This is a from-scratch reimplementation that should be functionally
equivalent to the Flightaware version that was based on dump1090_mr
and had its fingers deep in the network code. This version should be
a little less invasive / fragile..
All conflicts fixed but you are still merging.
modified: .gitignore
modified: dump1090.c
new file: public_html/config.js
new file: public_html/coolclock/coolclock.js
new file: public_html/coolclock/excanvas.js
new file: public_html/coolclock/moreskins.js
new file: public_html/extension.js
modified: public_html/gmap.html
new file: public_html/options.js
new file: public_html/planeObject.js
modified: public_html/script.js
modified: public_html/style.css
Load devel settings file after config.js and settings are saved for
developers even after merges.
modified: .gitignore
modified: public_html/config.js
modified: public_html/gmap.html
modified: public_html/script.js
Example file
--- untrackedDeveloperSettings.js ---
// Load this file after config.js so these settings are used
var CONST_CENTERLAT = 35.21928;
var CONST_CENTERLON = -80.94406;
--- untrackedDeveloperSettings.js END ---
Create file and add line `var developerSettings = true;` on top of it.
After that some settings can be overwritten with deleloper's flavour.
-- Example File w/o line numbers --
var developerSettings = true;
var CONST_CENTERLAT = 60.0; // 45.0
var CONST_CENTERLON = 20.0; // 9.0
var CONST_ZOOMLVL = 6; //5
-- End of Example File --
modified: .gitignore
modified: public_html/gmap.html
modified: public_html/script.js
Changes to 'dump1090.c'-file made accordingly.
modified: .gitignore
modified: dump1090.c
deleted: gmap.html
new file: public_html/gmap.html
new file: public_html/script.js
new file: public_html/style.css
* Better preamble detection to skip most of the messages we'll likely
not be able to decode.
* A Phase correction algorithm that improves the recognition compared
to the previous algorithm used.
* Javascript output in debug mode, and a debug.html file that can be
used in order to see graphically undecoded samples.
* Ability to detect cross-read messages, that are, messages that happen
to start and end across two different reads from the device or file.
* A few bugx fixed.
* README improved.