var planeObject = { // Basic location information altitude : null, speed : null, track : null, latitude : null, longitude : null, // Info about the plane flight : null, squawk : null, icao : null, is_selected : false, // Data packet numbers messages : null, seen : null, // GMap Details marker : null, markerColor : MarkerColor, tracklinesegs : [], last_position_time : null, // When was this last updated? updated : null, reapable : false, // Appends data to the running track so we can get a visual tail on the plane // Only useful for a long running browser session. updateTrack : function() { var here = new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude); if (this.tracklinesegs.length == 0) { // Brand new track //console.log(this.icao + " new track"); var newseg = { track : new google.maps.MVCArray([here,here]), line : null, head_update : this.last_position_time, tail_update : this.last_position_time, estimated : false, ground : (this.altitude === "ground") }; this.tracklinesegs.push(newseg); return; } var lastseg = this.tracklinesegs[this.tracklinesegs.length - 1]; var lastpos = lastseg.track.getAt(lastseg.track.getLength() - 1); var elapsed = (this.last_position_time - lastseg.head_update); var new_data = (here !== lastpos); var est_track = (elapsed > 5); var ground_track = (this.altitude === "ground"); if (!new_data) return; if (est_track) { if (!lastseg.estimated) { // >5s gap in data, create a new estimated segment //console.log(this.icao + " switching to estimated"); this.tracklinesegs.push({ track : new google.maps.MVCArray([lastpos, here]), line : null, head_update : this.last_position_time, estimated : true }); return; } // Append to ongoing estimated line //console.log(this.icao + " extending estimated (" + lastseg.track.getLength() + ")"); lastseg.track.push(here); lastseg.head_update = this.last_position_time; return; } if (lastseg.estimated) { // We are back to good data. //console.log(this.icao + " switching to good track"); this.tracklinesegs.push({ track : new google.maps.MVCArray([lastpos, here]), line : null, head_update : this.last_position_time, tail_update : this.last_position_time, estimated : false, ground : (this.altitude === "ground") }); return; } if ( (lastseg.ground && this.altitude !== "ground") || (!lastseg.ground && this.altitude === "ground") ) { console.log(this.icao + " ground state changed"); // Create a new segment as the ground state changed. // assume the state changed halfway between the two points var midpoint = google.maps.geometry.spherical.interpolate(lastpos,here,0.5); lastseg.track.push(midpoint); this.tracklinesegs.push({ track : new google.maps.MVCArray([midpoint,here,here]), line : null, head_update : this.last_position_time, tail_update : this.last_position_time, estimated : false, ground : (this.altitude === "ground") }); return; } // Add more data to the existing track. // We only retain some historical points, at 5+ second intervals, // plus the most recent point if (this.last_position_time - lastseg.tail_update >= 5) { // enough time has elapsed; retain the last point and add a new one //console.log(this.icao + " retain last point"); lastseg.track.push(here); lastseg.tail_update = lastseg.head_update; } else { // replace the last point with the current position lastseg.track.setAt(lastseg.track.getLength()-1, here); } lastseg.head_update = this.last_position_time; }, // This is to remove the line from the screen if we deselect the plane funcClearLine : function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.tracklinesegs.length; ++i) { var seg = this.tracklinesegs[i]; if (seg.line !== null) { seg.line.setMap(null); seg.line = null; } } }, // Should create an icon for us to use on the map... funcGetIcon : function() { this.markerColor = MarkerColor; // If this marker is selected we should make it lighter than the rest. if (this.is_selected == true) { this.markerColor = SelectedColor; } // If we have not seen a recent update, change color if (this.seen > 15) { this.markerColor = StaleColor; } // Plane marker var baseSvg = { planeData : "M 1.9565564,41.694305 C 1.7174505,40.497708 1.6419973,38.448747 " + "1.8096508,37.70494 1.8936398,37.332056 2.0796653,36.88191 2.222907,36.70461 " + "2.4497603,36.423844 4.087816,35.47248 14.917931,29.331528 l 12.434577," + "-7.050718 -0.04295,-7.613412 c -0.03657,-6.4844888 -0.01164,-7.7625804 " + "0.168134,-8.6194061 0.276129,-1.3160905 0.762276,-2.5869575 1.347875," + "-3.5235502 l 0.472298,-0.7553719 1.083746,-0.6085497 c 1.194146,-0.67053522 " + "1.399524,-0.71738842 2.146113,-0.48960552 1.077005,0.3285939 2.06344," + "1.41299352 2.797602,3.07543322 0.462378,1.0469993 0.978731,2.7738408 " + "1.047635,3.5036272 0.02421,0.2570284 0.06357,3.78334 0.08732,7.836246 0.02375," + "4.052905 0.0658,7.409251 0.09345,7.458546 0.02764,0.04929 5.600384,3.561772 " + "12.38386,7.805502 l 12.333598,7.715871 0.537584,0.959688 c 0.626485,1.118378 " + "0.651686,1.311286 0.459287,3.516442 -0.175469,2.011604 -0.608966,2.863924 " + "-1.590344,3.127136 -0.748529,0.200763 -1.293144,0.03637 -10.184829,-3.07436 " + "C 48.007733,41.72562 44.793806,40.60197 43.35084,40.098045 l -2.623567," + "-0.916227 -1.981212,-0.06614 c -1.089663,-0.03638 -1.985079,-0.05089 -1.989804," + "-0.03225 -0.0052,0.01863 -0.02396,2.421278 -0.04267,5.339183 -0.0395,6.147742 " + "-0.143635,7.215456 -0.862956,8.845475 l -0.300457,0.680872 2.91906,1.361455 " + "c 2.929379,1.366269 3.714195,1.835385 4.04589,2.41841 0.368292,0.647353 " + "0.594634,2.901439 0.395779,3.941627 -0.0705,0.368571 -0.106308,0.404853 " + "-0.765159,0.773916 L 41.4545,62.83158 39.259237,62.80426 c -6.030106,-0.07507 " + "-16.19508,-0.495041 -16.870991,-0.697033 -0.359409,-0.107405 -0.523792," + "-0.227482 -0.741884,-0.541926 -0.250591,-0.361297 -0.28386,-0.522402 -0.315075," + "-1.52589 -0.06327,-2.03378 0.23288,-3.033615 1.077963,-3.639283 0.307525," + "-0.2204 4.818478,-2.133627 6.017853,-2.552345 0.247872,-0.08654 0.247455," + "-0.102501 -0.01855,-0.711959 -0.330395,-0.756986 -0.708622,-2.221756 -0.832676," + "-3.224748 -0.05031,-0.406952 -0.133825,-3.078805 -0.185533,-5.937448 -0.0517," + "-2.858644 -0.145909,-5.208974 -0.209316,-5.222958 -0.06341,-0.01399 -0.974464," + "-0.0493 -2.024551,-0.07845 L 23.247235,38.61921 18.831373,39.8906 C 4.9432155," + "43.88916 4.2929558,44.057819 3.4954426,43.86823 2.7487826,43.690732 2.2007966," + "42.916622 1.9565564,41.694305 z" }; // If the squawk code is one of the international emergency codes, // match the info window alert color. if (this.squawk == 7500) { this.markerColor = "rgb(255, 85, 85)"; } if (this.squawk == 7600) { this.markerColor = "rgb(0, 255, 255)"; } if (this.squawk == 7700) { this.markerColor = "rgb(255, 255, 0)"; } // If we have not overwritten color by now, an extension still could but // just keep on trucking. :) return { strokeWeight: (this.is_selected ? 2 : 1), path: "M 0,0 "+ baseSvg["planeData"], scale: 0.4, fillColor: this.markerColor, fillOpacity: 0.9, anchor: new google.maps.Point(32, 32), // Set anchor to middle of plane. rotation: this.track }; }, // TODO: Trigger actions of a selecting a plane selectPlane : function(){ selectPlaneByHex(this.icao); }, // Update our data funcUpdateData : function(receiver_now,data){ // Update all of our data this.updated = new Date().getTime(); this.icao = data.hex; this.messages = data.messages; this.seen = data.seen; if (typeof data.altitude !== "undefined") this.altitude = data.altitude; if (typeof data.speed !== "undefined") this.speed = data.speed; if (typeof data.track !== "undefined") this.track = data.track; if (typeof !== "undefined") { this.latitude =; this.longitude = data.lon; this.seen_pos = data.seen_pos; this.last_position_time = receiver_now - data.seen_pos; } if (typeof data.flight !== "undefined") this.flight = data.flight; if (typeof data.squawk !== "undefined") this.squawk = data.squawk; // If no packet in over 58 seconds, consider the plane reapable // This way we can hold it, but not show it just in case the plane comes back if (this.seen > 58) { this.reapable = true; if (this.marker) { this.marker.setMap(null); this.marker = null; } this.funcClearLine(); if (SelectedPlane == this.icao) { if (this.is_selected) { this.is_selected = false; } SelectedPlane = null; } } else { this.reapable = false; } // Is the position valid? if (!this.reapable && typeof !== "undefined") { this.updateTrack(); if (this.is_selected) { this.funcUpdateLines(); } this.marker = this.funcUpdateMarker(); } }, // Update our marker on the map funcUpdateMarker: function() { if (this.marker) { this.marker.setPosition(new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude)); this.marker.setIcon(this.funcGetIcon()); } else { this.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude), map: GoogleMap, icon: this.funcGetIcon(), visible: true }); // This is so we can match icao address this.marker.icao = this.icao; // Trap clicks for this marker. google.maps.event.addListener(this.marker, 'click', this.selectPlane); } // Setting the marker title if (this.flight === null || this.flight.length == 0) { this.marker.setTitle(this.hex); } else { this.marker.setTitle(this.flight+' ('+this.icao+')'); } return this.marker; }, // Update our planes tail line, // TODO: Make this multi colored based on options // altitude (default) or speed funcUpdateLines: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.tracklinesegs.length; ++i) { var seg = this.tracklinesegs[i]; if (seg.line === null) { // console.log("create line for seg " + i + " with " + seg.track.getLength() + " points" + (seg.estimated ? " (estimated)" : "")); // for (var j = 0; j < seg.track.getLength(); j++) { // console.log(" point " + j + " at " + seg.track.getAt(j).lat() + "," + seg.track.getAt(j).lng()); // } if (seg.estimated) { var lineSymbol = { path: 'M 0,-1 0,1', strokeOpacity : 1, strokeColor : '#804040', strokeWeight : 2, scale: 2 }; seg.line = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: seg.track, strokeOpacity: 0, icons: [{ icon: lineSymbol, offset: '0', repeat: '10px' }], map : GoogleMap }); } else { seg.line = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: seg.track, strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeColor: (seg.ground ? '#408040' : '#000000'), strokeWeight: 3, map: GoogleMap }); } } } } };