Template: dump1090-mutability/auto-start
Description: Start dump1090 automatically?
 dump1090 can be started automatically via an init-script.
 Otherwise, the init-script does nothing; you must run dump1090 by hand.
 You can modify the options used when automatically starting
 dump1090 by running "dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability" as root,
 or by editing /etc/default/dump1090-mutability.
Type: boolean
Default: true

Template: dump1090-mutability/run-as-user
Description: User to run dump1090 as:
 When started automatically, dump1090 runs as an unprivileged system user. 
 This user will be created if it does not yet exist.
Type: string
Default: dump1090

Template: dump1090-mutability/log-file
Description: Path to log to:
 When started automatically, dump1090 will log its output somewhere. This
 log will contain any startup errors, and periodic statistics reports.
Type: string
Default: /var/log/dump1090-mutability.log

Template: dump1090-mutability/rtlsdr-device
Description: RTL-SDR dongle to use:
 If you have only one dongle connected, you can leave this blank.
 Otherwise, you can provide the serial number (more reliable) or device
 index (first device = 0, but the ordering is unpredictable) to choose
 a particular dongle to use.
 To run dump1090 in "net only" mode, specify the literal word "none".
Type: string

Template: dump1090-mutability/rtlsdr-gain
Description: RTL-SDR gain, in dB:
 The tuner gain used by dump1090 can be provided as a value in dB, or
 "max" to use the maximum gain available, or "agc" to use the tuner's AGC to
 control the gain. If unsure, choose "max".
Type: string
Default: max

Template: dump1090-mutability/rtlsdr-ppm
Description: RTL-SDR frequency correction, in PPM:
 The oscillator in each RTL-SDL dongle is not perfectly accurate. You can
 choose a correction factor, in parts-per-million, to correct for this. The
 correction factor varies from dongle to dongle, and also varies with operating
 temperature. You can find a suitable value with "rtl_test -p" or "kalibrate".
 If you don't know the value for your dongle, choose 0.
Type: string
Default: 0

Template: dump1090-mutability/decode-fixcrc
Description: Fix detected CRC errors?
 dump1090 can fix unambiguous single-bit CRC errors detected in received
 messages. This allows weaker messages to be decoded. It can slightly increase
 the rate of undetected errors, but this is not usually significant.
Type: boolean
Default: true

Template: dump1090-mutability/decode-lat
Description: Latitude of receiver, in decimal degrees:
 If the location of the receiver is provided, dump1090 can do
 local position decoding in cases where insufficient position messages are
 received for unambiguous global position decoding.
Type: string

Template: dump1090-mutability/decode-lon
Description: Longitude of receiver, in decimal degrees:
 If the location of the receiver is provided, dump1090 can do
 local position decoding in cases where insufficient position messages are
 received for unambiguous global position decoding.
Type: string

Template: dump1090-mutability/decode-max-range
Description: Absolute maximum range of receiver, in nautical miles:
 If the maximum range of the receiver is provided, dump1090 can filter
 out impossible position reports that are due to aircraft that transmit
 bad data.
 Additionally, if the maximum range is larger than 180NM, when local
 position decoding is used (when insufficient position messages
 have been received for global position decoding), it is limited to
 only those positions that would unambiguously decode to a single
 position within the given receiver range.
 This range should be the absolute maximum range - any position data
 from further away will be entirely discarded!
Type: string
Default: 300

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-http-port
Description: Port for internal webserver (0 disables):
 dump1090 can provide an internal webserver that serves a basic "virtual
 radar" map.
 It is generally a better idea to use an external webserver, but if you
 really want to use the internal one, you can select a port to listen
 on here.
Type: string
Default: 0

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-ri-port
Description: Portsfor AVR-format input connections (0 disables):
 dump1090 can accept connections to receive data from other sources in 
 several formats. This setting controls the port dump1090 will listen
 on for AVR ("raw") format input connections.
Type: string
Default: 30001

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-ro-port
Description: Ports for AVR-format output connections (0 disables):
 dump1090 can forward ADS-B messages to other software in several formats.
 This setting controls the port dump1090 will listen on for AVR ("raw")
 format output connections.
Type: string
Default: 30002

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-bi-port
Description: Ports for Beast-format input connections (0 disables):
 dump1090 can accept connections to receive data from other sources in 
 several formats. This setting controls the port dump1090 will listen
 on for Beast ("binary") format input connections.
Type: string
Default: 30004,30104

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-bo-port
Description: Ports for Beast-format output connections (0 disables):
 dump1090 can forward ADS-B messages to other software in several formats.
 This setting controls the port dump1090 will listen on for Beast ("binary")
 format output connections.
Type: string
Default: 30005

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-sbs-port
Description: Ports for SBS-format output connections (0 disables):
 dump1090 can forward ADS-B messages to other software in several formats.
 This setting controls the port dump1090 will listen on for SBS BaseStation
 format output connections.
Type: string
Default: 30003

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-heartbeat
Description: Seconds between heartbeat messages (0 disables):
 If there is no other data sent on a network connection, dump1090 can
 periodically send an empty heartbeat message to ensure that the
 connection stays established. This setting controls the interval
 betweeen heartbeat messages.
Type: string
Default: 60

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-out-size
Description: Minimum output message size:
 To avoid sending many small network messages, output connections will
 accumulate data waiting to be sent until either a minimum size is reached
 or a maximum delay is reached. This setting controls the minimum size,
 in bytes.
Type: string
Default: 500

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-out-interval
Description: Maximum output buffering time:
 To avoid sending many small network messages, output connections will
 buffer data waiting to be sent until either a minimum size is reached
 or a maximum delay is reached. This setting controls the maximum delay,
 in seconds.
Type: string
Default: 1

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-buffer
Description: SO_SNDBUF size:
 Here you can specify the TCP send buffer size to use on network connections.
Type: select
Choices: 65536, 131072, 262144
Default: 262144

Template: dump1090-mutability/net-bind-address
Description: Interface address to bind to (blank for all interfaces):
 If you want to limit incoming connections to a particular interface,
 specify the interface address here. A blank value will bind to the wildcard
 address, allowing connections on all interfaces.
 The default value of will allow connections only on localhost,
 i.e. only connections that originate on the same machine.
Type: string

Template: dump1090-mutability/stats-interval
Description: Interval between logging stats, in seconds:
 dump1090 will periodically log message reception stats to its logfile.
 This setting controls how often that is done.
Type: string
Default: 3600

Template: dump1090-mutability/json-dir
Description: Directory to write JSON aircraft state to:
 As this can be written frequently, you should select a location
 that is not on a sdcard. The default path under /run is on tmpfs
 and will not write to the sdcard.
 A blank path disables writing JSON state.
Type: string
Default: /run/dump1090-mutability

Template: dump1090-mutability/json-interval
Description: Interval between writing JSON aircraft state, in seconds:
 dump1090 periodically write a list of aircraft, in JSON format, for use
 by the virtual radar view when using an external webserver. This setting
 controls the directory to write to.
 Here you can control how often the JSON state is updated, which determines
 how frequently the virtual radar view updates.
Type: string
Default: 1

Template: dump1090-mutability/json-location-accuracy
Description: Receiver location accuracy to show in the web interface:
 dump1090 can provide the configured receiver location to the web map,
 so that the map can show distances from the receiver.
 For privacy reasons, if you are making the map publicly available you
 may not want to show the exact location of the receiver. There are three
 options available to control what is shown:
 approximate: dump1090 will provide the receiver location rounded to the
   nearest 0.01 degree of latitude and longitude. This gives a location
   that is accurate to within about 0.5 - 1km.
 exact: dump1090 will provide the exact receiver location.
 none: dump1090 will not provide the receiver location at all; distance
   display will be disabled.
Type: select
Choices: approximate, exact, none
Default: approximate

Template: dump1090-mutability/log-decoded-messages
Description: Log all decoded messages?
 dump1090 can log all decoded messages as text to the logfile.
 This can result in a very large logfile! Usually you don't need this.
Type: boolean
Default: false

Template: dump1090-mutability/extra-args
Description: Extra arguments to pass to dump1090:
 Here you can add any extra arguments you want to pass to dump1090.
Type: string

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_unsigned_int
Description: Value must be an unsigned integer.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_unsigned_int_or_empty
Description: Value must be an unsigned integer, or blank.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_positive_int
Description: Value must be a positive integer.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_signed_int
Description: Value must be an integer.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_signed_int_or_empty
Description: Value must be an integer, or blank.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_not_empty
Description: Value cannot be empty.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_port_number
Description: Value must be a valid port number (1024-65535), or zero to disable.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_port_list
Description: Value must be a comma-separated list of valid port numbers (1024-65535), or zero to disable.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_ipaddrish_or_empty
Description: Value must be an IP address or empty.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_number
Description: Value must be a decimal number
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_number_or_empty
Description: Value must be a decimal number or empty.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_unsigned_number
Description: Value must be a non-negative number.
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_valid_gain
Description: Value must be a numeric gain value, or "max", or "agc".
Type: error

Template: dump1090-mutability/invalid-is_non_root_user
Description: Value must be a username (without spaces) that isn't root.
Type: error