Break up decodeExtendedSquiiter, it was getting pretty large.

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Jowett 2016-09-01 23:13:31 +01:00
parent a1fdc07db2
commit f9419f13d5

View file

@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ static int decodeAC12Field(int AC12Field, altitude_unit_t *unit) {
// Decode the 7 bit ground movement field PWL exponential style scale
static int decodeMovementField(int movement) {
static unsigned decodeMovementField(unsigned movement) {
int gspeed;
// Note : movement codes 0,125,126,127 are all invalid, but they are
@ -753,22 +753,394 @@ static void decodeBDS20(struct modesMessage *mm)
mm->callsign[2] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F]; chars1 = chars1 >> 6;
mm->callsign[1] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F]; chars1 = chars1 >> 6;
mm->callsign[0] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F];
mm->callsign[7] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[6] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[5] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[4] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F];
mm->callsign[8] = '\0';
static void decodeExtendedSquitter(struct modesMessage *mm)
static void decodeESIdentAndCategory(struct modesMessage *mm)
// Aircraft Identification and Category
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
int metype = mm->metype = getbits(me, 1, 5);
int mesub = mm->mesub = (metype == 29 ? getbits(me, 6, 7) : getbits(me, 6, 8)); // Extended squitter message subtype
int check_imf = 0;
mm->mesub = getbits(me, 6, 8);
unsigned chars1 = getbits(me, 9, 32);
unsigned chars2 = getbits(me, 33, 56);
// A common failure mode seems to be to intermittently send
// all zeros. Catch that here.
if (chars1 != 0 || chars2 != 0) {
mm->callsign_valid = 1;
mm->callsign[3] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F]; chars1 = chars1 >> 6;
mm->callsign[2] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F]; chars1 = chars1 >> 6;
mm->callsign[1] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F]; chars1 = chars1 >> 6;
mm->callsign[0] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F];
mm->callsign[7] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[6] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[5] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[4] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F];
mm->callsign[8] = '\0';
mm->category = ((0x0E - mm->metype) << 4) | mm->mesub;
mm->category_valid = 1;
static void decodeESAirborneVelocity(struct modesMessage *mm, int check_imf)
// Airborne Velocity Message
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
mm->mesub = getbits(me, 6, 8);
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 9))
if (mm->mesub < 1 || mm->mesub > 4)
unsigned vert_rate = getbits(me, 38, 46);
if (vert_rate) {
mm->vert_rate = (vert_rate - 1) * (getbit(me, 37) ? -64 : 64);
mm->vert_rate_valid = 1;
mm->vert_rate_source = (getbit(me, 36) ? ALTITUDE_GNSS : ALTITUDE_BARO);
switch (mm->mesub) {
case 1: case 2:
unsigned ew_raw = getbits(me, 15, 24);
unsigned ns_raw = getbits(me, 26, 35);
if (ew_raw && ns_raw) {
int ew_vel = (ew_raw - 1) * (getbit(me, 14) ? -1 : 1) * ((mm->mesub == 2) ? 4 : 1);
int ns_vel = (ns_raw - 1) * (getbit(me, 25) ? -1 : 1) * ((mm->mesub == 2) ? 4 : 1);
// Compute velocity and angle from the two speed components
mm->speed = (unsigned) sqrt((ns_vel * ns_vel) + (ew_vel * ew_vel) + 0.5);
mm->speed_valid = 1;
if (mm->speed) {
int heading = (int) (atan2(ew_vel, ns_vel) * 180.0 / M_PI + 0.5);
// We don't want negative values but a 0-360 scale
if (heading < 0)
heading += 360;
mm->heading = (unsigned) heading;
mm->heading_source = HEADING_TRUE;
mm->heading_valid = 1;
mm->speed_source = SPEED_GROUNDSPEED;
case 3: case 4:
unsigned airspeed = getbits(me, 26, 35);
if (airspeed) {
mm->speed = (airspeed - 1) * (mm->mesub == 4 ? 4 : 1);
mm->speed_source = getbit(me, 25) ? SPEED_TAS : SPEED_IAS;
mm->speed_valid = 1;
if (getbit(me, 14)) {
mm->heading = getbits(me, 15, 24);
mm->heading_source = HEADING_MAGNETIC;
mm->heading_valid = 1;
unsigned raw_delta = getbits(me, 50, 56);
if (raw_delta) {
mm->gnss_delta_valid = 1;
mm->gnss_delta = (raw_delta - 1) * (getbit(me, 49) ? -25 : 25);
static void decodeESSurfacePosition(struct modesMessage *mm, int check_imf)
// Surface position and movement
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 21))
mm->airground = AG_GROUND; // definitely.
mm->cpr_lat = getbits(me, 23, 39);
mm->cpr_lon = getbits(me, 40, 56);
mm->cpr_odd = getbit(me, 22);
mm->cpr_nucp = (14 - mm->metype);
mm->cpr_valid = 1;
unsigned movement = getbits(me, 6, 12);
if (movement > 0 && movement < 125) {
mm->speed_valid = 1;
mm->speed = decodeMovementField(movement);
mm->speed_source = SPEED_GROUNDSPEED;
if (getbit(me, 13)) {
mm->heading_valid = 1;
mm->heading_source = HEADING_TRUE;
mm->heading = getbits(me, 14, 20) * 360 / 128;
static void decodeESAirbornePosition(struct modesMessage *mm, int check_imf)
// Airborne position and altitude
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 8))
unsigned AC12Field = getbits(me, 9, 20);
if (mm->metype == 0) {
mm->cpr_nucp = 0;
} else {
// Catch some common failure modes and don't mark them as valid
// (so they won't be used for positioning)
mm->cpr_lat = getbits(me, 23, 39);
mm->cpr_lon = getbits(me, 40, 56);
if (AC12Field == 0 && mm->cpr_lon == 0 && (mm->cpr_lat & 0x0fff) == 0 && mm->metype == 15) {
// Seen from at least:
// 400F3F (Eurocopter ECC155 B1) - Bristow Helicopters
// 4008F3 (BAE ATP) - Atlantic Airlines
// 400648 (BAE ATP) - Atlantic Airlines
// altitude == 0, longitude == 0, type == 15 and zeros in latitude LSB.
// Can alternate with valid reports having type == 14
} else {
// Otherwise, assume it's valid.
mm->cpr_valid = 1;
mm->cpr_odd = getbit(me, 22);
if (mm->metype == 18 || mm->metype == 22)
mm->cpr_nucp = 0;
else if (mm->metype < 18)
mm->cpr_nucp = (18 - mm->metype);
mm->cpr_nucp = (29 - mm->metype);
if (AC12Field) {// Only attempt to decode if a valid (non zero) altitude is present
mm->altitude = decodeAC12Field(AC12Field, &mm->altitude_unit);
if (mm->altitude != INVALID_ALTITUDE) {
mm->altitude_valid = 1;
mm->altitude_source = (mm->metype == 20 || mm->metype == 21 || mm->metype == 22) ? ALTITUDE_GNSS : ALTITUDE_BARO;
static void decodeESTestMessage(struct modesMessage *mm)
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
mm->mesub = getbits(me, 6, 8);
if (mm->mesub == 7) { // (see 1090-WP-15-20)
int ID13Field = getbits(me, 9, 21);
if (ID13Field) {
mm->squawk_valid = 1;
mm->squawk = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
static void decodeESAircraftStatus(struct modesMessage *mm, int check_imf)
// Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
mm->mesub = getbits(me, 6, 8);
if (mm->mesub == 1) { // Emergency status squawk field
int ID13Field = getbits(me, 12, 24);
if (ID13Field) {
mm->squawk_valid = 1;
mm->squawk = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 56))
static void decodeESTargetStatus(struct modesMessage *mm, int check_imf)
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
mm->mesub = getbits(me, 6, 7); // an unusual message: only 2 bits of subtype
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 51))
if (mm->mesub == 0) { // Target state and status, V1
// TODO: need RTCA/DO-260A
} else if (mm->mesub == 1) { // Target state and status, V2
mm->tss.valid = 1;
mm->tss.sil_type = getbit(me, 8) ? SIL_PER_SAMPLE : SIL_PER_HOUR;
mm->tss.altitude_type = getbit(me, 9) ? TSS_ALTITUDE_FMS : TSS_ALTITUDE_MCP;
unsigned alt_bits = getbits(me, 10, 20);
if (alt_bits == 0) {
mm->tss.altitude_valid = 0;
} else {
mm->tss.altitude_valid = 1;
mm->tss.altitude = (alt_bits - 1) * 32;
unsigned baro_bits = getbits(me, 21, 29);
if (baro_bits == 0) {
mm->tss.baro_valid = 0;
} else {
mm->tss.baro_valid = 1;
mm->tss.baro = 800.0 + (baro_bits - 1) * 0.8;
mm->tss.heading_valid = getbit(me, 30);
if (mm->tss.heading_valid) {
// two's complement -180..+180, which is conveniently
// also the same as unsigned 0..360
mm->tss.heading = getbits(me, 31, 39) * 180 / 256;
mm->tss.nac_p = getbits(me, 40, 43);
mm->tss.nic_baro = getbit(me, 44);
mm->tss.sil = getbits(me, 45, 46);
mm->tss.mode_valid = getbit(me, 47);
if (mm->tss.mode_valid) {
mm->tss.mode_autopilot = getbit(me, 48);
mm->tss.mode_vnav = getbit(me, 49);
mm->tss.mode_alt_hold = getbit(me, 50);
mm->tss.mode_approach = getbit(me, 52);
mm->tss.acas_operational = getbit(me, 53);
static void decodeESOperationalStatus(struct modesMessage *mm, int check_imf)
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
mm->mesub = getbits(me, 6, 8);
// Aircraft Operational Status
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 56))
if (mm->mesub == 0 || mm->mesub == 1) {
mm->opstatus.valid = 1;
mm->opstatus.version = getbits(me, 41, 43);
switch (mm->opstatus.version) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (getbits(me, 25, 26) == 0) {
mm->opstatus.om_acas_ra = getbit(me, 27);
mm->opstatus.om_ident = getbit(me, 28);
mm->opstatus.om_atc = getbit(me, 29);
if (mm->mesub == 0 && getbits(me, 9, 10) == 0 && getbits(me, 13, 14) == 0) {
// airborne
mm->opstatus.cc_acas = !getbit(me, 11);
mm->opstatus.cc_cdti = getbit(me, 12);
mm->opstatus.cc_arv = getbit(me, 15);
mm->opstatus.cc_ts = getbit(me, 16);
mm->opstatus.cc_tc = getbits(me, 17, 18);
} else if (mm->mesub == 1 && getbits(me, 9, 10) == 0 && getbits(me, 13, 14) == 0) {
// surface
mm->opstatus.cc_poa = getbit(me, 11);
mm->opstatus.cc_cdti = getbit(me, 12);
mm->opstatus.cc_b2_low = getbit(me, 15);
mm->opstatus.cc_lw_valid = 1;
mm->opstatus.cc_lw = getbits(me, 21, 24);
mm->opstatus.nic_supp_a = getbit(me, 44);
mm->opstatus.nac_p = getbits(me, 45, 48);
mm->opstatus.sil = getbits(me, 51, 52);
if (mm->mesub == 0) {
mm->opstatus.nic_baro = getbit(me, 53);
} else {
mm->opstatus.track_angle = getbit(me, 53) ? ANGLE_TRACK : ANGLE_HEADING;
mm->opstatus.hrd = getbit(me, 54) ? HEADING_MAGNETIC : HEADING_TRUE;
case 2:
if (getbits(me, 25, 26) == 0) {
mm->opstatus.om_acas_ra = getbit(me, 27);
mm->opstatus.om_ident = getbit(me, 28);
mm->opstatus.om_atc = getbit(me, 29);
mm->opstatus.om_saf = getbit(me, 30);
mm->opstatus.om_sda = getbits(me, 31, 32);
if (mm->mesub == 0 && getbits(me, 9, 10) == 0 && getbits(me, 13, 14) == 0) {
// airborne
mm->opstatus.cc_acas = getbit(me, 11);
mm->opstatus.cc_1090_in = getbit(me, 12);
mm->opstatus.cc_arv = getbit(me, 15);
mm->opstatus.cc_ts = getbit(me, 16);
mm->opstatus.cc_tc = getbits(me, 17, 18);
mm->opstatus.cc_uat_in = getbit(me, 19);
} else if (mm->mesub == 1 && getbits(me, 9, 10) == 0 && getbits(me, 13, 14) == 0) {
// surface
mm->opstatus.cc_poa = getbit(me, 11);
mm->opstatus.cc_1090_in = getbit(me, 12);
mm->opstatus.cc_b2_low = getbit(me, 15);
mm->opstatus.cc_uat_in = getbit(me, 16);
mm->opstatus.cc_nac_v = getbits(me, 17, 19);
mm->opstatus.cc_nic_supp_c = getbit(me, 20);
mm->opstatus.cc_lw_valid = 1;
mm->opstatus.cc_lw = getbits(me, 21, 24);
mm->opstatus.cc_antenna_offset = getbits(me, 33, 40);
mm->opstatus.nic_supp_a = getbit(me, 44);
mm->opstatus.nac_p = getbits(me, 45, 48);
mm->opstatus.sil = getbits(me, 51, 52);
if (mm->mesub == 0) {
mm->opstatus.gva = getbits(me, 49, 50);
mm->opstatus.nic_baro = getbit(me, 53);
} else {
mm->opstatus.track_angle = getbit(me, 53) ? ANGLE_TRACK : ANGLE_HEADING;
mm->opstatus.hrd = getbit(me, 54) ? HEADING_MAGNETIC : HEADING_TRUE;
mm->opstatus.sil_type = getbit(me, 55) ? SIL_PER_SAMPLE : SIL_PER_HOUR;
static void decodeExtendedSquitter(struct modesMessage *mm)
unsigned char *me = mm->ME;
unsigned metype = mm->metype = getbits(me, 1, 5);
unsigned check_imf = 0;
// Check CF on DF18 to work out the format of the ES and whether we need to look for an IMF bit
if (mm->msgtype == 18) {
@ -809,358 +1181,44 @@ static void decodeExtendedSquitter(struct modesMessage *mm)
switch (metype) {
case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: {
// Aircraft Identification and Category
uint32_t chars1, chars2;
chars1 = getbits(me, 9, 32);
chars2 = getbits(me, 33, 56);
// A common failure mode seems to be to intermittently send
// all zeros. Catch that here.
if (chars1 != 0 || chars2 != 0) {
mm->callsign_valid = 1;
mm->callsign[3] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F]; chars1 = chars1 >> 6;
mm->callsign[2] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F]; chars1 = chars1 >> 6;
mm->callsign[1] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F]; chars1 = chars1 >> 6;
mm->callsign[0] = ais_charset[chars1 & 0x3F];
mm->callsign[7] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[6] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[5] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F]; chars2 = chars2 >> 6;
mm->callsign[4] = ais_charset[chars2 & 0x3F];
mm->callsign[8] = '\0';
mm->category = ((0x0E - metype) << 4) | mesub;
mm->category_valid = 1;
case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4:
case 19: { // Airborne Velocity Message
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 9))
if ( (mesub >= 1) && (mesub <= 4) ) {
int vert_rate = getbits(me, 38, 46);
if (vert_rate) {
if (getbit(me, 37)) {
vert_rate = 0 - vert_rate;
mm->vert_rate = vert_rate * 64;
mm->vert_rate_valid = 1;
mm->vert_rate_source = (getbit(me, 36) ? ALTITUDE_GNSS : ALTITUDE_BARO);
if ((mesub == 1) || (mesub == 2)) {
unsigned ew_raw = getbits(me, 15, 24);
unsigned ns_raw = getbits(me, 26, 35);
if (ew_raw && ns_raw) {
int ew_vel = (ew_raw - 1) * (getbit(me, 14) ? -1 : 1) * ((mesub == 2) ? 4 : 1);
int ns_vel = (ns_raw - 1) * (getbit(me, 25) ? -1 : 1) * ((mesub == 2) ? 4 : 1);
// Compute velocity and angle from the two speed components
mm->speed = (unsigned) sqrt((ns_vel * ns_vel) + (ew_vel * ew_vel) + 0.5);
mm->speed_valid = 1;
if (mm->speed) {
int heading = (int) (atan2(ew_vel, ns_vel) * 180.0 / M_PI + 0.5);
// We don't want negative values but a 0-360 scale
if (heading < 0)
heading += 360;
mm->heading = (unsigned) heading;
mm->heading_source = HEADING_TRUE;
mm->heading_valid = 1;
mm->speed_source = SPEED_GROUNDSPEED;
} else if (mesub == 3 || mesub == 4) {
unsigned airspeed = getbits(me, 26, 35);
if (airspeed) {
if (mesub == 4) { // If (supersonic) unit is 4 kts
airspeed *= 4;
mm->speed = airspeed;
mm->speed_source = getbit(me, 25) ? SPEED_TAS : SPEED_IAS;
mm->speed_valid = 1;
if (getbit(me, 14)) {
mm->heading = getbits(me, 15, 24);
mm->heading_source = HEADING_MAGNETIC;
mm->heading_valid = 1;
unsigned raw_delta = getbits(me, 50, 56);
if (raw_delta) {
mm->gnss_delta_valid = 1;
mm->gnss_delta = (raw_delta - 1) * (getbit(me, 49) ? -25 : 25);
case 19:
decodeESAirborneVelocity(mm, check_imf);
case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: {
// Ground position
int movement;
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 21))
mm->airground = AG_GROUND; // definitely.
mm->cpr_lat = getbits(me, 23, 39);
mm->cpr_lon = getbits(me, 40, 56);
mm->cpr_odd = getbit(me, 22);
mm->cpr_nucp = (14 - metype);
mm->cpr_valid = 1;
movement = getbits(me, 6, 12);
if ((movement) && (movement < 125)) {
mm->speed_valid = 1;
mm->speed = decodeMovementField(movement);
mm->speed_source = SPEED_GROUNDSPEED;
if (getbit(me, 13)) {
mm->heading_valid = 1;
mm->heading_source = HEADING_TRUE;
mm->heading = getbits(me, 14, 20) * 360 / 128;
case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8:
decodeESSurfacePosition(mm, check_imf);
case 0: // Airborne position, baro altitude only
case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: // Airborne position, baro
case 20: case 21: case 22: { // Airborne position, GNSS altitude (HAE or MSL)
int AC12Field = getbits(me, 9, 20);
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 8))
if (metype == 0) {
mm->cpr_nucp = 0;
} else {
// Catch some common failure modes and don't mark them as valid
// (so they won't be used for positioning)
mm->cpr_lat = getbits(me, 23, 39);
mm->cpr_lon = getbits(me, 40, 56);
if (AC12Field == 0 && mm->cpr_lon == 0 && (mm->cpr_lat & 0x0fff) == 0 && mm->metype == 15) {
// Seen from at least:
// 400F3F (Eurocopter ECC155 B1) - Bristow Helicopters
// 4008F3 (BAE ATP) - Atlantic Airlines
// 400648 (BAE ATP) - Atlantic Airlines
// altitude == 0, longitude == 0, type == 15 and zeros in latitude LSB.
// Can alternate with valid reports having type == 14
} else {
// Otherwise, assume it's valid.
mm->cpr_valid = 1;
mm->cpr_odd = getbit(me, 22);
if (metype == 18 || metype == 22)
mm->cpr_nucp = 0;
else if (metype < 18)
mm->cpr_nucp = (18 - metype);
mm->cpr_nucp = (29 - metype);
if (AC12Field) {// Only attempt to decode if a valid (non zero) altitude is present
mm->altitude = decodeAC12Field(AC12Field, &mm->altitude_unit);
if (mm->altitude != INVALID_ALTITUDE) {
mm->altitude_valid = 1;
mm->altitude_source = (metype == 20 || metype == 21 || metype == 22) ? ALTITUDE_GNSS : ALTITUDE_BARO;
case 20: case 21: case 22: // Airborne position, GNSS altitude (HAE or MSL)
decodeESAirbornePosition(mm, check_imf);
case 23: { // Test message
if (mesub == 7) { // (see 1090-WP-15-20)
int ID13Field = getbits(me, 9, 21);
if (ID13Field) {
mm->squawk_valid = 1;
mm->squawk = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
case 23:
case 24: // Reserved for Surface System Status
case 28: { // Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
if (mesub == 1) { // Emergency status squawk field
int ID13Field = getbits(me, 12, 24);
if (ID13Field) {
mm->squawk_valid = 1;
mm->squawk = decodeID13Field(ID13Field);
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 56))
case 28:
decodeESAircraftStatus(mm, check_imf);
case 29: // Aircraft Trajectory Intent
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 51))
if (mesub == 0) { // Target state and status, V1
// TODO: need RTCA/DO-260A
} else if (mesub == 1) { // Target state and status, V2
mm->tss.valid = 1;
mm->tss.sil_type = getbit(me, 8) ? SIL_PER_SAMPLE : SIL_PER_HOUR;
mm->tss.altitude_type = getbit(me, 9) ? TSS_ALTITUDE_FMS : TSS_ALTITUDE_MCP;
unsigned alt_bits = getbits(me, 10, 20);
if (alt_bits == 0) {
mm->tss.altitude_valid = 0;
} else {
mm->tss.altitude_valid = 1;
mm->tss.altitude = (alt_bits - 1) * 32;
unsigned baro_bits = getbits(me, 21, 29);
if (baro_bits == 0) {
mm->tss.baro_valid = 0;
} else {
mm->tss.baro_valid = 1;
mm->tss.baro = 800.0 + (baro_bits - 1) * 0.8;
mm->tss.heading_valid = getbit(me, 30);
if (mm->tss.heading_valid) {
// two's complement -180..+180, which is conveniently
// also the same as unsigned 0..360
mm->tss.heading = getbits(me, 31, 39) * 180 / 256;
mm->tss.nac_p = getbits(me, 40, 43);
mm->tss.nic_baro = getbit(me, 44);
mm->tss.sil = getbits(me, 45, 46);
mm->tss.mode_valid = getbit(me, 47);
if (mm->tss.mode_valid) {
mm->tss.mode_autopilot = getbit(me, 48);
mm->tss.mode_vnav = getbit(me, 49);
mm->tss.mode_alt_hold = getbit(me, 50);
mm->tss.mode_approach = getbit(me, 52);
mm->tss.acas_operational = getbit(me, 53);
case 29:
decodeESTargetStatus(mm, check_imf);
case 30: // Aircraft Operational Coordination
case 31: // Aircraft Operational Status
if (check_imf && getbit(me, 56))
if (mm->mesub == 0 || mm->mesub == 1) {
mm->opstatus.valid = 1;
mm->opstatus.version = getbits(me, 41, 43);
switch (mm->opstatus.version) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (getbits(me, 25, 26) == 0) {
mm->opstatus.om_acas_ra = getbit(me, 27);
mm->opstatus.om_ident = getbit(me, 28);
mm->opstatus.om_atc = getbit(me, 29);
if (mm->mesub == 0 && getbits(me, 9, 10) == 0 && getbits(me, 13, 14) == 0) {
// airborne
mm->opstatus.cc_acas = !getbit(me, 11);
mm->opstatus.cc_cdti = getbit(me, 12);
mm->opstatus.cc_arv = getbit(me, 15);
mm->opstatus.cc_ts = getbit(me, 16);
mm->opstatus.cc_tc = getbits(me, 17, 18);
} else if (mm->mesub == 1 && getbits(me, 9, 10) == 0 && getbits(me, 13, 14) == 0) {
// surface
mm->opstatus.cc_poa = getbit(me, 11);
mm->opstatus.cc_cdti = getbit(me, 12);
mm->opstatus.cc_b2_low = getbit(me, 15);
mm->opstatus.cc_lw_valid = 1;
mm->opstatus.cc_lw = getbits(me, 21, 24);
mm->opstatus.nic_supp_a = getbit(me, 44);
mm->opstatus.nac_p = getbits(me, 45, 48);
mm->opstatus.sil = getbits(me, 51, 52);
if (mm->mesub == 0) {
mm->opstatus.nic_baro = getbit(me, 53);
} else {
mm->opstatus.track_angle = getbit(me, 53) ? ANGLE_TRACK : ANGLE_HEADING;
mm->opstatus.hrd = getbit(me, 54) ? HEADING_MAGNETIC : HEADING_TRUE;
case 2:
if (getbits(me, 25, 26) == 0) {
mm->opstatus.om_acas_ra = getbit(me, 27);
mm->opstatus.om_ident = getbit(me, 28);
mm->opstatus.om_atc = getbit(me, 29);
mm->opstatus.om_saf = getbit(me, 30);
mm->opstatus.om_sda = getbits(me, 31, 32);
if (mm->mesub == 0 && getbits(me, 9, 10) == 0 && getbits(me, 13, 14) == 0) {
// airborne
mm->opstatus.cc_acas = getbit(me, 11);
mm->opstatus.cc_1090_in = getbit(me, 12);
mm->opstatus.cc_arv = getbit(me, 15);
mm->opstatus.cc_ts = getbit(me, 16);
mm->opstatus.cc_tc = getbits(me, 17, 18);
mm->opstatus.cc_uat_in = getbit(me, 19);
} else if (mm->mesub == 1 && getbits(me, 9, 10) == 0 && getbits(me, 13, 14) == 0) {
// surface
mm->opstatus.cc_poa = getbit(me, 11);
mm->opstatus.cc_1090_in = getbit(me, 12);
mm->opstatus.cc_b2_low = getbit(me, 15);
mm->opstatus.cc_uat_in = getbit(me, 16);
mm->opstatus.cc_nac_v = getbits(me, 17, 19);
mm->opstatus.cc_nic_supp_c = getbit(me, 20);
mm->opstatus.cc_lw_valid = 1;
mm->opstatus.cc_lw = getbits(me, 21, 24);
mm->opstatus.cc_antenna_offset = getbits(me, 33, 40);
mm->opstatus.nic_supp_a = getbit(me, 44);
mm->opstatus.nac_p = getbits(me, 45, 48);
mm->opstatus.sil = getbits(me, 51, 52);
if (mm->mesub == 0) {
mm->opstatus.gva = getbits(me, 49, 50);
mm->opstatus.nic_baro = getbit(me, 53);
} else {
mm->opstatus.track_angle = getbit(me, 53) ? ANGLE_TRACK : ANGLE_HEADING;
mm->opstatus.hrd = getbit(me, 54) ? HEADING_MAGNETIC : HEADING_TRUE;
mm->opstatus.sil_type = getbit(me, 55) ? SIL_PER_SAMPLE : SIL_PER_HOUR;
case 31:
decodeESOperationalStatus(mm, check_imf);