Merge branch 'pr-39' into dev

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Oliver Jowett 2019-05-02 22:19:19 +08:00
commit 01b07ec50a

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@ -38,19 +38,56 @@ This file contains dump1090's list of recently seen aircraft. The keys are:
* messages: the total number of Mode S messages processed since dump1090 started. * messages: the total number of Mode S messages processed since dump1090 started.
* aircraft: an array of JSON objects, one per known aircraft. Each aircraft has the following keys. Keys will be omitted if data is not available. * aircraft: an array of JSON objects, one per known aircraft. Each aircraft has the following keys. Keys will be omitted if data is not available.
* hex: the 24-bit ICAO identifier of the aircraft, as 6 hex digits. The identifier may start with '~', this means that the address is a non-ICAO address (e.g. from TIS-B). * hex: the 24-bit ICAO identifier of the aircraft, as 6 hex digits. The identifier may start with '~', this means that the address is a non-ICAO address (e.g. from TIS-B).
* squawk: the 4-digit squawk (octal representation) * type: type of underlying message, one of:
* flight: the flight name / callsign * adsb_icao: messages from a Mode S or ADS-B transponder, using a 24-bit ICAO address
* lat, lon: the aircraft position in decimal degrees * adsb_icao_nt: messages from an ADS-B equipped "non-transponder" emitter e.g. a ground vehicle, using a 24-bit ICAO address
* nucp: the NUCp (navigational uncertainty category) reported for the position * adsr_icao: rebroadcast of ADS-B messages originally sent via another data link e.g. UAT, using a 24-bit ICAO address
* seen_pos: how long ago (in seconds before "now") the position was last updated * tisb_icao: traffic information about a non-ADS-B target identified by a 24-bit ICAO address, e.g. a Mode S target tracked by secondary radar
* altitude: the aircraft altitude in feet, or "ground" if it is reporting it is on the ground * adsb_other: messages from an ADS-B transponder using a non-ICAO address, e.g. anonymized address
* vert_rate: vertical rate in feet/minute * adsr_other: rebroadcast of ADS-B messages originally sent via another data link e.g. UAT, using a non-ICAO address
* tisb_other: traffic information about a non-ADS-B target using a non-ICAO address
* tisb_trackfile: traffic information about a non-ADS-B target using a track/file identifier, typically from primary or Mode A/C radar
* flight: callsign, the flight name or aircraft registration as 8 chars (
* alt_baro: the aircraft barometric altitude in feet
* alt_geom: geometric (GNSS / INS) altitude in feet referenced to the WGS84 ellipsoid
* gs: ground speed in knots
* ias: indicated air speed in knots
* tas: true air speed in knots
* mach: Mach number
* track: true track over ground in degrees (0-359) * track: true track over ground in degrees (0-359)
* speed: reported speed in kt. This is usually speed over ground, but might be IAS - you can't tell the difference here, sorry! * track_rate: Rate of change of track, degrees/second
* roll: Roll, degrees, negative is left roll
* mag_heading: Heading, degrees clockwise from magnetic north
* true_heading: Heading, degrees clockwise from true north
* baro_rate: Rate of change of barometric altitude, feet/minute
* geom_rate: Rate of change of geometric (GNSS / INS) altitude, feet/minute
* squawk: Mode A code (Squawk), encoded as 4 octal digits
* emergency: ADS-B emergency/priority status, a superset of the 7x00 squawks (
* category: emitter category to identify particular aircraft or vehicle classes (values A0 - D7) (
* nav_qnh: altimeter setting (QFE or QNH/QNE), hPa
* nav_altitude: selected altitude
* nav_heading: selected heading
* nav_modes: set of engaged automation modes: 'autopilot', 'vnav', 'althold', 'approach', 'lnav', 'tcas'
* lat, lon: the aircraft position in decimal degrees
* nic: Navigation Integrity Category (
* rc: Radius of Containment, meters; a measure of position integrity derived from NIC & supplementary bits. (, Table 2-69)
* seen_pos: how long ago (in seconds before "now") the position was last updated
* version: ADS-B Version Number 0, 1, 2 (3-7 are reserved) (
* nic_baro: Navigation Integrity Category for Barometric Altitude (
* nac_p: Navigation Accuracy for Position (
* nac_v: Navigation Accuracy for Velocity (
* sil: Source Integity Level (
* sil_type: interpretation of SIL: unknown, perhour, persample
* gva: Geometric Vertical Accuracy (
* sda: System Design Assurance (
* mlat: list of fields derived from MLAT data
* tisb: list of fields derived from TIS-B data
* messages: total number of Mode S messages received from this aircraft * messages: total number of Mode S messages received from this aircraft
* seen: how long ago (in seconds before "now") a message was last received from this aircraft * seen: how long ago (in seconds before "now") a message was last received from this aircraft
* rssi: recent average RSSI (signal power), in dbFS; this will always be negative. * rssi: recent average RSSI (signal power), in dbFS; this will always be negative.
Section references ( refer to DO-260B.
## history_0.json, history_1.json, ..., history_119.json ## history_0.json, history_1.json, ..., history_119.json
These files are historical copies of aircraft.json at (by default) 30 second intervals. They follow exactly the These files are historical copies of aircraft.json at (by default) 30 second intervals. They follow exactly the