->altitude = mm->altitude; a->modeC = (mm->altitude + 49) / 100; } // If a (new) SQUAWK has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SQUAWK_VALID) { if (a->modeA != mm->modeA) { a->modeAcount = 0; // Squawk has changed, so zero the hit count a->modeACflags &= ~MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_HIT; } a->modeA = mm->modeA; } // If a (new) HEADING has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_HEADING_VALID) { a->track = mm->heading; } // If a (new) SPEED has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SPEED_VALID) { a->speed = mm->velocity; } // If a (new) Vertical Descent rate has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) { a->vert_rate = mm->vert_rate; } // if the Aircraft has landed or taken off since the last message, clear the even/odd CPR flags if ((mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG_VALID) && ((a->bFlags ^ mm->bFlags) & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG)) { a->bFlags &= ~(MODES_ACFLAGS_LLBOTH_VALID | MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG); } // If we've got a new cprlat or cprlon if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLEITHER_VALID) { int location_ok = 0; if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLODD_VALID) { a->odd_cprlat = mm->raw_latitude; a->odd_cprlon = mm->raw_longitude; a->odd_cprtime = mstime(); } else { a->even_cprlat = mm->raw_latitude; a->even_cprlon = mm->raw_longitude; a->even_cprtime = mstime(); } // If we have enough recent data, try global CPR if (((mm->bFlags | a->bFlags) & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLEITHER_VALID) == MODES_ACFLAGS_LLBOTH_VALID && abs((int)(a->even_cprtime - a->odd_cprtime)) <= 10000) { if (decodeCPR(a, (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLODD_VALID), (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG)) == 0) { location_ok = 1; } } // Otherwise try relative CPR. if (!location_ok && decodeCPRrelative(a, (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLODD_VALID), (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG)) == 0) { location_ok = 1; } //If we sucessfully decoded, back copy the results to mm so that we can print them in list output if (location_ok) { mm->bFlags |= MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_VALID; mm->fLat = a->lat; mm->fLon = a->lon; } } // Update the aircrafts a->bFlags to reflect the newly received mm->bFlags; a->bFlags |= mm->bFlags; if (mm->msgtype == 32) { int flags = a->modeACflags; if ((flags & (MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_HIT | MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_OLD)) == MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_OLD) { // // This Mode-C doesn't currently hit any known Mode-S, but it used to because MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_OLD is // set So the aircraft it used to match has either changed altitude, or gone out of our receiver range // // We've now received this Mode-A/C again, so it must be a new aircraft. It could be another aircraft // at the same Mode-C altitude, or it could be a new airctraft with a new Mods-A squawk. // // To avoid masking this aircraft from the interactive display, clear the MODEAC_MSG_MODES_OLD flag // and set messages to 1; // a->modeACflags = flags & ~MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_OLD; a->messages = 1; } } return (a); } // //========================================================================= // // Show the currently captured interactive data on screen. // void interactiveShowData(void) { struct aircraft *a = Modes.aircrafts; time_t now = time(NULL); int count = 0; char progress; char spinner[4] = "|/-\\"; // Refresh screen every (MODES_INTERACTIVE_REFRESH_TIME) miliseconde if ((mstime() - Modes.interactive_last_update) < MODES_INTERACTIVE_REFRESH_TIME) {return;} Modes.interactive_last_update = mstime(); // Attempt to reconsile any ModeA/C with known Mode-S // We can't condition on Modes.modeac because ModeA/C could be comming // in from a raw input port which we can't turn off. interactiveUpdateAircraftModeS(); progress = spinner[time(NULL)%4]; #ifndef _WIN32 printf("\x1b[H\x1b[2J"); // Clear the screen #else cls(); #endif if (Modes.interactive_rtl1090 == 0) { printf ( "Hex Mode Sqwk Flight Alt Spd Hdg Lat Long Sig Msgs Ti%c\n", progress); } else { printf ( "Hex Flight Alt V/S GS TT SSR G*456^ Msgs Seen %c\n", progress); } printf( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); while(a && (count < Modes.interactive_rows)) { if ((now - a->seen) < Modes.interactive_display_ttl) { int msgs = a->messages; int flags = a->modeACflags; if ( (((flags & (MODEAC_MSG_FLAG )) == 0 ) ) || (((flags & (MODEAC_MSG_MODES_HIT | MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_ONLY)) == MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_ONLY) && (msgs > 4 ) ) || (((flags & (MODEAC_MSG_MODES_HIT | MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_OLD )) == 0 ) && (msgs > 127) ) ) { int altitude = a->altitude, speed = a->speed; char strSquawk[5] = " "; char strFl[6] = " "; char strTt[5] = " "; char strGs[5] = " "; // Convert units to metric if --metric was specified if (Modes.metric) { altitude = (int) (altitude / 3.2828); speed = (int) (speed * 1.852); } if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SQUAWK_VALID) { snprintf(strSquawk,5,"%04x", a->modeA);} if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SPEED_VALID) { snprintf (strGs, 5,"%3d", speed);} if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_HEADING_VALID) { snprintf (strTt, 5,"%03d", a->track);} if (msgs > 99999) { msgs = 99999;} if (Modes.interactive_rtl1090) { // RTL1090 display mode if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_ALTITUDE_VALID) { snprintf(strFl,6,"F%03d",(altitude/100)); } printf("%06x %-8s %-4s %-3s %-3s %4s %-6d %-2d\n", a->addr, a->flight, strFl, strGs, strTt, strSquawk, msgs, (int)(now - a->seen)); } else { // Dump1090 display mode char strMode[5] = " "; char strLat[8] = " "; char strLon[9] = " "; unsigned char * pSig = a->signalLevel; unsigned int signalAverage = (pSig[0] + pSig[1] + pSig[2] + pSig[3] + pSig[4] + pSig[5] + pSig[6] + pSig[7] + 3) >> 3; if ((flags & MODEAC_MSG_FLAG) == 0) { strMode[0] = 'S'; } else if (flags & MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_ONLY) { strMode[0] = 'A'; } if (flags & MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_HIT) {strMode[2] = 'a';} if (flags & MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_HIT) {strMode[3] = 'c';} if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_VALID) { snprintf(strLat, 8,"%7.03f", a->lat); snprintf(strLon, 9,"%8.03f", a->lon); } if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG) { snprintf(strFl, 6," grnd"); } else if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_ALTITUDE_VALID) { snprintf(strFl, 6, "%5d", altitude); } printf("%06X %-4s %-4s %-8s %5s %3s %3s %7s %8s %2d.%1d %5d %2d\n", a->addr, strMode, strSquawk, a->flight, strFl, strGs, strTt, strLat, strLon, signalAverage/5, 2*(signalAverage%5), msgs, (int)(now - a->seen)); } count++; } } a = a->next; } } // //========================================================================= // // When in interactive mode If we don't receive new nessages within // MODES_INTERACTIVE_DELETE_TTL seconds we remove the aircraft from the list. // void interactiveRemoveStaleAircrafts(void) { struct aircraft *a = Modes.aircrafts; struct aircraft *prev = NULL; time_t now = time(NULL); // Only do cleanup once per second if (Modes.last_cleanup_time != now) { Modes.last_cleanup_time = now; while(a) { if ((now - a->seen) > Modes.interactive_delete_ttl) { // Remove the element from the linked list, with care // if we are removing the first element if (!prev) { Modes.aircrafts = a->next; free(a); a = Modes.aircrafts; } else { prev->next = a->next; free(a); a = prev->next; } } else { prev = a; a = a->next; } } } } // //========================================================================= //