bladeRF support --------------- There is basic support for the bladeRF included in dump1090-fa. It uses the same demodulator as the regular rtlsdr version and it does not take advantage of the bladeRF's improved sampling rate or FPGA (but see below) To use it: $ dump1090-fa --device-type bladerf --gain 66 (.. other options ..) The bladeRF has sensitivity problems when receiving ADS-B and will benefit from all the gain you can give it. 66dB is the maximum configurable gain on the board itself, you may want to add an external LNA too. bladeRF custom FPGA bitstream ----------------------------- The package includes a custom FPGA bitstream for the bladeRF which can improve ADS-B reception with dump1090. It adds a Fs/4 mixer step to avoid the DC offset of the bladeRF, and decimate-by-8 downsampling step to improve sensitivity. Some of the bladeRF parameters need to be adjusted so that it produces correctly tuned/downsampled data in the form that dump1090 is expecting. To use it: $ dump1090-fa --device-type bladerf --gain 66 \ --bladerf-fpga /usr/share/dump1090-fa/bladerf/decimate8-x40.rbf \ --bladerf-decimation 8 \ --bladerf-bandwidth 14000000 \ --freq 1085200000 \ (other options ...) The bladeRF will be configured for a 19.2MHz sampling rate and will tune to 1085.2MHz so that the 1090MHz signal appears around 4.8MHz in the baseband samples. The FPGA Fs/4 mixing step shifts the baseband signal so that it is centered around 0, and the FPGA downsampling step produces samples at 2.4MHz, which is what dump1090 is expecting. This FPGA bitstream is built for the 40kLE bladeRF.