
223 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

var planeObject = {
oldlat : null,
oldlon : null,
oldalt : null,
// Basic location information
altitude : null,
speed : null,
track : null,
latitude : null,
longitude : null,
// Info about the plane
flight : null,
squawk : null,
icao : null,
is_selected : false,
// Data packet numbers
messages : null,
seen : null,
// Vaild...
vPosition : false,
vTrack : false,
// GMap Details
marker : null,
markerColor : MarkerColor,
lines : [],
trackdata : new Array(),
trackline : new Array(),
// When was this last updated?
updated : null,
reapable : false,
// Appends data to the running track so we can get a visual tail on the plane
// Only useful for a long running browser session.
funcAddToTrack : function(){
// TODO: Write this function out
this.trackdata.push([this.latitude, this.longitude, this.altitude, this.track, this.speed]);
this.trackline.push(new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude));
// This is to remove the line from the screen if we deselect the plane
funcClearLine : function() {
console.log("Clearing line for: " + this.icao);
if (this.line) {
this.line = null;
// Should create an icon for us to use on the map...
funcGetIcon : function() {
// If this marker is selected we should make it lighter than the rest.
if (this.is_selected == true) {
this.markerColor = SelectedColor;
// If the squawk code is one of the international emergency codes,
// match the info window alert color.
if (this.squawk == 7500) {
this.markerColor = "rgb(255, 85, 85)";
if (this.squawk == 7600) {
this.markerColor = "rgb(0, 255, 255)";
if (this.squawk == 7700) {
this.markerColor = "rgb(255, 255, 0)";
// If we have not overwritten color by now, an extension still could but
// just keep on trucking. :)
return {
strokeWeight: (this.is_selected ? 2 : 1),
path: google.maps.SymbolPath.FORWARD_CLOSED_ARROW,
scale: 5,
fillColor: this.markerColor,
fillOpacity: 0.9,
rotation: this.track
// TODO: Trigger actions of a selecting a plane
funcSelectPlane : function(selectedPlane){
// Update our data
funcUpdateData : function(data){
// So we can find out if we moved
var oldlat = this.latitude;
var oldlon = this.longitude;
var oldalt = this.altitude;
// Update all of our data
this.updated = new Date().getTime();
this.altitude = data.altitude;
this.speed = data.speed;
this.track = data.track;
this.latitude = data.lat;
this.longitude = data.lon;
this.flight = data.flight;
this.squawk = data.squawk;
this.icao = data.hex;
this.messages = data.messages;
this.seen = data.seen;
// If no packet in over 58 seconds, consider the plane reapable
// This way we can hold it, but not show it just in case the plane comes back
if (this.seen > 58) {
this.reapable = true;
if (this.marker) {
this.marker = null;
if (this.line) {
this.line = null;
if (SelectedPlane == this.icao) {
if (this.is_selected) {
this.is_selected = false;
SelectedPlane = null;
} else {
if (this.reapable == true) {
console.log(this.icao + ' has come back into range before the reaper!');
this.reapable = false;
// Is the position valid?
if ((data.validposition == 1) && (this.reapable == false)) {
this.vPosition = true;
// Detech if the plane has moved
changeLat = false;
changeLon = false;
changeAlt = false;
if (oldlat != this.latitude) {
changeLat = true;
if (oldlon != this.longitude) {
changeLon = true;
if (oldalt != this.altitude) {
changeAlt = true;
// Right now we only care about lat/long, if alt is updated only, oh well
if ((changeLat == true) || (changeLon == true)) {
if (this.is_selected) {
this.line = this.funcUpdateLines();
this.marker = this.funcUpdateMarker();
} else {
this.vPosition = false;
// Do we have a valid track for the plane?
if (data.validtrack == 1)
this.vTrack = true;
this.vTrack = false;
// Update our marker on the map
funcUpdateMarker: function() {
if (this.marker) {
this.marker.setPosition(new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude));
} else {
this.marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude),
map: GoogleMap,
icon: this.funcGetIcon(),
visable: true,
// This is so we can match icao address
this.marker.icao = this.icao;
// Trap clicks for this marker.
google.maps.event.addListener(this.marker, 'click', this.funcSelectPlane);
// Setting the marker title
if (this.flight.length == 0) {
} else {
this.marker.setTitle(this.flight+' ('+this.icao+')');
return this.marker;
// Update our planes tail line,
// TODO: Make this multi colored based on options
// altitude (default) or speed
funcUpdateLines: function() {
if (this.line) {
var path = this.line.getPath();
path.push(new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude));
} else {
console.log("Starting new line");
this.line = new google.maps.Polyline({
strokeColor: '#000000',
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 3,
map: GoogleMap,
path: this.trackline,
return this.line;